
Dr. Carsten Wergin berichtet über seine Forschungen im Open Access Video Journal Latest Thinking: 

How Can Australian Indigenous Experience Change Western Perspectives of the World?



How Does Tourism Change People and Places?



Aktuelle Buchpublikation

Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns
Hermann Klaatsch (1863 – 1916). Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien


[mehr info]

Radical Hope

Dr. Carsten Wergin contributed a session on 'Listening Carefully' to the Radical Hope Syllabus. The group-sourced syllabus is intended as a resource for anyone interested in environmental issues - and how we, collectively and/or individually, might respond to them
[more info]


Co-Host des Thementisches 'Islands and Beaches: From Utopia to Dystopia?' (mit Felix Mallin) beim WeberWorldCafé 'Transoceanic Cultures: The Sea in Past and Present'

Datum: 26 Oktober 2018

Ort: Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies

[more info]


Curating Heritage
German-Australian Perspectives

International Symposium

Organisers: Junior Research Group "The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia" [TCS], Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Völkerkundemuseum der J. & E. von Portheim-Stiftung Heidelberg

11 October 2016, 2 - 6 pm.

[mehr Infos]



How Digital and Environmental Humanities Research reshape the World

June 02, 2016
6-8 pm

Poster Mediaecologies Druck Web-page-001

Organisers: Junior Research Group "The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia" [TCS],
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Venue: Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg [IWH], Hauptstraße 242, 69117 Heidelberg



Collaborations of Biocultural Hope: Community Science Against Industrialisation in Northwest Australia


Dr. Carsten Wergin

[mehr Infos]


Materialities of Tourism
Special Issue of Tourist Studies (2014, 14/3)Guest-editors Stephen Muecke and Carsten Wergin




PD Dr. Carsten Wergin

1. Zur Person / About
2. Publikationen / Publications
3. Vorträge und Workshopteilnahmen
4. Organisation von Tagungen und Workshops
5. Mitgliedschaften / Membership
6. Outreach

PD Dr. Carsten WerginImg 4281-2

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies



Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS)
Voßstraße 2
D - 69115 Heidelberg

phone: +49 6221 544306




please book an appointment via email




Critical Heritage Studies, Decolonialism, Digital Cultures, Environmental Humanities, Experimental Ethnography and Learning through Experience, Interdisciplinarity, Landscapes and Infrastructures, Media and Visual Anthropology, Mobility and Migration, Multispecies Ethnography, Music and Sound, Planetary Health and Well-Being, Provenance and Restitution, Public Anthropology, Seas and Oceans, Sustainable Resource-Management, Tourism and Transculturality.



1. Zur Person / About


Carsten Wergin trained at Goldsmiths College and the University of Bremen. After spending a few years at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and the University of New South Wales (Sydney) he joined Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg in 2014. His anthropological work is located at the intersections of heritage, culture and ecology, with regional foci in Australia, the Indian Ocean, islands and beaches of the European Ultraperiphery. His doctoral research examined the transcultural music scene of the French Overseas-Department La Réunion and resulted in his first monograph Kréol Blouz: Musikalische Inszenierungen von Identität und Kultur (Böhlau, 2010). This was followed by research into urbanism, gentrification and the performing arts. His edited volume Musical Performance and the Changing City (Routledge, 2013; with Fabian Holt) reflects both the theoretical and practical issues arising in these entangled fields.

Following on from this, Carsten Wergin continued research into tourism, sustainable development and heritage preservation. His longterm ethnographic study of a conflict over the construction of a $45 billion AUD Liquefied Natural Gas Facility (LNG) in Northwest Australia is the subject of journal articles for, among others, Australian Humanities Review, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, and Journal of Cultural Economy. Further publications include the Special Issue Materialities of Tourism for Tourist Studies (with Stephen Muecke, 2014), and The Call of the Trumpet Shell (with Corinna Erckenbrecht, 2018), a monograph on German anatomist and explorer Hermann Klaatsch (1863 - 1916) and his work in the Kimberley region.



2. Publikationen (Auswahl) / (Selected) Publications


Monografien / Monographs

2018 Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns: Hermann Klaatsch (1863 - 1916). Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS. (mit Corinna Erckenbrecht)

2010 Kréol Blouz: Musikalische Inszenierungen von Identität und Kultur (mit Musik-CD). Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau. (Publikation gefördert durch die Mariann Steegmann Foundation)

Herausgeberschaften / Edited Volumes

2014 Materialities of Tourism. Tourist Studies 14(3) (Zeitschriftensonderausgabe, mit Stephen Muecke).

2013 Musical Performance and the Changing City: Post-Industrial Contexts in Europe and the United States. New York: Routledge (mit Fabian Holt).

