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Conference EARLI SIG 16 2024 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

11th International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning in Heidelberg

We are excited to welcome you to Heidelberg for the 11th EARLI SIG 16  Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Conference.

The main conference will be held from 11 to 13 September 2024.
The pre-conference workshop will take place from 10 to 11 September 2024. 

The conference theme is:
Empowering Learners and Shaping the Future of Education

We are looking forward to your contributions, fruitful discussions, and to hosting you in Heidelberg.


Reflecting on the conference theme “Empowering Learners and Shaping the Future of Education,” we explored how metacognition and self-regulated learning resonate deeply with our mission to bridge the gap between cognitive processes and societal impacts. In a total of 14 symposia, 2 open formats, 42 individual contributions, 34 posters, and 3 pre-conference workshops, the talks and discussions centered on how learning, motivation, and self-regulation can be fostered not only in academic settings but also in families, classrooms, and with the support of digital learning tools and AI. The event successfully inspired meaningful dialogue and collaborations, shaping future pathways for empowering learners and advancing education. 

A big thank you to all the participants for their great contributions and exciting research. We look forward to hopefully seeing you again soon. 
Warm regards,
Silke Hertel and her team


Welcome Addresses

Read the welcome addresses by Silke Hertel, Yves Karlen, and Jan Rummel.

Some Final Information

On your marks - Get set - Go!
Here you can find some final information on the conference.

Conference Programme 

Conference: 11 to 13 September 2024
Preconference Workshops: 10 to 11 September 2024

Keynote Speaker

Information about our keynote speakers and their presentations

Preconference Workshops

More information on our preconference workshops

Paper Submission (closed)

Information on submission types and deadlines for paper submission
**The paper submission was closed on 31 January 2024 and is no longer possible.**

Registration (closed)

Registration deadlines and fees for conference and preconference workshops
**The registration was closed on 9 August 2024 and is no longer possible.**

JURE Keynote Recognition (closed)

Information on nominations for the JURE Keynote Recognition
**The nomination was closed on 21 May 2024 and is no longer possible.**