Sommersemester 2021 hei_INNOVATION talks: Entrepreneurship
Im Sommersemster 2021 organisiert hei_INNOVATION erneut eine Vortragsreihe zum Thema Entrepreneurship und Innovation, die die Vorlesung „Entrepreneurship“ der Universität Heidelberg ergänzt. Die Reihe findet montags statt und beginnt am 26. April 2021. Sie präsentiert Sprecher, die sich in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar in den Bereichen Entrepreneurship, Innovationsmanagement und Business Model Innovation hervorgetan haben.
Die Vorträge beginnen jeweils um 17:00 Uhr und finden online entweder in englischer oder deutscher Sprache statt; sie sind öffentlich und jeder ist willkommen.
Montag, 26. April 2021, 17 Uhr
From Zero to Awesome
Tim Jaschke
Snocks GmbH
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Tim Jaschke is Head of Brand at SNOCKS and leads the creative sector of the company - his team is in charge of all the content that represents SNOCKS. Prior to his work at SNOCKS he worked at different corporations and as business consultant. SNOCKS sells clothing that wants to help their wearer to channel their full potential, making things easy at the same time by offering their customers a personal and practical shopping experience.
Montag, 3. Mai 2021, 17 Uhr
Björn-Christian Ningel
Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.
Sprache: Deutsch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Björn-Christian Ningel gained several years in sales and distribution before he founded – his own InsureTech startup – in 2015. Since then, he has been active in and committed to the startup scene. During his studies at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt he worked at a Ingolstadt-based company as a startup and innovation scout. After his studies he decided to turn his passion into his profession and started working at the Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V. in Berlin. In his current position he is in charge of the setup and expansion of the 16 state groups.
Montag, 10. Mai 2021, 17 Uhr
The Importance of a Team
Yannick Frank
YaLe Holding GmbH
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Yannick Frank has been active in recent years mainly as co-founder of He also participates in D2C companies like the earlybird coffee GmbH, The Female Company or Furthermore, as a startup mentor for over 50 teams, Yannick was able to learn a lot about the crucial success factors of startups.
Montag, 17. Mai 2021, 17 Uhr
A Founder Story
Oliver Brümmer
The Hackathon Company GmbH
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Oliver Bruemmer is the founder and CEO of The Hackathon Company GmbH. He describes his founding journey as follows:
„The founding story of our hackathons resulted from one widespread problem: I far too often witnessed how companies made their working life unnecessarily difficult. In the summer of 2018, the journey started. At that time, I still had another full-time job, therefore founding a start-up was not going to be easy. Nevertheless, I was, and to this day am still convinced of the mission behind The Hackathon Company and that I could not give up. Since the beginning of 2021, I have been dedicating myself full-time, with a team of over 15 people, to hackathons and helping companies find individual solutions. We are not about developing an exclusive product, nor do we want to ‘help’ anyone. Our aim is to be the needed sparring partner to companies, while making their day-to-day lives better/easier.“
Montag, 31. Mai 2021, 17 Uhr
Working in a Startup
Johannes Stiegeler
reCup GmbH
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
After a Bachelor's degree in Business Psychology and a Master's degree in General Management, Johannes has been working at Recup for 3.5 years. He started as a sales manager, was then a key account manager and teamlead key account. He currently holds the position as the teamlead sales.
Montag, 7. Juni 2021, 17 Uhr
The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Oliver Hanisch
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Oliver Hanisch is an entrepreneur, business angel and the CEO of Campus Founders. He is an expert in startups and startup ecosystems and a sought-after advisor, mentor, and investor. Oliver Hanisch has successfully founded and sold numerous startups and companies and in his 14 years in Silicon Valley, he was, among other engagements, co-founder of the German Accelerator. Since 2019, he has been leading Campus Founders and educating the next generation of responsible founders and innovators in a value-oriented way. With his activities, he promotes the startup and innovation ecosystem in Heilbronn-Franken, which, according to Wirtschaftswoche, is one of the most dynamic regions in Germany.
Montag, 14. Juni 2021, 17 Uhr
How to Become a Scientist Entrepreneur
Dr. Christian Tidona
BioMed X Institute
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Christian Tidona is a biotech entrepreneur, business angel, and founder of the BioMed X Institute in Heidelberg, Germany. He studied molecular biology and received his doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg. Throughout his entire professional life, his focus was always to seed innovation at the interface between academia and industry. Christian is co-founder of the Health Axis Europe alliance between the European health innovation clusters in Leuven, Maastricht, Copenhagen, and Heidelberg. He is chairman of the Weizmann Young European Network (WYEN) and member of the International Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
Montag, 21. Juni 2021, 17 Uhr
Shut Up and Listen. How Founders Often Become Their Own Biggest Enemy
Georg Fischer
Intelligent Enterprise Institute SAP SE
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
Georg Fischer, Global Head of Business Model Transformation at SAP, describes himself in the following way:
„I am a passionate business professional with a proven track record in the successful delivery of global projects and programs, being responsible for all phases from inspiration to market delivery. I have an open mind and great passion for change and new opportunities. I am a coach, trainer, speaker and project manager for Innovation Management leveraging Business Modell Innovation and Development as well as Design Thinking. Additionally, I am a lecturer at Universities in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Vienna for Innovation, Agility and Entrepreneurship.“
Montag, 28. Juni 2021, 17 Uhr
Spin-offs and How to Do Them
Prof. Dr. Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Fällt aus, verschoben auf das WS 2021/2022.
Montag, 5. Juli 2021, 17 Uhr
Larissa Epp
Chemische Werke Kluthe GmbH
Sprache: Englisch
Meeting-ID: 965 3613 1009
As a project leading employee of Chemische Werke Kluthe GmbH, Larissa Epp works in the Corporate Development division. In her function, she takes care of cross-divisional strategic projects for the further development of the company. This division offers an agile space for innovations, new business models and concepts that are approached with entrepreneurial spirit and initiative. Kluthe is thus one of the medium-sized companies that has successfully embraced the need for innovation and future orientation in its own company.