2012 Songlines vs. Pipelines? Mining and Tourism in Remote Australia. Australian Humanities Review 53 (Zeitschriftensonderausgabe, mit Stephen Muecke).

2009 Re-Scaling the Anthropology of Tourism. Etnográfica 13 (2) (Zeitschriftensonderausgabe, mit Patrick Neveling)

2009 Haut: Zwischen Innen und Außen – Organ. Fläche. Diskurs. Münster: LIT (Mitherausgeber „Villigster Werkstatt Interdisziplinarität“).

Beiträge in Zeitschriften / Journal Contributions

2018 Policy in the Anthropocene. Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation 2018 / 3: 1-16.

2018 Collaborations of Biocultural Hope: Community Science Against Industrialisation in Northwest Australia. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 83 / 3: 455-472.

2016 Dreamings Beyond "Opportunity": The Collaborative Economics of an Aboriginal Heritage Trail. Journal of Cultural Economy 9 / 5: 488-506.

2014 Materialities of Tourism in the 21st Century: A Very Brief Introduction. Tourist Studies 14 / 3: 227-230.

2014 Intensifying the Tourist Experience: ‚Survenirs‘ at Daly Waters Pub. Tourist Studies 14 / 3: 231-245. (mit Stephen Muecke).

2012 Questions of Value: Tourism and the Resources Boom. Australian Humanities Review 53 (mit Stephen Muecke).

2012 An Alternative Indigenous Research Strategy, SPRC Newsletter 110 (Juli 2012) (mit Darryl Cronin).

2012 Trumping the Ethnic Card: How Tourism Entrepreneurs on Rodrigues tackled the 2008 Financial Crisis. Island Studies Journal 7 / 1: 119-134.

2010 Tourism and Scale. Anthropology News 11/2010 (mit Patrick Neveling).

2010 Sounding Traditions that do not Exist: The Case of Réunion Island Music. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 28/2010: 105-120.

Beiträge in Sammelbänden / Contributions to Edited Volumes

2019 Ecologies of the Otherwise: Glimpses of Australia after the Resources Boom, in: Beate Neumeier and Helen Tiffin (eds.) Ecocritical  Concerns and the Australian Continent. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp 109-122.

2019 Wa(h)re Kultur: Zwei Schilde zwischen zwei Welten, in: Axel Michaels and Margareta Pavaloi (eds.) Scholar's Choice: Lieblingsstücke Heidelberger Wissenschaftler aus dem Völkerkundemuseum der von Portheim-Stiftung. Heidelberg: HeiUP, pp. 141-149.

2018 Tourism Meets Environmental Activism: Ecologies of Protest at Manari Road, Western Australia (August 2012), in: Beate Neumeier, Boris Braun und Victoria Herche(eds.) Nature and Environment in Australia. Trier: WVT, pp. 103-119.

2018 Orte radikaler Hoffnung: Zum Umgang mit dem Nachlass evolutionstheoretisch motivierter Forschungspraxis, in: Carsten Wergin und Corinna Erckenbrecht, Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns: Hermann Klaatsch (1863 - 1916), Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, pp. 9-21.

2017 The "White Magic" of Modernity: Retracing Indigenous Environmental Knowledge in Settler-Colonialist Australia, in: Eveline Dürr and Arno Pascht (eds.) Environmental Transformations and Cultural Responses: Ontologies, Discourses and Practices in Oceania. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-185.

2017 Reconstructing Biodiversity for Tourism Development: Ethnographic Accounts from a World Heritage Site in the Making. In: Maria Gravari-Barbas, Laurent Bourdeau, Mike Robinson (eds.) World Heritage Sites and Tourism: Global and Local Relations. New York: Routledge, pp. 105-116.

2017 Tourismus, in: Claus Leggewie und Erik Meyer (eds.) Global Pop: Das Buch zur Weltmusik. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, pp. 195-203.

2015 Travelling the Mascarenes: Creoleness in Tourism Policies and Practices on La Réunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues. In: Godfrey Baldacchino (Hrsg.) Archipelago Tourism: Policies and Practices. Farnham: Ashgate. S. 227-240.

