
Field of Focus 4 is represented by a Research Council (RC) that stimulates and coordinates interdisciplinary activities in research and teaching.

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Research Activities

Friday 14th June 2019

06:15 PM

Stress and the individual – How does anxiety contribute to stress vulnerability

Frau Prof. Dr. Carmen Sandi, École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Schweiz), Brain Mind Institute

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Further Information
Fields of Focus

Limits of Self-Regulation

Corresponding limits can be internal, referring to the capacities of a given individual or social system. They can also be external, referring to restrictions provided by other social entities/systems or by environmental constraints. Building up on multiple interdisciplinary research projects, we strive to specify the conceptual relations between bottom-up and top-down processes of self-regulation, as well as the relations between internal and external processes of regulation. Such specifications serve to develop a coherent conceptual framework supporting interdisciplinary cooperations in methodological and theoretical terms.


Funded Projects


A Computational Model of Mind Wandering with and without Intention

Project description

Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)
Nadia Said (Institute of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR))
Dr. Andreas Potschka (Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR))


Selbstregulation und Achtsamkeit bei Nachwuchstrainerinnen und -Trainern

Project description (German)

Dr. Marie Ottilie Frenkel (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)
Dr. Petra Dallmann (Psychiatry, University Hospital HD)
Dr. C. Aguilar-Raab (University Hospital HD / Institute for Medical Psychology)
Martin Stoffel (University Hospital HD / Institute for Medical Psychology)
Dr. Marc Jarczok (Psychosomatic Medicine, University Hospital Ulm)


Selbstregulation, Sensation Seeking und Psychophysiologie bei Extremsportlern unter Stress

Project description (German) | Publication

Dr. Marie Ottilie Frenkel (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Kasperk (University Hospital HD / Pharmacological Institute)
PD Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)
OA Dr. med. Heike Maik Brune (University Hospital HD / Central Laboratoy)
Dr. Florian Engel (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Arne Nieuwenhuys (Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen)


Speed-Accuracy-Tradeoffs in Sample-Based Decision Making

Project description (German)

Prof. Dr. Klaus Fiedler (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eichberger (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)


Regellernen und Gerechtigkeit im Sportspiel: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen selbstregulativen Entscheidens

Project description (German)

Dr. Alexandra Pizzera (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Dr. Florian Kutzner (Institute of Psychology)


The contribution of self-Regulation processes to innovation in human children and non-human primates

Project description | Publication

Dr. Sabrina Bechtel (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Sabina Pauen (Institute of Psychology)
Dr. Babett Voigt (Institute of Psychology)


Selbst-Regulation von Lehrkräften in Urteils- und Entscheidungsdilemmata-Situationen im Schulalltag

Project description (German) | Publication (German)

Prof. Dr. Silke Hertel (Institute for Education Studies)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannecker (Institute for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure)
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoberth (Department of Theology)


Self-Regulation through Goal-Setting: Implications for performance-at-work in employees at-risk for psychological disorders


Dr. Elisabeth A. Arens (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Smarandita Ceccato, M.A. (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Dr. Katja Bertsch (University Hospital HD / Centre for Psychosocial Medicine)


Integration der Annahmen des Kraftspeichermodells der Selbstregulation und der Multiprozesstheorie des prospektiven Gedächtnisses zur Erklärung der Intentions-Verhaltenslücke

Project description (German) | Publication

Dr. Christoph Englert (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)


Self Regulation, Donation Behavior and Moral Perception: An Experimental Investigation

Project description

Prof. Dr. Andreas Voss (Institute of Psychology)
Jun. Prof. Dr. Israel Waichman (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)


Exekutive Regulation ökonomisch-rationalen Entscheidens bei Schizophrenie

Project description | Publication

Daniel Holt (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Funke (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weisbrod (University Hospital HD / Centre for Psychosocial Medicine)
Dr. Katlehn Rodewald (University Hospital HD / Centre for Psychosocial Medicine)
Dr. Peter Dürsch (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)


Alle gegen einen? Effekte individueller Selbstregulationsdefizite auf ökonomisches Handeln in Gruppen

Project description (German)

Prof. Dr. Sven Barnow (Institute of Psychology)
Dr. Malte Stopsack (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Timo Goeschl, PhD (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
PD Dr. Knut Schnell (University Hospital HD / Centre for Psychosocial Medicine)


Self-Regulation as a Means for Preventing Drop-out from Educational and Vocational Careers as well as Health-Related Activities

Project description

Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner (Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Spinath (Institute of Psychology)


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