Social Cohesion

Social cohesion. At the level of social systems, we investigate the conditions that can support or harm social cohesion in settings of varying complexity, ranging from informal and formal groups over companies, organizations, to societies. We are not only interested in understanding what enhances or prevents social cohesion but also in merits and dangers associated with either outcome. In this matter, economic, political and legal experts will cooperate closely while seeking interdisciplinary exchange with experts from behavioral research and law.


Funded Projects


Strategische Migrationspolitik: Wenn Staaten Migranten als Signale senden

Project description (German)

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch (Institute for Political Science)
Dr. Savas Genç (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Kathia Serrano Velarde (Max Weber Institute for Sociology)


Regulation und Furcht: Zur Klassifikation von Cyberangriffen

Projektbeschreibung (German) | Publication

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline (Universitätsrechenzentrum und Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL), Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientifical Computing (IWR))
Prof. Dr. Anja Senz (Institute of Chinese Studies)


Die Auswirkungen von Anonymität im Internet auf die Meinungsäußerung im politischen Diskurs am Beispiel der Landtagswahlen 2016 in Baden-Württemberg

Zur Projektbeschreibung (German)

Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch (Institute for Political Science)
Dr. Wolf Schünemann (Institute for Political Science)


Regulation und Selbstregulation organisationaler Kriminalität – Zur Analyse krimineller Aktivitäten zugunsten von Organisationen sowie der Möglichkeiten, sie zu bekämpfen.

Zur Projektbeschreibung (German)

Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann (Max Weber Institute for Sociology)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Danneker (Institute for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Dölling (Institute of Criminology)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hermann (Institute of Criminology)


Regulierung und Selbstregulierung in Diffusionsprozessen: Ursprünge, Mechanismen, Effekte

Project description (German)

Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Grzeszick (Institute for Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law)
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Jahn (Institute for Public Health)


Cyberspace(s) and Netizens - Die Regulation virtueller Räume und die Selbstregulation der Netzbürger zwischen transnationalem Freiheitsversprechen und informationeller Fremdbestimmung

Project description (German)

Dr. Wolf Schünemann (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer (Institute for Public Finance and Tax Law)


Determinanten lokaler Agenda-21-Prozesse - (Selbst-) Regulation, Einstellungsveränderung und Performenzentwicklung auf individueller und gesellschaftlicher Ebene

Project description (German)

Dr. Stefan Wurster (Institute for Political Science)
PD Dr. Alexandra Michel (Institute of Psychology)


Regulatory Decisions in the EU and Perceived Distributional Consequences

Project description

Jun. Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun (Institute for Political Science)
Jun. Prof. Dr. Israel Waichman (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)


Market saturation as factor for the normative regulation of economic action?

Project description

PD Dr. Mateusz Stachura (Max Weber Institute for Sociology)
Prof. Dr. Zeno Enders (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Reimut Zohlnhöfer (Institute for Political Science)


Selbst-Regulation im Kontext elektoral-autoritärer Herrschaft - Zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure in Singapur und Malaysia im Vergleich

Zur Projektbeschreibung (German) | Publication (German)

Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant (Institute for Political Science)
Stephan Giersdorf, M.A. (Institute for Political Science)
Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger (Institute of Anthropology)


Interindividuelle Unterschiede des gedanklichen Abschweifens und deren Zusammenhänge mit Intelligenz und Persönlichkeit im Kulturvergleich

Zur Projektbeschreibung (German)

Dr. Jan Rummel (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Hagemann (Institute of Psychology)
Dr. Manuel Rauchholz (Institute of Anthropology)


Self-Controlled Offence Prevention

Project description | Publication (p. 19-24, German)

Prof. Dr. Dieter Dölling (Institute of Criminology)
Prof. Dr. Peter Fiedler (Institute of Psychology)


Charitable status for individuals?

Project description | Publication (German)
Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Geibel (Institute for German and European Corporation and Business Law)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Spinath (Institute of Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Helmut K. Anheier (Max Weber Institute for Sociology, CSI)
Prof. Dr. Peter Axer (Institute for German and European Corporation and Business Law)


Measuring societal innovation potential, an interdisciplinary pilot study for the investigation of self-regulative and regulative elements within the social innovation process

Project description | Publication

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gerhard (Institute of Geography)
Dr. Georg Mildenberger (Max Weber Institute for Sociology, CSI)
Dr. Michael Hölscher (Max Weber Institute for Sociology)
Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Helmut K. Anheier (Max Weber Institute for Sociology, CSI)


Active Corruption in Corporations – Causes and Consequences of „Useful Illegality“

Project description | Publication

Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann (Max Weber Institute for Sociology)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Dölling (Institute of Criminology)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hermann (Institute of Criminology)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannecker (Institute for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure)


Der Gabentausch als Schnittstelle von Selbstregulation und Regulation in modernen Kontexten

Project description (German)

Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger (Institute of Anthropology)
Dr. Christine Binzel (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer (Institute for Public Finance and Tax Law)
Prof. Christoph Vanberg, PhD (Alfred Weber Institute for Economics)
Dr. Matthias Valta (Institute for Public Finance and Tax Law)


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