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Preconference Workshops

We are pleased to announce three workshops as part of the preconference activities for the EARLI SIG 16 conference in Heidelberg. 

  • Workshop #1: Searching for objective measures of strategies in metacognition and SRL (Facilitators: Sandrine Rossi & Jerome Clerc)
  • Workshop #2: SRL is important, but who cares? Science communication as an instrument to close the research-practice gap in self-regulated learning (Facilitators: Johannes Jud & Rebecca Pape)
  • Workshop #3: Opportunities, challenges and next steps in promoting self-regulated learning across schools and countries (Facilitators: Yves Karlen, Hilde Van Keer, Kimberley MacNeil, Mathias Mejeh, Nancy Perry, & Leyton Schnellert)

The workshops will take place on September 10th (Workshop #1 and #2 will last the whole Tuesday, workshop #3 only Tuesday afternoon). Registration for the workshops is possible via ConfTool (see link on the right).

Further information can be found in the workshop announcements, which are available for download below. 

Together with the facilitators, we look forward to numerous participants and fruitful workshops.

Warm regards,

Silke Hertel and the organizers of EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning Conference 2024