2013 Introduction: Musical Performance and the Changing City. In: Fabian Holt und Carsten Wergin (Hrsg.) Musical Performance and the Changing City: Post-Industrial Contexts in Europe and the United States. New York: Routledge, S. 1-24.

2013 Destination ‚Three Days Awake‘: Cultural Urbanism at a Popular Music Festival Outside the City. In: Fabian Holt und Carsten Wergin (Hrsg.) Musical Performance and the Changing City: Post-Industrial Contexts in Europe and the United States. New York: Routledge, S. 102-23.

2012 Einträge „Ethnography“, „Globalisation“, „Mobility“. In: Peter Robinson (Hrsg.) Tourism: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge.

2012 Von Schallwellenreitern und Pyonen: Teilnehmende Beobachtungen auf dem Karneval der Kulturen 2008. In: Sebastian Klotz (Hrsg.) Musik als Agens urbaner Lebenswelten: musiksoziologische, musikethnologische und organologische Perspektiven (Musik – Stadt. Band 2). Leipzig: Schröder, S. 158-68.


Online Publikationen

2017 How Can Australian Indigenous Experience Change Western Perspektives of the World?, Latest Thinking (Open Access Video Journal)

2017 How Does Tourism Change People and Place?, Latest Thinking (Open Access Video Journal)

2015 Encounters with Fictional Beings: Five Days on Trail and a Visit to Walmadany. Beitrag zum Projekt An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. Bruno Latour, Christophe Leclercq, Donato Ricci, et al.

2011 Kulturerbe: Eine nutzergenerierte Ressource des Massen-Medien-Tourismus. SCM Online Paper Series 2010/13.

2010 Social Polyphony in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Publikation des International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony in Georgisch und Englisch.



3.Vorträge und Workshopteilnahmen (Auswahl) / (Selected) Talks and Workshops


07/2019 Recalibrating Migration in the Anthropocene: A Multispecies Approach. 2019 ANU - BFSU - COLOGNE Migration & Social-Cultural Change Workshop, Canberra.

07/2019 Utopia as Social Practice. 20th Annual Conference of the Utopian Studies Society "Utopia, Dystopia and Climate Change", Prato.

06/2019 Thinking Through the Seas and Oceans: Towards Transculturality Beyond the Human. Joint Annual Conference of GAPS and IACPL "Postcolonial Oceans", Bremen

05/2019 Cultural Heritage as Lived Experience. Interdisciplinary Workshop "Rethinking (Im)material Heritage in the Age of Cultural Transfer", TU Dortmund.

12/2018 The Ethics of Entanglement: Thinking Extractivism in Transcultural Terms. Annual Conference of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) "Life in an Age of Death", James Cook University (JCU), Cairns.

11/2018 Australia and the World: A Transcultural Approach. Seminar Series of the Australian Studies Institute, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra.

03/2018 Kréol Blouz: Musikalische Erinnerungskultur jenseits des Mainstream. Tagung Musik – Kultur – Gedächtnis, Zentrum für Populäre Kultur und Musik, Universität Freiburg.

11/2017 Responsibility = Ownership? An Ethnographic Moment in Native Title. Interdisciplinary Workshop: Mabo’s Cultural Legacy, The Mabo Decision 25 Years On, Department of English Literatures, University of Stuttgart.

07/2017 Beyond the Resources Boom: Inspiring Radical Hope for Settler-Colonialist Australia. Interdisciplinary Workshop: Radical Hope: Inspiring Sustainability Transformations through Our Past, The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Germany.

06/2017 The Ethics of Entanglement: Towards an Engaged Anthropology Beyond the Human. 11th ESfO Konferenz: Experiencing Pacific Environments. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.

04/2017 The Trouble with Representation: Australian Indigenous World(view)s and the "White Magic" of Modernity, Archaeology Seminar Series, University of Western Australia.

09/2016 The Walmadany / James Price Point Conflict: Implications for a New Environmental Awareness, 15. GASt Konferenz “Nature and Environment in Australia”, Universität zu Köln.

12/2015 “Sterbende Welt in Nordwestaustralien”? Zur aktuellen Situation indigener Kultur in der Kimberley Region. Frobenius-Institut, Frankfurt (Main).

05/2014 Collaborations beyond a Neoliberal Logic. Workshop: After Modernity, Into Complexity? Possibilities for Critique in an Age of Global Cooperation, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg.

02/2014 Marginalizing ‘The Economy’: An Inquiry into the Fight for James Price Point, Western Australia (2009-2013). Workshop on ‘The Economy’ in AlME, Copenhagen Business School.

