CoronaVaccination is the Most Important Way Out of the Pandemic

21 July 2021

University supports state-wide Action Week with an appeal to take advantage of vaccination opportunities

Vaccination is an essential element in the plan to enable a winter semester back on campus. That is something that the Rector of Heidelberg University, Prof. Dr Bernhard Eitel, is keen to underline. Accordingly, the university supports the state-wide campaign #dranbleiben BW (“stick at it, BW”), with which the State of Baden-Württemberg is appealing to citizens to make use of current vaccination opportunities and ensure they are vaccinated before the summer holidays. For the members of Ruperto Carola, and in particular the students, there are various opportunities for vaccination, which will be backed up by further programmes in the Action Week lasting until 28 July 2021.

The state government’s message: “Vaccination continues to be our most important way out of the pandemic – and it is a challenge for the whole of society. Only if we convince a large number of those entitled to be vaccinated that they should go ahead and do it can we hope for a safe autumn.” The government is implementing a variety of vaccination drives in conjunction with municipalities, vaccination centres, doctors in private practice and company physicians. In view of the decline in demand for inoculation, it is vital to reach out to those who are still undecided or have questions and fears.

For staff at Heidelberg University, the university medical service is offering vaccination with BioNTech Mondays to Fridays between 9:00 and 12:00. Advance registration online is required. Appointments can only be made by telephone and are also possible at short notice. Members of the university, particularly students, can also be vaccinated at the district vaccination centre in the Gesellschaftshaus Heidelberg-Pfaffengrund (Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 to 19:00). In this case, no appointment is necessary. There is a choice between viral vector or mRNA vaccines.