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Core Facility Flow Cytometry & FACS Core Facility (FFCF)

Flow cytometry and FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting) represent fast and reliable methods for characterizing and isolating certain cell subpopulations based on fluorescent labeling, and can be applied to a great variety of organisms and cell types, including both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and offers the possibility of flow cytometric cell analysis and cell sorting.

The FFCF is a DFG-registered service unit (RI 00566). The facility is mainly supported by the ZMBH. Financial support was also provided by the Field of Focus 1 / HMLS, CellNetworks, SFB 638, SFB 1036 and the GK 1188. Dr. Monika Langlotz runs the FFCF as head of the facility together with Prof. Dr. Michael Knop as responsible PI.

Logo: black letters “FFCF"(FF above CF) on white background with a grey triangle spanning from the top right to the bottom left and 3 horizontal stripes in the lower half in purple,blue and red.inside the letter C the letters “ZMBH” are placed in a vertical order.The left edge of the image is marked by 2 thin black vertical stripes that frame 1 green and 3 grey circles,lined up vertically along the length of the Letters to the right. Next to this, the fine lined black and white ZMBH Logo is displayed

Project Request

All researchers from Heidelberg University and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim are welcome to request service and instrument training from the facility. We also accept projects from non-campus scientists. 

We offer introduction tutorials to flow cytometry and the use of the analytical instruments, as well as support and aid in all questions concerning flow cytometry as a method. Users who have received the necessary training can autonomously operate the analyzers. The facility staff operates the cell sorters and provides aid in using the analyzers.

Service Request Timeline: 1. First Contact via m.langlotz@zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de, 2. Research Plan: Discussion of capabilities/limits for the project 3. Online Registration: Create Clustermarket account 4. Service/Training Request: Arrangement of Flow Cytometer training or Cell Analysis/Sorting service 5. Instrument Booking (Trained Users): Access to booking schedule 6. Sample Submission (Service Users) 7. Lab Work (Service Users): Measurements are performed/sorting is done 8. Sample return/results

Trained users have access to our online booking system. To arrange an individual instrument training or to request a service appointment for cell analysis or sorting please send an e-mail to m.langlotz@zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de.

Instrument Booking   Equipment


Flow Cytometry & FACS Core Facility (FFCF)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345

EG R066 (Office) and R009/R010 (Lab)

69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Monika Langlotz (Head)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 345
EG R066 (Office) and R009/R010 (Lab)
69120 Heidelberg

+49 6221 - 546843


Portrait photo: In front of a blurred orange-ish background of autumn leaves, Monika Langlotz softly smiles directly at the camera. Monika is a white person with blue eyes and red-brown chin-long hair. Monika is wearing thin, round, black glasses and a black scarf with a tiny-flower print in bright blues and pinks over a black wool jacket and a dark red top.

Claudia Helbig (TA)

+49 6221 - 546843


Portrait photo: Claudia Helbig, a white person with blue eyes and frameless glasses, and dark-brown softly curled shoulder-long hair, is positioned in front of a blurred botanical background, a light grey walking path marks the left half of the image. To the right, a light green bush is illuminated by the sunlight. Claudia smiles directly at the camera, showing wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. She is wearing a dark top with a light floral pattern.

 For more information, visit  ZMBH


Selection of recent publications with significant contribution of the Flow Cytometry & FACS Core Facility


Funding Resources

3 Logos are displayed: CellNetworks logo: a red circle is on the top left containing 5 symmetrically overlapping fully colored circles in yelloq, orange, red, green and blue. Below this symbol the name “Exzellenzcluster Cellnetworks” is written in dark red fading to light orange. Nikon Logo: Black bold letters “Nikon” on the bottom of a yellow square with diagonal white rays across. Wnt Pathway logo: on a dark turquoise square is white text “Wnt III” between Wnt and III are two intertwined green/blue bands.