
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 4211
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders



General information

Heidelberg University sees the idea of diversity as a contemporary translation of its traditional motto SEMPER APERTUS - always open. Openness applies to ideas and people, regardless of gender or age, origin or creed. The University values the human diversity that shapes it and regards it as a rich source of creativity and innovation.

By dealing with difference and diversity in a respectful and appreciative manner, Ruperto Carola contributes to equal opportunities and also offers its students the opportunity to prepare for their professional future in an ever-changing, increasingly diverse world.

Offering all university members equal opportunities in education and science means breaking down barriers and taking measures to promote all potentials. Actively embracing and shaping the cultural change brought about by internationality and interdisciplinarity in research and teaching is the goal of this university diversity programme.



governance neu





Here you will find everything about steering, self-commitment and self-image.

Structural prevention measures

Strukturelle Förderung





Here you will find all structural projects and measures.

Further training and awareness-raising





Here you will find training and awareness-raising opportunities.








Here you will find our individual support offers.
















Here you will find our and other advisory services for academics and institutions.

  • Diversity Consulting
  • Individual counselling on individual dimensions
  • Queer Counseling 
Verantwortlich: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 2024-06-17
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