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Core Facility Nikon Imaging Center (NIC)

representative/decorative image: on a black background 5 different examples of imaging are shown (from super resolution to other techniques), representing Cellbiology, Neurobiology, Virology and Tumor & Developmental Biology - the image is basically a collage of imaging results. On the bottom left is the NIC´s logo.

The Nikon Imaging Center at Heidelberg University, located centrally on campus at Bioquant INF267, provides access and training in a wide variety of light microscopy techniques for the life sciences.

Logo Image: A rectangle shaped logo is divided horizontally by a black line. The text reads “Nikon Imaging Center @ Heidelberg University”. The upper half is white text on yellow background, the “@” is black and the lower half contains red letters on grey-white background with parts of a faded Heidelberg University logo on the right third.

Project Request

All researchers from Heidelberg University and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim can get training and access to the NIC microscopes. Training is mandatory, after which researchers can use the equipment independently. The NIC staff is always available for advice and can help to improve image acquisition.

Illustrated Service Request Timeline with 7 steps: 1. First contact (nic@uni-hd.de) 2. Registration in booking software PPMS 3. Training request form 4. Project disussion -> instrument assignment 5. Training on selected microscope 6. Independent image acquisition 7. further support (optional) project optimization, image analysis/ deconvolution/ rendering

Fees per hour apply for microscope use, depending on type of instrumentation and user affiliation.


Equipment & Services


Dr. Ulrike Engel
Head of Facility

Room U05
INF 267
69120 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 54 5652


Portrait photo: Ulrike Engel, a middle-aged white woman with straight brown hair a bit above shoulder length, smiles softly into the camera. She is placed in front of a light grey background, wearing a grey-blue button-up top, which is not buttoned all the way, but rather a bit légère.

Dr. Christian Ackermann
Assistant / Training on most Set-Ups

Dr. Nicolas Dross
2 Photon and Light Sheet Specialist / PPMS Contact Person


Selection of recent publications with significant contribution of the Nikon Imaging Center


Funding Resources

3 Logos are displayed: CellNetworks logo: a red circle is on the top left containing 5 symmetrically overlapping fully colored circles in yelloq, orange, red, green and blue. Below this symbol the name “Exzellenzcluster Cellnetworks” is written in dark red fading to light orange. Nikon Logo: Black bold letters “Nikon” on the bottom of a yellow square with diagonal white rays across. Wnt Pathway logo: on a dark turquoise square is white text “Wnt III” between Wnt and III are two intertwined green/blue bands.