DonationsAssistance for students and researchers affected by the war in Ukraine

There have been many signs of sympathy and solidarity for the students, doctoral candidates and researchers at Heidelberg University who are affected by the war in Ukraine. Many people would like to demonstrate their academic bonds and provide practical assistance in situations of need. We have received repeated inquiries about the possibilities of giving financial support.

To meet this concern we have set up the following donation account.


Assistance for students and researchers affected by the war in Ukraine

Recipient: Stiftungskasse Universität Heidelberg
IBAN: DE90 6005 0101 7421 5042 29
Reference: Solidarity

Donating online

If you wish, we will be glad to send you a tax certificate as confirmation of your donation. For that purpose, please give your address details on the bank transfer form. The German tax authority (Finanzamt) accepts bank statements as sufficient proof of donations up to €300.