
Project outcome
Project meetings
Project publications



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Knowledge through Terminology –

From Multilingual Data to Domain specific Knowledge via Terminological Resources


The 4EU+ Alliance’s TermiKnowledge project is an international course in creating terminological resources. In 2021 and 2022 students of the University of Warsaw, Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University and Milan University created a corpus, extracted terms manually, automatically and semi-automatically, identified their equivalents in other languages, designed a knowledge base and created terminological entries. The outcome is two Multilingual Terminological Knowledge Bases: COVID-19 and Refugee Crisis.

Four corpora representing different text genres were used in each of the five languages (English, Czech, German, Italian and Polish) to extract key terminology related to COVID-19 and to the refugee crisis and compile knowledge base entries. 

Project outcome

Project meetings


Project meeting in Heidelberg, 10.-11.03.2022


Project meeting in Prague, 23.-24.06.2022

Project publications


Project leaders in Heidelberg: Prof. Dr. Bogdan Babych, Prof. Dr. Laura Giacomini (now University of Innsbruck)

E-mail: bogdan.babych@iued.uni-heidelberg.de

E-mail: laura.giacomini@uibk.ac.at


Verantwortlich: Webmaster
Letzte Änderung: 13.11.2023
zum Seitenanfang/up