
Books and Book Chapters

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook, 3rd Edition in Japanese


The 3rd edition of "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" has been translated into Japanese under the auspices of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (MSSJ). The team of translators comprises the same four highly regarded Japanese mass spectrometrists who prepared the translation of the first edition in 2007: Yasuhide Naito, Takemichi Nakamura, Kenzo Hiraoka, and Hiroaki Sato.

Japanese Translation
463 illustrations
ISBN 978-4-621-30497-6
Maruzen Publishing Company, Tokyo, 2020
Price: 19,600 Yen

This publication is by Maruzen Publishing Company (1-9-18, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan).

Visit the Maruzen Website referring to the book or the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (MSSJ) where you also find samples of select chapters.


Frontcover 3rd Ed. Japanese 2020

April 2020
3rd edition in Japanese

Massenspektrometrie - Spektroskopiekurs kompakt


Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine leicht verständliche Einführung in die Massenspektrometrie (MS). Kurz und präzise, strukturiert und gut zu lesen werden die Grundlagen dieses Analyseverfahrens vermittelt. Vom Prinzip der Massenspektrometrie führt das Buch über die Masse der Atome und ihrer Isotope zum Verständnis von Isotopenmustern, Hochauflösung und exakter Masse. Es behandelt den Ionisationsprozess ebenso wie Fragmentierungsreaktionen und liefert einen Einstieg in die Spektreninterpretation. Es gibt Überblick über wichtige Ionisations­methoden und Massenanalysatoren sowie das Konzept der Tandem-MS. Ein Kapitel zur Chromatographie-MS-Kopplung, weiterführende Literatur und hilfreiche Websites runden das Buch ab.

Das kompakte Lehrbuch ist gedacht für:

  • Studierende in den Bachelor-Studiengängen Chemie, Biochemie, Chemische Technologie oder Lebensmittelchemie
  • Studierende mit Zweitfach Chemie
  • Angehende Laboranten sowie Quereinsteiger, die sich schnell in die Grundlagen einarbeiten möchten

Massenspektrometrie - Spektroskopiekurs kompakt
1. Auflage 2019, deutsch
131 S., 61 Abbs., davon 15 in Farbe
Softcover ISBN 978-3-662-58634-1
eBook ISBN 978-3-662-58635-8
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-58635-8
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg

February 2019
For ordering information visit the Springer Spektrum website.

Chapter "Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization" in "Encyclopedia of Analytical Science", 3rd ed.


The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science is a definitive collection of articles covering the latest technologies in application areas such as medicine, environmental science, food science and geology. Meticulously organized, clearly written and fully interdisciplinary, the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science provides foundational knowledge across the scope of modern analytical chemistry, linking fundamental topics with the latest methodologies. Articles will cover three broad areas: analytical techniques (e.g., mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, atomic spectrometry); areas of application (e.g., forensic, environmental and clinical); and analytes (e.g., arsenic, nucleic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), providing a one-stop resource for analytical scientists.

Jürgen H. Gross "Mass Spectrometry: Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization" in "Encyclopedia of Analytical Science", 3rd edition
Editor-in-Chiefs: Paul Worsfold, Alan Townshend, Colin Poole, Manuel Miró
pp. 334-343, Hardcover
Elsevier Science & Technology
ISBN 978-0-081-01983-2


Encyclopedia of Analytical Science 2019

February 2019
For details refer to the publisher's product website

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook, 3rd Edition


This third edition of the highly successful textbook, acclaimed for its comprehensiveness, accuracy, and excellent illustrations and photographs with updated coverage plus numerous didactical improvements:

  • The number of figures has notably increased, with about one third of them now presented in color.
  • More photographs and schematics make it easier to understand and provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of instrumentation and procedures.
  • Flow charts describe procedures and approaches to mass spectral interpretation and aid in decision making.
  • Bulleted enumerations offer a quick overview wherever several features, arguments, assumptions, or properties of a subject call for clear presentation.
  • Examples and notes now come with a short subheading that immediately conveys what this section is about. More examples, especially of methods and applications are given and some how-to-style paragraphs provide practical guidance.
  • Each chapter ends with a concise summary that is subdivided into compact sections highlighting the basics of the subject, its figures of merit, typical applications, and its role in current mass spectromety. In the case of instrumentation (chapter 4), there are even summaries covering mass analyzers type by type.
  • Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are now included to facilitate retrieval of references.
  • All of this is presented in a new, attractive layout.
  • The book’s website provides exercises and lots of supplementary material for download.

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook
3rd edition, 2017, English
993 p., 463 illustrations in bw, 201 illustrations in color
Hard cover ISBN: 978-3-319-54397-0
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-54398-7
Publisher: Springer International Publishing.


3rd Cover Full180

3rd edition 2017
There is a dedicated website,, offering problems and solutions corresponding to each chapter of "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" - open to everyone.
For ordering information visit the Springer website.

Spettrometria di Massa


The 2nd edition of "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" has been translated into Italian.

The translation has been accomplished by a group of experienced Italian mass spectrometrists and has been coordinated by Enrico Davoli and Claudio Medana.

Spettrometria di Massa
Italian translation of the 2nd edition
coordinated by Enrico Davoli and Claudio Medana,
778 p., 552 illustrations, soft cover,
ISBN: 9788879599078.
Publisher: EdiSES di Napoli, Napoli, IT, 2016.
Have a look into the Italian book (there click on SFOGLIA).

