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Symposia at the Studio of Villa Bosch
Heidelberg University
Department of Geography
Berliner Str. 48
69120 Heidelberg

Klara Jungkunz
Linda Sendlinger
Marius Zipf


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Authors Publications

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Günter Abel (Philosophy), TU Berlin (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Language philosophy, epistemology, theory of cognition, philosophy of the mind, semiotics and interpretational philosophy.

Selected publications:

  • ABEL, G. (2006): Die Kunst des Neuen. Kreativität als Problem der Philosophie. In: ABEL, Günter (Hrsg.) (2006): Kreativität. XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Kolloquiumsbeiträge. Hamburg.
  • ABEL, G. (2004): Zeichen der Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt am Main.
  • ABEL, G. (1999): Sprache, Zeichen, Interpretation. Frankfurt am Main.
  • ABEL, G. (1993): Interpretationswelten. Gegenwartsphilosophie jenseits von Essentialismus und Relativismus. Frankfurt am Main



John Agnew (Geography), University of California (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Democratic Transformation in Italy, No Borders, No Nations: Making Greece in Macedonia, Sovereignty and Territoriality, Hegemony versus Empire in Global Geopolitics, Politics of Water and the History of Geographic Thought.

Selected Publications:

  • AGNEW, J. (2007): Know-Where: Geographies of Knowledge of World Politics. In: International Political Sociology: 138-48.
  • AGNEW, J. (2002): Making Political Geography, Arnold.
  • AGNEW, J. / GRANT R. (1997): Falling out of the World Economy? Theorizing Africa in World Trade. In: LEE, R. / Wills, J. (eds.) (2007): Geographies of Economies, Blackwell: London: 219-230.


Ash Amin (Geography), Durham University (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Democracy and citizenship, institutional and social economics, multiculturalism in Europe, regional development studies, urban theory.

Selected publications:

  • AMIN, A. / ROBERTS, J. (2008): Community, Economic Creativity and Organisation, Oxford University Press, in press.
  • AMIN, A. / ROBERTS, J. (2008): Knowing in Action: Beyond Communities of Practice, Research Policy, in press.
  • AMIN, A. / COHENDET, P. (2004): Architectures of Knowledge, Oxford University Press.
  • AMIN, A. / THRIFT, N. (eds.) (2004): Cultural Economy: A Reader, Blackwell, Oxford.



Christoph Antweiler (Cultural Anthropology), University of Bonn (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Southeast Asia, Pacific Asia, regional science, development process and social evolution, application-oriented social research, general ethnology, economic and environment.

Selected Publications:

  • ANTWEILER, C. (1998): Local Knowledge and Local Knowing. An Anthropological Analysis  of Contested ´Cultural Products´ in the Context of Development. In: Anthropos 93(4-6), 469-494.
  • ANTWEILER, C. (2001): Transethnic Identity and Urban Cognition in Makassar: Regionalism and the Empowering Potential of Local Knowledge. In: Antropologi Indonesia 65, 13-39.
  • ANTWEILER, C. (2002): Rationalities in Makassar. Cognition and Mobility in a Regional Metropolis in the Indonesian Periphery. In: Nas, P. (ed.): The Indonesian Town Revisited. Münster etc.: Lit Verlag und Singapore: ISEAS: 232-261 (Southeast Asian Dynamics, 1).
  • ANTWEILER, C. (2004): Local Knowledge Theory and Methods. An Urban Model from Indonesia. In: Bicker, A. / Sillitoe, P. / Pottier, J. (eds.): Investigating Local Knowledge. New Directions, New Approaches. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 1-34.
  • ANTWEILER, C. (2007): Wissenschaft quer durch die Kulturen. Wissenschaft und lokales Wissen als Formen universaler Rationalität. In: Yousefi, H. R. / Fischer, K. / Lüthe, R. / Gerdsen, P. (eds.): Wege zur Wissenschaft. Eine interkulturelle Perspektive. Grundlagen, Differenzen, Interdisziplinäre Dimensionen. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 67-94.
  • ANTWEILER, C. (2008): Kognitive Methoden. In: Beer, b. (ed.): Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag (Ethnologische Paperbacks) 233-254.




Jay Bargmann, Senior Vice President of Rafael Vinoly Architects PC (USA)

The New York based Vinoly Architects PC was founded in 1983 and provides services in building design, urban planning and interior design. The firm describes itself as a “thinking firm” that aims to create alternative options and labels “design intelligence” as its hallmark.

