CallsStrenghening the University Collections

Objective: To strengthen the university collections, in particular by improving accessibility and linking research and collections

Preliminary remark: The funds of the University of Excellence are earmarked for a specific purpose, they serve the strategic further development of the University in the field of top-level research and may only be used for the purpose of raising the profile of the Field of Focus 3 or Heidelberg University, internal and external networking, the promotion of young researchers and transfer.

Funding is provided for measures that make the university collections more accessible and make their potential for research visible. Funding is also available for cross-collection measures in research and transfer or for networking the collections with non-university institutions.

Type of funding: Material and personnel funding (auxiliary staff funding) can be applied for.

Advice: Before submitting an application in this funding line, it is necessary to consult the Research Council office of FoF 3: Dr. Nele Schneidereit (

Maximum application amount: EUR 15,000

All researchers at Heidelberg University with at least a doctorate are eligible to apply. The application and involvement of young researchers is strongly encouraged.


Required information:

  • Participating university collection(s) (prior agreement required)
  • Abstract (max. 1,000 characters)
  • Detailed description
  • Preliminary work program with financial and time schedule (broken down by calendar year)
  • Brief information on the applicant (short CV, selected publications)

Application deadline: Please send your application in electronic form (summarized in a PDF document) with the subject "FoF3-Transfer" to Dr. Nele Schneidereit (

Call deadline: currently none.

The application is submitted to the FoF3 Research Council. The RC will make a funding recommendation, on which the Rectorate will decide. If you have any questions regarding the call for proposals, please contact Dr. Nele Schneidereit by e-mail.