Faculty of LawHonorary Doctorate for Ryuji Yamamoto

Press Release No 127/2019
25 November 2019

Heidelberg Faculty of Law Honours Japanese Jurist

The Faculty of Law at Heidelberg University will confer an honorary doctorate on Japanese jurist Prof. Dr Ryuji Yamamoto in recognition of his outstanding research and teaching in the field of public law, especially administrative law, as well as his dedication to academic cooperation between German and Japanese colleagues. Prof. Yamamoto teaches and researches at the University of Tokyo and has had ties to the Heidelberg faculty for more than 20 years. At the ceremony on 29 November 2019, 54 doctoral candidates in law of the 2018/2019 academic year will also receive their diplomas. Furthermore, six alumni who completed their law doctorates at Ruperto Carola 50 years ago will be presented with their golden doctoral diplomas.

Portrait Prof. Dr Ryuji Yamamoto

“Ryuji Yamamoto is an eminent researcher in jurisprudence who has made exceptional contributions in service to German-Japanese exchange in administrative law, thereby cultivating a particularly close relationship with the Faculty of Law at Heidelberg University,” emphasises the Dean of the faculty, Prof. Dr Ekkehart Reimer. The Japanese law scholar has been a guest at Ruperto Carola nearly every year since 1995. As an enthusiastic lecturer and academic dialogue partner – not least for doctoral and habilitation candidates – he has also long enriched teaching at the Heidelberg Faculty of Law, states the Dean.

According to Prof. Dr Wolfgang Kahl, Executive Director of the Institute for German and European Administrative Law, Prof. Yamamoto delves into both the basic and practical issues of administrative law – always through the prism of constitutional law. “His intensive work in comparative law with Germany is particularly noteworthy. In that regard, Ryuji Yamamoto serves a valuable function as an academic bridge and transfer agent,” states Prof. Kahl. The honorary doctorate is being given to Prof. Yamamoto for “services to the foundation of an administrative legal system in Japan and Germany as well as exchange in the field of administrative law,” as cited in the justification statement for issuing the honorary doctorate.

The jurist has been a professor at the University of Tokyo since 2004, where he received both his undergraduate and advanced degrees. Prof. Yamamoto has published numerous scholarly articles and is a member of key committees that advise the Japanese government.

Heidelberg University Rector Prof. Dr Bernhard Eitel will open the ceremony along with the Dean of the Faculty of Law. Prof. Dr Christian Waldhoff of the Humboldt University of Berlin will deliver the keynote, entitled “Sacred rights to secular rights. The reception of religious rights in the secular state”. The address in honour of Prof. Yamamoto will be delivered by the Executive Director of the Institute for German and European Administrative Law. The honorary doctorate will be awarded thereafter, followed by the presentation of the other doctoral degree certificates.

Note to News Desks

The ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Old University. Members of the media are cordially invited to attend. Please register at: geschaeftsstelle-dekanat@jurs.uni-heidelberg.de