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Registration (closed)

Main Conference

** The registration in ConfTool is closed! **

All participants are required to register for the conference. The conference fees listed below are per person and include conference participation, coffee breaks on 11–13 September 2024, lunches on 12–13 September 2024, the opening reception on 11 September, the conference dinner on 12 September, and the conference closing on 13 September 2024. 

The registration process will be managed through ConfTool. The feature will be activated soon.

  • The early bird registration deadline is 30 June 2024.
  • The regular registration ends on 9 August 2024.

During the registration process, you will be asked to indicate whether you would like to join the complementary opening reception on 11 September, the conference dinner on 12 September (JIL Wine and Dine), and the conference closing on 13 September 2024. 

EARLI members working in low GDP Contries are offered a reduced conference registration fee. To qualify for these fees, you must reside and work in a low GDP country (as per your institute and country of employment in your EARLI account).

** The registration in ConfTool is closed! **

We look forward to welcoming  you in Heidelberg.

Registration fees


(April to 30 June 2024)
(1 July to 9 August 2024)
EARLI Members
260 EUR
300 EUR
EARLI Members from low GDP countries*
190 EUR
230 EUR
360 EUR
400 EUR
JURE Members*
180 EUR
210 EUR
JURE Members from low GDP countries*
130 EUR
160 EUR
Students Non-Members*
250 EUR
280 EUR
* Verification of eligibility for the discount is necessary. Please note the information provided below.

Please note that you must be registered by August 9 at the latest in order to participate in the conference.

The conference fee does not include:

  • Accommodation. For your convenience, we have pre-reserved a block of rooms in various hotels that you can book through the hotel booking website. Of course, you can also book at any other hotel of your choice. 
  • Pre-Conference Workshops. The preconference workshops require separate registration. This can also be done through ConfTool. Registration for the pre-conference workshops requires registration for the conference. This feature will be unlocked at a later date. Further information on this will follow shortly.
  • Additional Optional Social Events (e.g., City Tour Oldtown Heidelberg, Cocktail Hour).

Verification of eligibility for the discount

If you have registered for a reduced participation fee (student or EARLI Members from low GDP countries), please send us proof (e.g. copy of your student ID, proof of reduced EARLI membership fees) on the day of your registration via email: sig16HD@ibw.uni-heidelberg.de. Thank you!

Preconference Workshop

Registration for the preconference workshops requires registration for the conference. 

Please note that you must be registered by August 9 for the conference and the preconference workshops at the latest in order to participate.

** The registration for the preconference workshops is closed **


(April to 30 June 2024)
(1 July to 9 August 2024)
Half-Day Workshop
40 EUR
40 EUR
Full-Day Workshop
60 EUR
60 EUR

The preconference workshop fee does not include:

  • Accommodation. For your convenience, we have pre-reserved a block of rooms in various hotels that you can book through the hotel booking website. Of course, you can also book at any other hotel of your choice. 
  • Additional Optional Social Events (e.g., City Tour Oldtown Heidelberg, Cocktail Hour).

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation policy applies to both the conference and the pre-conference workshops.

Cancellations before and on 9 August 2024

If you cancel before and on August 9, 2024, a 40% administration fee will be charged. You will be refunded 60%.

Cancellations as of 10 August 2024

Cancellations made after August 10th will not be refunded. It is not possible to transfer the registration to a colleague.

In any case, cancellation must be made by email: sig16HD@ibw.uni-heidelberg.de