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The main problem facing these ‘rare disciplines’ is that they attract only a limited number of students and often have scarce financial and human resources. The Webinars in rare disciplines project, which was initiated by Dr. Rodney Ast and funded by Baden-Württemberg’s rare disciplines initiative, offers an innovative approach to the problem. A series of webinars has been launched to provide teachers with access to digital tools to reach a wider audience. This means that the rare disciplines are able to provide knowledge and skills across university boundaries and to network both within Germany and abroad. Further information on the programme can be found here.

After the end of the funding period, the project will be organizationally affiliated to the HCCH and will thus continue to offer the representatives of rare disciplines the opportunity to disseminate their knowledge within the framework of international webinars.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2021-07-28
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