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Paper Submission (closed)


** The paper submission is closed! **

Dear Colleagues,

The Heidelberg University, along with the Field of Focus 4 (Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Societies), and the Institute of Education, is looking forward to inviting you to the 11th International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16 to Heidelberg from September 11th until September 13th 2024. The Preconference will take place from September 10th to 11th 2024. The conference theme is Empowering Learners and Shaping the Future of Education. 

Continuing the tradition of the former conferences, we will have a broad focus on the topics Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning. Therefore, we call for submissions from all different fields of Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning research from all over the world to come together to discuss current theory and research evidence. 

Submission process

Start of proposal submission: 13 November 2023

Deadline for proposal submission: 31 January 2024

Notification of acceptance: 19 April 2024

We look forward to welcome you to Heidelberg in 2024!

** The paper submission is closed! **


We will welcome contributions to these types of sessions:

  • Symposia (We strongly encourage you to contact colleagues and submit a symposium!)
  • Paper Sessions
  • Poster Session
  • Open Format


Symposia provide the opportunity to present research on one topic and compile a coherent set of papers. The symposium's organizers chair the Symposium sessions and involve three presentations followed by a discussion by one discussant.

Contributions should be from at least three different countries.

Submission for a symposium consist of a general abstract (100–200 words) for the proposed symposium, which describes the central topic of the symposium, as well as an abstract (100–200 words) and an extended summary (400–600 words excluding references) for each individual paper. The extended summary should address: 

  1. theoretical framework, 
  2. aims of the study and research questions, 
  3. methodology (participants, context, 
    materials, instruments, data analyses), 
  4. results, 
  5. discussion and implications 

Please provide 3 to 4 keywords for the symposium and for each individual paper.

Symposium sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Each presenter as well as the discussant of the symposium has 15 minutes for the individual presentation/discussion. The remaining time is used for open discussion guided by the organizers of the symposium.

This image shows an icon of a presenter / speaker at a conference.


Paper sessions provide an opportunity to submit research on a specific topic that is not included in a symposium or for which an international network is not yet available to submit a symposium. We will try to arrange single papers into sessions that fit one topic. Please help us by providing clear keywords. Single-paper sessions are directed by a chair and involve four presentations followed by a discussion with the audience.

Submission for a single paper consists of an abstract (100–200 words) and an extended summary (400–600 words excluding references). The extended summary should address: 

  1. theoretical framework, 
  2. aims of the study and research questions, 
  3. methodology (participants, context, materials, instruments, data analyses), 
  4. results, 
  5. discussion and implications 

Please provide 3 to 4 keywords for the individual paper.

Single paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Each presenter has 15 minutes for the presentation. The remaining time is used for open discussion guided by the chair of the paper session.

This image shows an icon of a paper.


The poster session offers the chance to present research in a visual format and gives more opportunities for interaction and discussion. The poster session is scheduled for 90 minutes. The audience circulates among the posters, stopping to discuss research of particular interest. Presenters don’t need to prepare an introduction but should make sure to stand at their poster during this time to answer questions and give further information on their research. The poster size is A0 (height: 120 cm, width 90 cm). The poster format is portrait/vertical position. 

The proposals should consist of:

  • A title of up to 100 characters (including spaces).
  • An abstract of 100–200 words. 
  • An extended summary of 400–600 words (excluding references), detailing the aims, methodology, findings, and theoretical and educational significance of the research. This extended summary is the basis for the reviewers. 

Please provide 3 to 4 keywords for the individual poster.

The three best posters from JURE members will be awarded, and the winners will be honored at the Conference Dinner.


This image shows an icon of a poster.


The open format offers the chance for innovative, creative, and interactive session proposals that contribute to our program and actively involve the participants. Whether you want to organize a discussion round, demonstration of tools or instruments, interactive poster presentation, or panel – we are open to all formats that promote exchange and collaborative learning.

The proposals should consist of:

  • A title of up to 100 characters (including spaces).
  • An abstract of 100–200 words. 
  • An extended summary of 600–1000 words, detailing the aims, content, and planned format of the session (incl. the originality of the approach and the potential for interaction and engagement of the participants). 
    This extended summary is the basis for the reviewers. 

Please provide 3 to 4 keywords for the open format session.

Open format sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes.

This image shows an icon of an arrow in a circle.