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Studying and Research with families in times of Covid-19

Info Package A: regulations concerning studying and working with family at Heidelberg university

On this page you can find information about workplace modalities, day-care facilities and study regulations.

Studying at Heidelberg University

1. FAQ Study courses

2. FAQ Bafög and Student financing

3. Financial Aid Funds for students in financial difficulties (Information of UHD and StuRa)

4. Studying with family            

Students who are single parents are eligible for emergency child care if they are employed at a workplace that requires their presence and at which they are indispensable.

Student assistants for the implementation of online teaching 

Members of the University of Heidelberg with children or relatives to be cared for, who are preparing or holding lectures for the summer semester 2020 and at the same time have to carry out care tasks, can receive financial support directly.  
To support them, the financing of a student assistant (up to 35 hours per semester) or a research assistant (up to 20 hours per semester) can be applied for.
In the informal application, the family situation must be described and the necessary support by a student assistant must be justified. Support by student assistants is only possible for preparation and implementation of teaching.

Applications can be submitted at any time to:

Child care at Heidelberg University

Emergency child care is set up for children whose parents or whose single parent both work(s) outside the home in a position that requires their presence and are prevented from fulfilling their care responsibilities because of this work, or are deemed indispensable by their employer and can provide a written confirmation to that effect. Emergency child care will be provided in the facility that the child has been attending and by the facility’s personnel in groups as small as possible. Information as well as a form to confirm indispensability at the workplace can be found on the website of the University Administration / Division 5.


1.  Information from the Human Resources Division of Heidelberg University

2.  Advice and information: Children’s Centre / Service for Families

3.  Child care at the KidsClub

Starting Monday, 27.4.2020, the University’s KidsClub will provide emergency child care until regular operations resume. The child care is conditional on the ordinances of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Parents eligible for emergency child care can contact the Children’s Centre of Heidelberg University ( kinderhaus@uni-heidelberg.de).

To be admitted to emergency child care, the following documents are necessary:
1. The completed admission form for emergency child care.
2. Written confirmation from the employer on indespensabilty at the workplace.
3. Written confirmation from both parents that childcare cannot be arranged otherwise.

Please note: As the Children’s Centre has an obligation to report to the Children and Youth Office, the documents have to be on hand at the Children’s Centre (Administration) before child care commences.

4. Child care services  of the Studierendenwerk

5. Emergency child care from the Studierendenwerk

Study Parents Fund

To support students with children during the Corona pandemic, the "Study Parents Fund" was established at the University of Heidelberg. Students with children at the University of Heidelberg who are not able to use childcare due to the Corona Pandemic and need short-term and spontaneous financial support to organise or finance childcare themselves are eligible for support from the "Study Parents Fund".

Guidelines for the allocation and application form "Study Parents Fund"

For further information please contact the Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Heidelberg.

NEW! Bridging aid: Grants for (international) students and enrolled doctoral students in financial hardship

The bridging aid provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is aimed at students and enrolled docotoral students who can prove that they are in an financial hardship caused by the pandemic and who need immediate help. It will support these students with up to €500 each in June, July and August 2020 for as long as the pandemic emergency situation persists. The bridging aid must be applied for again in each of the three months.

Applications can be submitted here from Tuesday, 16.06.2020, 12:00 noon.

FAQs on requirements, procedure and application modalities (in German only)

The applications are decided by the respective Studierendenwerk. You can find further information here.

BMBF hotline for bridging assistance:
Phone: 0800 26 23 003
E-mail: ueberbrueckungshilfe-studierende@bmbf.bund.de


Babysitter exchange of the city of Heidelberg

The babysitter exchange of the city of Heidelberg is also available during Corona times.

Important note: The organisation and implementation of childcare is the sole responsibility of the parents.
Here too, the current state regulations must be obeyed.

(as of 24.04.2020)


Info package B: Regulations concerning fixed-term employment and scholarship contracts, regulations concerning deadlines for research proposals and project

In this section, the focus is on regulations concerning employment contracts and deadlines of funding bodies for research and project proposals.

Extensions for scholarships

(as of 04.06.2020)


Info package C: Federal regulations and regulations of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg regarding families and financial questions

Here are cited the federal regulations and regulations of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg concerning family matters. Furthermore you can find information on financial questions.

Information on financial questions

1. Compensation claims due to a closed school or day-care facility

2. Adjustment to parental allowance: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

3. Child supplement from the Federal Employment Agency
Additional financial support for working parents who receive pay but
cannot cover the entire needs of the family. The child supplement
amounts to 185 € monthly per child and is designed to meet the child’s
needs in combination with the child allowance.

4.  Adjustments to child allowance
Suspension of parental allowance months possible for parents in jobs
of systemic importance

  • Partnership bonus possible even when currently working more or less
    as planned due to the Corona pandemic
  • Reduced hours compensation and Unemployment Pay I do not
    reduce the parental allowance and will not count towards later
    calculation of parental allowance for another child

5. Hildegardis Society: Urgent interest-free loans for female students


(as of 24.04.2020)


 Info package D: support offers

Despite the provisions in place, some situations require assistance beyond the general offers of support. This section lists some addresses providing such assistance.

Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Stalking


We are of course still there for you during the Corona pandemic! In case of problems with mobbing, stalking, sexual harassment, or consulting requests on these topics, you can still reach us via e-mail during office hours. We can then arrange a personal, telephone or video appointment. Obviously, the consultations will take place in compliance with the necessary distance and hygiene regulations. And data security is guaranteed with the university's video conferencing program. Certainly, we will continue to treat everything concerning these topics as confidential.

Inquiries, Counselling Sessions, Scheduling Appointments and Information

Prof. Dr. Peter Kirsch
Zentralinstitut für seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim
Email: peter.kirsch@zi-mannheim.de

Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren
Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Email: christiane.schwieren@awi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Agnes Speck
Email: Agnes.Speck@uni-heidelberg.de


Domestic violence

1. Help for women

2.  Help for children and adolescents as well as mothers and pregnant women

Further information and offers

1. Talk, counselling and information offers for parents regarding parenting,overstress and other serious matters

Elterntelefon (anonymous and free of charge): 0800/1110550
Consultation hours (minimum):
• Mondays to Fridays, 9-11 am
• Tuesdays and Thursadys, 5-7 pm

2. Help and counselling for pregnant women and parents with children under three years of age:
Topics: prenatal counselling services, advice if a baby does not stop crying, counselling services for parenting advice and families etc.

3. Offers of support from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

(as of 24.04.2020)

Info package E: Interesting links

There are issues important or difficult for families right now. We have collected some links for those who are interested in reading up on Topics.

(as of 24.04.2020)

Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2021-02-08
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