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Call for Proposals Support of Research Initiatives Within Field of Focus 2


The Research Council of the Field of Focus 2 (FoF2), “Patterns and Structures in Mathematics, Data, and the Material World”, aims to foster novel research ideas to harness the broad synergy potential on the Heidelberg Campus with the goal to identify new interdisciplinary research schemes. Innovative research and strong research networks are the drivers in the initiation of new collaborative initiatives, e.g. Excellence Clusters (EXC).

The structural priorities of FoF2 are

  • Research for a sustainable future
  • Machine learning as a catalyst in innovative applications 

Therefore, FoF2 plans to provide seed funds for novel research and networking activities
dedicated to climate change and the need for global actions in all its facets as well as research topics where machine learning could be helpful to boost your research in FoF2 related fields.


The requested funds must be justified by their strategic importance in view of the aims laid out above and appropriate to the proposed project. The maximum amount of 250 k€ should not be exceeded. The requested funds must be spent in 2025.


The project outline is limited to 4 pages (budget plan, CV, and further appendices excluded) and may be submitted by permanent group leaders of the FoF2. Non-permanent junior research group leaders are explicitly encouraged to apply as well but require a support letter by their host institution. The proposal should highlight interdisciplinary and strategic aspects of the project, the synergy aimed at, the use or further development of FoF2 structures, and the potential of developing sustainable, new collaborative research lines. 

Funded projects have to be administered by a university member.The proposal should focus on the following aspects:

  • Short summary
  • Status quo and aim of the project
  • Placement within the discipline and potential competitors
  • Interdisciplinary aspects and potential for subsequent funding or long-term structures
  • Transfer strategy and entrepreneurship
  • Integration into the university's sustainability strategy
  • Added value and strategical relevance for the FoF2 research community
  • Budget plan
  • CV of applicants or beneficiary


The Research Council will select proposals and suggest them to the Rectorate for funding.
The Research Council invites the applicants to present large-scale proposals in person.
Please make sure that you will be available in the afternoon of November 27th, 2024. The evaluation can involve additional experts for advice.

All applicants are requested to consult heiINNOVATION to assess the potential for entrepreneurship and transfer to industry.

Annual reporting on activities to the Research Council will be expected.


Deadline for proposal submission is 18 November 2024, 23:59. Proposals should be sent in a single pdf and with the subject line “FoF2-2-2024” to:

Proposals submitted after the deadline cannot be taken into account.

The subsequent call is expected in 2025.

Please contact Christiane Wickenhoefer, the managing director of FoF2, via email in case of further administrative questions, or your Research Council representative.