
Field of Focus 4 is represented by a Research Council (RC) that stimulates and coordinates interdisciplinary activities in research and teaching.

More about the Research Council of Field of Focus 4...

Research Activities

Friday 14th June 2019

06:15 PM

Stress and the individual – How does anxiety contribute to stress vulnerability

Frau Prof. Dr. Carmen Sandi, École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Schweiz), Brain Mind Institute

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Further Information
Fields of Focus

Funded Projects

Modern times require human adaptation to changes at multiple levels. Self-regulation refers to the process of adaptation within a given social entity (individual, organization society) that aims at maintaining or achieving a defined goal state. In contrast, regulation refers to the rules and mechanisms that either restrict or support self-regulation. Based on this general understanding FoF4 addresses four main topics:

(1) Limits of self-regulation

(2) Self-regulation and regulation in mental health

(3) Social cohesion

(4) Self-regulation and regulation in dealing with environmental challenges

In sum, FoF4 aims at becoming an internationally recognized interdisciplinary center for research in self-regulation and regulation. Together, we will explore processes of adaptation within the individual, within social systems of varying complexity, and between individuals, social systems and environmental conditions. Only by crossing disciplinary boundaries will it be possible to find answers to important questions regarding the present and future life of our society. During the past five years, FoF4 has supported small and medium size multidisciplinary cooperations. In the next step, we plan to promote larger research consortiums.


2018-Research Field 1
2018-Research Field 2
2018-Research Field 3
2018-Research Field 4


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