Campus campaign "Heidelberg University – Show Respect, Promote Diversity, Work Together"
Campus campaign at Heidelberg University
As part of the campaign “Zieh einen Schlussstrich” (draw a line), Heidelberg University is sending a strong signal for respectful and fair conduct and against sexual harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination.
To that effect, a resolution was passed in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and signed by the representatives of all forms of higher education as well as the Minister of Science, Research and the Arts, Theresia Bauer, in August 2020.
The campus campaign “Heidelberg University – Show Respect, Promote Diversity, Work Together” will be launched in spring 2021 with a website and an idea contest for students. In addition, researchers will present and discuss the topics of the campaign as part of an opening event in February, which can be accessed digitally. There will also be a university-wide survey, a talk on cyberbullying and a training seminar for personnel in executive positions in May, all dedicated to the topic. The campaign will conclude in summer 2021 with the publication of an online tutorial. You can find the online tutorial here.
The campaign programme can be accessed here.
More information can be found on the central campaign page of Heidelberg University.
Past events
University-wide survey on discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and stalking
A university-wide survey aimed at all students and employees at Heidelberg University will be carried out soon. The focus of the survey will be experiences of (sexual) harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination. The survey also presents definitions as well as measures and information from Heidelberg University on the issue and seeks to identify spaces at Heidelberg University that may cause anxiety. You can find the results of the survey here.
Documentary film “PICTURE A SCIENTIST”
On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2021, a (digital) screening will take place of the documentary “Picture a Scientist.” In this film, biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks and geologist Jane Willenbring share their experiences in the sciences and tackle questions such as “Who is doing science?” or “Why, when thinking about science, do we still picture a male scientist?” From the beginning, they find themselves confronted with discrimination and have to fight steadily for recognition, respect and equal opportunity.
The screening will be followed by a film discussion. Dr Annika Guse (Biosciences, COS), Dr Christiane Opitz (Neurosciences, DKFZ) and Professor Christiane Schwieren (Economics, Equal Opportunities Commissioner of Heidelberg University), as moderator, will take part.
Date: Monday, 8 March 2021
7pm-8:30pm film screening
8:30pm-9:30pm discussion
Registration via:
The link to the event will be sent to you by email after your registration has been received.
Talk on how to professionally deal with discrimination, bullying and stalking
Another talk that is part of the campus campaign will address ways to “professionally deal with discrimination, bullying and stalking.” It will take place as a webinar on HeiConf. The speakers will present the preventive measures already in place at Heidelberg University, offer guidance to the participants (especially supervisors) on how to act in cases of discrimination, bullying or stalking and provide information on points of contact and possible courses of action. Following talks by Charlotte von Knobelsdorff and Agnes Speck from Heidelberg University’s Equal Opportunities Office, the coordinator of victim protection at Heidelberg Police, Tanja Kramper, will share her practical experience. This event is primarily aimed at individuals with personnel responsibilities or teaching responsibilities and persons of trust.
Date: Thursday, 6 May 2021
Registration via:
Discrimination. A discussion from the perspective of anthropology and economics
For the first event of the campaign, two young researchers took the stage: Sabine Mohamed, doctoral student at the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University, and Dr Katharina Mader, professor at the Department of Economics, Institute for Heterodox Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, discussed and shared their current research results on the topic of discrimination from their respective fields.
Date: Wednesday, 11 January 2021, 5pm-6pm
The entire event was recorded. The video with English subtitles can be accessed here in case you could not join the event.
Until 15 January 2021, all students at Heidelberg University were invited to participate in the idea contest, whose goal it was to make the campaign motto “Show Respect, Promote Diversity, Work Together at Heidelberg University” accessible to all students. The participants came up with ideas displaying both what respectful and fair conduct means to us at Heidelberg University and whom one can turn to in case of harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination.
You can find more about the winners and their projects here.
Talk on cyberbullying
As part of the campaign, there will be a digital talk on cyberbullying that will shed light on this important issue. The event will provide guidance on how to deal with cyberbullying and demonstrate what professional conduct towards one another can look like on social media. The event will be led by Tanja Kramper, the victim protection coordinator at Mannheim Police headquarters, who will also share her practical experience from the Department of Crime Prevention at Heidelberg Police. Everyone who is affected by cyberbullying as well as students and all those interested in hearing about the topic are invited to take part in the webinar. Simply click on the HeiConf link below shortly before the event starts.
Date: Wednesday, 3 February 2021, 4pm-5pm
The entire event was recorded. The video can be accessed here in case you could not join the event.