Selected projects:
Wageningen University and Research, Atlas Building, Wageningen, Netherlands, 2007
Founded in 1918, Wageningen University has evolved into one of the world’s leading education and research centers, focusing on the environmental, plant, animal, agrotechnological, and food sciences. The University has chosen to consolidate much of its activities onto a new campus, the Centrum de Born, north of the town of Wageningen. The location is a barren field and its development will contribute to the green corridor connecting the Rhine Valley and Hoge Velwe Park.
University of Arizona Science Center, Tucson, Arizona, 2008
The conceptual plan for the University of Arizona Science Center envisions the new facility as a bridge over Interstate 10 and the Santa Cruz River connecting the east and west sides of the Rio Nuevo District. This design distributes the various exhibits in a dramatic way along a graceful pedestrian bridge between the proposed Civic Plaza on the east side and the Cultural Plaza on the west side.
This "Bridge of Knowledge" is a dramatic new science-based destination and attraction which physically and conceptually links the University of Arizona and the Tucson community. The Bridge provides a two-way connection between science, technology, engineering and math and the unique cultures, history and arts of this community. The activities along the bridge will provide motivation for people to explore it from both east to west and west to east. It will provide a physical connection between the science-based activities on the east and the historical and cultural activities on the west.
The existence of a dynamic connection between the plazas will stimulate development along both plazas equally. The construction of the bridges and its associated structures will aspire to earn a Platinum rating from the US Green Building standards as a model of achievable environmentally responsible architecture. The Bridge of Knowledge is a totally new model and first step toward the next generation of science-based educational attractions.

Eileen Barker (Sociology), London School of Economics (UK)

Primary fields of study:

New Religious Movements, especially in Eastern and Western Europe and North America; religious situation in former communist countries.

Selected publications:

  • BARKER, E. (2006): What Should We Do About the Cults? Policies,
    Information and the Perspective of INFORM. In: CÔTÉ, P. and GUNN, J. (Eds.): State Regulation or State Interference? Public Management of Religious Diversity, Frankfurt.
  • BARKER, E. (2004): Why the Cults? New Religions and Freedom of Religion and Beliefs. In: LINDHOLM, T., DURHAM, Jr., W. C. and TAHZIB-LIE, B. (Eds.): Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook, Dordecht, 571-593.
  • BARKER, E. (2003): The Scientific Study of Religion? You Must be Joking! In: DAWSON, L. (Ed.): Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader, Oxford, 7-25.
  • BARKER, E. (2002): And the Wisdom to Know the Difference? Freedom, Control and the Sociology of Religion (Association for the Sociology of Religion 2002 Presidential Address). In: Sociology of Religion, 64/3, 285-307.
  • BARKER, E. (1995): New Religious Movements: A Practical Introduction, London.


Trevor Barnes (Geography), University of British Columbia (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

Archaeology, economic geography and creative industries in Vancouver.

Selected Publications:

  • BARNES, T. J. (2008): Geography‘s Underworld: The military-industrial complex, mathematical modelling and the quantitative revolution. In: Geoforum, 39, 3-16.
  • BARNES, T. J. / FARISH, M. (2006): Between regions: Science, militarism, and American geography from World War to Cold War. In: Annals, Association of American Geographers, 96, 807-826.
  • BARNES, T. J. (2005): Geographical intelligence: American geographers and Research and Analysis in the Office of Strategic Services 1941-1945. In: Journal of Historical Geography, 32, 149-168.


Harald Bathelt (Political Science and Geography), University of Toronto (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

Industrial and economic geography, political economy and methodology, the analysis of long-term social and economic development, industrial clustering and the socio-economic impacts of regional and industrial change.

Selected publications:

  • BATHELT, H. (2007): Buzz-and-Pipeline Dynamics: Toward a Knowledge-Based Multiplier Model of Clusters. In: Geography Compass 1 (6): 1282-1298.
  • BATHELT, H. / SCHULDT, N. (2007): Temporary Face-to-face Contact and the Ecologies of Global and Virtual Buzz. Presented at the 2nd Global Conference on Economic Geography in Beijing, P.R. China.
  • BATHELT, H. (2006): Geographies of Production: Growth Regimes in Spatial Perspective 3 - Toward a Relational View of Economic Action and Policy. In: Progress in Human Geography 30: 223-236.
  • MASKELL, P. / BATHELT, H. / MALMBERG, A. (2006): Building Global Knowledge Pipelines: The Role of Temporary Clusters. In: European Planning Studies 14 (8): 997-1013.
  • BATHELT, H. (2005): Geographies of Production: Growth Regimes in Spatial Perspective 2 - Knowledge Creation and Growth in Clusters. In: Progress in Human Geography 29: 204-216.
  • BATHELT, H. / GLÜCKLER, J. (2005): Resources in Economic Geography: From Substantive Concepts Towards a Relational Perspective. In: Environment and Planning A 37: 1545-1563.
  • BATHELT, H. / MALMBERG, A. / MASKELL, P. (2004): Clusters and Knowledge: Local Buzz, Global Pipelines and the Process of Knowledge Creation. In: Progress in Human Geography 28: 31-56.


