RankingMedicine ranked first Germany-wide

17 December 2019

Life Sciences and Physical Sciences also excel in Times Higher Education Ranking by Subject

Medicine at Heidelberg University is still in top position in Germany. It has retained its first place in a ranking list by subject groups now published as part of the Times Higher Education World University Ranking for 2019/2020. At the international level, Heidelberg University is placed 34th in the field of Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health. In a Germany-wide comparison, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ranked second and third respectively, with 44th (Charité) and 48th (LMU) place internationally. Heidelberg’s Life Sciences and Physical Sciences also receive outstanding placings.

In the field of Life Sciences, Heidelberg University once again ranks second in Germany. Internationally, the Life Sciences are ranked 37th. As in the previous year, Physical Sciences ranked third in a nationwide comparison, with 32nd place worldwide. Heidelberg’s Arts and Humanities are listed 32nd internationally and again fourth nationally. In the general Times Higher Education World University Ranking Heidelberg occupies 44th position and is thus one of the Top 50 universities worldwide. Alongside LMU and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), it is one of the best three universities in Germany.

The Times Higher Education (THE) criteria of ranking by subject correspond to those of the overall ranking, but are weighted differently for each subject group. The weighting is based on different indicators in the five performance areas of teaching, research, citations, international outlook and income from industry.