07/2013 ‘Tourism Won’t Save Broome’: Ethnographic Research into the Limits of Anthropocentrism. Institute for Innovation in Business and Social Research, University of Wollongong-AUS.

06/2013 Nature, Culture, Tourism (maybe), but No Gas: An Environmental Ethnography of Conflicts over Country on the Kimberley Coast. Conference: A Post-Human World? Rethinking Anthropology and the Human Condition. Department of Anthropology, The University of Sydney-AUS.

11/2012 Tourism Today – Anthropological Perspectives. Nulungu Research Centre, The University of Notre Dame in Australia, Broome-AUS.



4. Organisation von Tagungen und Workshops (Auswahl)


10/2019 Symposium Digitising Heritage (mit Stefanie Affeldt), Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg [IWH]. Gäste (u.a.): Leah Barclay (University of the Sunshine Coast), Ana Sanchez Laws (Volda University College, Norway), Paul Turnbull (University of Tasmania).

10/2016 Symposium „Curating Heritage: German-Australian Perspectives“ (mit Juliane Breitfeld), Völkerkundemuseum der J. & E. von Portheim-Stiftung, Heidelberg. Gäste: Anna Haebich [Curtin University, Australia], Birgit Scheps-Bretschneider [Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig], Sarah Yu [Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Australia].

10/2016 Workshop der Mitglieder der Nachwuchsgruppe „The Transcultural Heritage in Northwest Australia: Dynamics and Resistances“ auf der 15th Biannual Conference der Gesellschaft für Australienstudien „Nature and Environment in Australia“, Universität zu Köln.

09/2016 Konferenz „Key Debates in Environmental Anthropology“ (mit Rebecca Hofmann und Ursula Münster), Rachel Carson Center (RCC), LMU München.

06/2016 Paneldiskussion „MediaEcologies: How Digital and Environmental Humanities Research Reshape the World“, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg [IWH]. Gäste: Kimberly Coulter [Environment and Society Portal, Rachel Carson Centre], Haidy Geismar [Digital Ethnography, University College London], Werner Krauß [CliSAP, University of Hamburg], Christophe Leclercq and Donato Ricci [Reset Modernity! / Sciences Po].

10/2015 Workshop "Der Ressourcenboom und seine Folgen. Rekonfigurierungen von Landschaften, Territorien und symbolischen Bezugssystemen" (mit Karin M. Naase). Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) Krisen. Re-Formationen von Leben, Macht und Welt, Universität Marburg.

12/2012 Vortragspanel „Materialities of Tourism“ (mit Stephen Muecke). Konferenz der Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA), Sydney-AUS .

02/2012 Tagung „Songlines vs. Pipelines? Mining and Tourism Industries in Remote Australia“ (mit Stephen Muecke), Social Policy Research Centre (UNSW), Sydney-AUS.



5. Mitgliedschaften / Memberships


  • European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
  • Association for Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA)
  • Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (GASt) (1. stellv. Vorsitzender)
  • Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS)
  • Heidelberg Centre for the Environment (HCE)





6. Outreach


2017 Ausstellungskonzeption: „Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns: Hermann Klaatsch, ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Australien“, Universitätsmuseum Heidelberg.

2013 German Anthropologist Considers Impact of Mining and Tourism. Interview für ABC-Radio.

2012 Sacred Battlegrounds. Interview für das Magazin UNIKEN.

2011 Runner-up im Anthropology of Sport Photo Contest des Royal Anthropological Institute's Education Programme (RAI) mit dem Bild „Sailors“.

2010 Radiointerview für TINYA-Magazin über Weltmusik, Kreolisierung, (Musik-)Kulturerbe und soziokulturellen Wandel auf der Insel Réunion (49min). [Download *.MP3]

2009 Konzeption und museale Umsetzung des Projekts „Rodrigues as I see it“, einer Fotodokumentation des Alltags auf der Insel Rodrigues durch Schulkinder, in Kooperation mit dem Rodrigues College und der Alliance Française Rodrigues.

2009 Voix Mo Pep. Mitwirken als Saxophonist und Tontechniker in einem Reggaevideo, produziert während eines siebenmonatigen Feldforschungsaufenthalts auf der Insel Rodrigues (Republik Mauritius). Thematisiert werden soziokulturelle Probleme zwischen Mauritius und Rodrigues und die Tourismusentwicklung der Insel.  [Download *.MOV]








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