Philippe Baumard (Management), Management Research Center of the Ecole Polytechnique (France)

Primary fields of study:

Innovation management, strategic analysis and positioning, strategic partnerships, disruptive technologies and business models.

Selected publications:

  • BAUMARD, P. (2007): Les Stratégies de Coopétition de la Grande Firme Face à l’Innovation, Revue Française de Gestion, 33(176): 135-145.
  • BAUMARD, P. / STARBUCK, W.H. (2005): Learning from Failures: Why it May Not Happen, Long Range Planning, 38, pp. 281-298.
  • BAUMARD, P. (1999): Tacit Knowledge in Organizations, Sage, London.
  • BAUMARD, P. / IBERT, O. (1997): The Oligopolist's Discordance Made Acceptable? Enacting Socially-Embedded Knowledge to Act it Out in One's Favor, DMSP Working Paper, n° 251, Paris: University of Paris Dauphine.
  • BAUMARD, P. (1996): Oblique Strategists: Gaining Competitive Advantage through Conjectural Knowledge in Unusually Aggressive Environments, University of Paris XII: Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Working Paper n° 96-05.

Ariane Berthoin Antal (International Relations), Social Science Research Center Berlin (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Artistic interventions in organizations, organizational learning and knowledge, organizational culture, designing and facilitating learning experiences.

Selected publications:

  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / WALKER, E. (2006): Chinesische Rückkehrer als Akteure des Organisationslernens. In: BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / QUACK, S. (eds.) (2006): Grenzüberschreitungen—Grenzziehungen. Implikationen für Innovation und Identität. Festschrift für Hedwig Rudolph, edition sigma: Berlin: 87-118.
  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. (2003): Die Akteure des Organisationslernens: Auswirkungen einer Sichterweiterung. In: BRENTEL, H, / KLEMISCH, H. / ROHN, H. (eds.) (2003): Lernendes Unternehmen – Konzepte und Instrumente für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmens- und Organisationsentwicklung, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden: 87-96.
  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / DIERKES, M. / CHILD, J. / NONAKA, I. (eds.) (2001): Organizational Learning and Knowledge: Reflections on the Dynamics of the Field and Challenges for the Future. In: DIERKES, M. / BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / CHILD, J. / NONAKA, I. (eds.) (2001): Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Oxford University Press: Oxford: 921-939.
  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / LENHARDT, U. / ROSENBROCK, R. (2001): Barriers to Organizational Learning. In: DIERKES, M. / BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / CHILD, J. / NONAKA, I. (eds.) (2001): Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Oxford University Press: Oxford: 865-885.
  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / KREBSBACH-GNATH, C. (2001): Consultants as Agents of Organizational Learning: The Importance of Marginality. In: DIERKES, M. / BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / CHILD, J. / NONAKA, I. (eds.) (2001): Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Oxford University Press: Oxford: 462-483.
  • BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. (1998): Die Dynamik der Theoriebildungsprozesse zum Organisationslernen. In: ALBACH, H. / DIERKES, M. / BERTHOIN ANTAL, A. / VAILLANT, K. (eds.) (1998): Organisationslernen – institutionelle und kulturelle Dimensionen, edition sigma, Berlin: 31-54.


Beate Binder (Anthropology), University of Hamburg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Cultural memory, gender studies, political anthropology, cultural history of technology.

Selected publications:

  • BINDER, B. (2006): National Narratives and Cosmopolitan Dreams: Becoming a Capital in Late Modernity. In: ARVARTSON. G. / BUTLER, T. (Eds.): Multicultures and Cities. Copenhagen.
  • BINDER, B. (2005): Mauer-Denkmale. Zum widersprüchlichen Umgang mit einem Identifikationsort. In: BINDER, B./ GÖTTSCH, S. et. al. (Eds.): Ethnografie europäischer Modernen: Ort – Arbeit – Körper. 34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Münster, 193-202.
  • BINDER, B. (2003): Raum - Erinnerung - Identität. Zur Konstruktion von Gedächtnis- und Handlungsräumen im Prozess der Hauptstadtwerdung Berlins. In: GÖTTSCH, S./ KÖHLE-HEZINGER, C. (Eds.): Komplexe Welt. Kulturelle Ordnungssysteme als Orientierung. Münster, 257-266.


