Metabolomics Core Technology PlatformServices & Equipment


Targeted Metabolomics

Targeted analyses screen for sets of defined metabolites of high importance in all biological matrices. Targeted assays allow absolute quantification using sets of external or internal standards.

Usually, targeted assays are performed on low abundant compounds that are not detected by explorative untargeted analyses.

For targeted analysis of additional metabolites than those listed here, please contact the MCTP. Our services include extraction, separation and detection of metabolites and basic bio-informatic analysis of the data.

Untargeted Metabolomics

Untargeted analyses screen for all detectable compounds using validated chromatography and mass spectrometry methods.

Depending on the sample type and platform, 10-30% of all detectable peaks are identified by retention times and/or mass spectra using in-house, commercial or publicly available databases, yielding additional structurally unknown compounds for explorative analyses. Quantitative data are typically reported as fold changes between sample groups and relative peak intensities (for example, normalized to the peak intensities found in quality control samples or internal standard).

Large-scale Metabolome Profiling

Large-scale Metabolome Profiling can be carried out for biofluids, cells, and tissue samples of various origins, using validated Biocrates MxP® Quant 500 kits.

This assay provides absolute quantitative values for up to 630 different compounds from various important metabolite and lipid classes and 230 sums and ratios of relevant metabolic pathways. In particular, this technique is highly recommended for studies using human tissue as well as large cohort studies.


13C Metabolic Tracing Analysis is the primary technique to determine alterations in enzymatic reaction rates in cells or in vivo systems via incorporation of heavy labeled tracer molecules, e.g. 13C-Glucose or 13C-Glutamine.

Via sophisticated GC-TOF based analysis we can determine incorporation into up to 40 central metabolic compound classes like amino acids, Glycolysis and TCA-cycle intermediates and nucleotides.


  • High sensitivity triple-quad LC-MS/MS instruments for targeted assays

  • High-resolution, high mass accuracy LC-QTOF with ion-mobility separation, mainly for Untargeted Metabolomics

  • GC-TOF instrument for central metabolism screening & GC-MS for analyses of fatty acids

  • Various LC systems coupled to optical and special detectors & automated pipetting system