  Spectrometria di Massa, 2nd Ed., translated in Italian

Massenspektrometrie - Ein Lehrbuch


Mit Massenspektrometrie – ein Lehrbuch liegt ein Werk vor, das mit seiner umfassenden, präzisen Darstellung sowie seinen vielen gelungenen Illustrationen und Fotos eine Lücke auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt schließt.

Dieses in seiner englischen Ausgabe (s.u.) gut etablierte Buch führt auf grundlegende Weise an die Massenspektrometrie heran, indem es die Prinzipien, Methoden und Anwendungen logisch aufeinander aufbauend erklärt. Schritt für Schritt lernt der Leser, was diese analytische Methode leisten kann, auf welch vielfältige Art Massenspektrometer isolierte Ionen in der Gasphase erzeugen, selektieren und manipulieren können und wie man aus den resultierenden Massenspektren analytische Information gewinnt. Moderne sanfte Ionisationsmethoden wie ESI, APCI oder MALDI, klassische Verfahren wie EI, CI, FAB oder FD, Oberflächentechniken wie DESI oder DART und elementmassenspektrometrische Verfahren werden didaktisch durchdacht behandelt. Studienanfänger werden von dem Werk ebenso profitieren wie Fortgeschrittene und Praktiker.

Massenspektrometrie - Ein Lehrbuch
Gross, Jürgen H. übersetzt von Karin Beifuss
Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg, Sept. 2012, 824 S., 552 Abbildungen, gebunden, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2980-3


Ms-lehrbuch Cover180

Massenspektrometrie - Ein Lehrbuch: seit September 2012 bei Springer Spektrum auf Deutsch.

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook, 2nd Edition


Expanded by more than 200 pages. No chapter has remained untouched. Numerous passages have been rewritten to improve the clarity of explanations while keeping them short and concise. Care has been taken not only to explain how, but also to why things are done a certain way. Several schemes have been added to clarify interrelationships between different techniques.

The book now comprises fifteen instead of twelve chapters, each of them headed by essential “Learning Objectives”.
Chapter 9 on tandem mass spectrometry is inserted to introduce methods of ion activation such as CID, ECD, ETD, and IRMPD closely related to the instrumental approaches to tandem MS.
A second additional chapter deals with ambient MS, i.e., sampling and ion generation from surfaces under ambient conditions as afforded by DART and DESI, to name the most relevant methods.
Finally, a new chapter on inorganic mass spectrometry has been added, for one, to include element speciation that bridges the gap between biomedical and trace elemental analysis.
The chapter on instrumentation has been significantly expanded to cover orbitrap, linear ion traps, TOF/TOF, FT-ICR, and the ever-changing hybrid instruments including IMS-MS systems.
More detailed attention is drawn to applications regarding biopolymers, especially in those chapters dealing with MALDI and ESI.

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook, 2nd edition
Gross, Jürgen H.
Springer Heidelberg, February 2011, 778 pages, 552 illustrations, hardcover.
ISBN 978-3-642-10709-2


Front Cover 2nd180

There is a dedicated website,, offering problems and solutions corresponding to each chapter of "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook".

Chapter "Mass Spectrometry"
in "Encyclopedia of Applied Spectroscopy"


This latest comprehensive reference set on spectroscopy and spectrometers systematically covers the theory, hardware and applications. Edited by an author and scientist of international repute, this ready reference and handbook features color figures as well as abstracts and detailed tables of contents for easy access. A must-have for those applying spectroscopy in all branches of physics, chemistry and biology.

Jürgen H. Gross "Mass Spectrometry"
in David L. Andrews (editor),
"Encyclopedia of Applied Spectroscopy",
Chapter 29, p. 989 - 1054,
Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2009,
ISBN-13: 978-3-527-40773-6,
1210 pages, hardcover.

  Andrews Eascover180

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook in Japanese


"Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" has been translated into Japanese under the auspices of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (MSSJ). The team of translators comprises four highly regarded Japanese mass spectrometrists: Yasuhide Naito, Takemichi Nakamura, Kenzo Hiraoka and Hiroaki Sato.

Japanese Translation
566 p., 357 illustrations, hardcover.
ISBN: 978-4-431-10016-4
Springer Tokyo, 2007
Price: 12,000 Yen

This publication has been transferred to Maruzen Publishing Company (1-9-18, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan) in 2012.

  Mass Spectrometry - a Textbook, 2nd ed., translation in Japanese

Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook


"Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" is tailored for students and professionals as well as novices to mass spectrometry from other fields. This book will guide them from their first steps to the successful application of mass spectrometry in their daily work in research. Starting from the very principles of gas phase ion chemistry and isotopic properties, it leads through the design of mass analyzers and ionization methods in use to mass spectral interpretation and coupling techniques. Step by step the readers will understand how mass spectrometry works and what it can do as a powerful tool in their hands.
The book comprises a balanced mixture of practice-oriented information and theoretical background. The clear layout, a wealth of high quality figures, and a database of exercises and solutions, freely accessible on the internet, support the reader's understanding.

"Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook"
Gross, Jürgen H.
536 p., 357 illustrations, hardcover.
ISBN: 3-540-40739-1
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, March 5, 2004



There is a dedicated website,, offering problems and solutions corresponding to each chapter of "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook".



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