Margaret Boden (Cognitive Science), University of Sussex (UK)

Primary fields of study:

The nature of purpose and intentions, creativity, AI-models of mind, biological aspects of psychology.

Selected publications:

  • BODEN, M.A. (2006): Mind as Machine: a history of cognitive science. 2 Vols. Oxford
  • BODEN, M.A. (2004): The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms. (2nd Edn., revised & enlarged.) London.
  • BODEN, M.A. (Ed.) (1994): Dimensions of Creativity. London: MIT Press, 1994.


Ricarda Bouncken (Economics of Innovation), University of Greifswald (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Structures and processes of cooperation between companies, intercultural innovation management, collaboration of service companies.

Selected publications:

  • BOUNCKEN, R.B./ KOCH, M. (2006): Internationalisierung von KMU: Eine empirische Studie zu Kooperation und Innovation. In: MEYER, A. (Ed.): Jahrbuch KMU-Forschung 2006.
  • MÜLLER-LIETZKOW, J. / BOUNCKEN, R.B. (2006): Erfolg durch interkulturelle Kooperation in einer globalisierten virtuellen Welt? Tagungsband anlässlich der Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik in Greifswald, 6.-7.10.2005, Berlin.
  • BOUNCKEN, R. / ZAGVOZDINA, J. (2006): Influences from Cultural Diverse Cross-National Teams on Innovation Processes. Tagungsband der Volkswagenstiftung zu Innovationsprozessen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 2006.
  • BOUNCKEN, R.B. (2006): Intercultural Communication, Tagungsband anlässlich der Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik, 6.-7.10.2005 in Greifswald, Berlin.
  • BOUNCKEN, R.B. (2004): Impact of cultural diversity on new ventures. Theoretical and empirical findings. In: Journal for Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM), 13/ 4, pp. 240-253.


Ahmed Bounfour, Intellectual Capital Management, Paris-Sud University (France)

Primary fields of study:

Intellectual capital, industrial competitiveness, future socioeconomic systems, strategic planning.

Selected publications:

  • BOUNFOUR, A. (Forthcoming): Organisational Capital, Routledge, London, UK.
  • BOUNFOUR, A. (ed.) (2006): Capital Immatériel, Connaissance, et Performance, L’Harmattan, Paris.
  • BOUNFOUR, A. / EPINETTE, G. (2006): Valeur et Peformance des Systèmes d’Information: Une Nouvelle Approche du Capital Immatériel de l’Entreprise. Dunod, Paris.
  • BOUNFOUR, A. / EDVINSSON, L. (eds.) (2005): Intellectual Capital for Communities, Nations, Regions and Cities, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, MA.
  • BOUNFOUR, A (2003): The Management of Intangibles, The Organisation’s Most Valuable Assets, Routledge, London & New York.
  • BOUNFOUR, A. (1998): Intangible Investments, Single Market Review Series, Kogan Page, London. (and Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg)
  • BOUNFOUR, A. (1998): Le Management des Ressources Immatérielles, Maîtriser les Nouveaux Leviers de l’Avantage Compétitif. Dunod, Paris.


Michael Bravo (Geography), University of Cambridge (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Circumpolar governance, institutions and public policy in the field sciences, maritime geographies of science.

Selected publications:

  • BRAVO (2006): Science for the People: Northern Field Stations and Governmentality. In: British Journal for Canadian Studies, 18(1).
  • BRAVO, M. / KRUPNIK I. / CSONKA, Y. et al. (2005): Social Sciences and Humanities in the IPY 2007-2008: an Integrating Mission. In: Arctic 58(1): 89-96.
  • BRAVO, M. (2004): Mission Gardens: Natural history and Global Expansion, 1720-1820. In: SCHIEBINGER, L. / SWAN, C. (eds.)(2004): Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 49-6.





Alex Checkovich (History and Sociology of Science), University of Virginia (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Environmental history, American technology, historical geography, history of cartography.

Selected publications:

  • CHECKOVICH, A. (2004): Mapping the American Way: Geographical Knowledge and the Development of the United States, 1890-1950.
  • CHECKOVICH, A. (2004): Review of Geoffrey J. Martin, All Possible Worlds: A History of Geographical Ideas, Syracuse University Press, 8th ed. / Isis 97 (2006): 551-552.
  • CHECKOVICH, A. (2003): Review of Neil Smith, American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization, University of California Press/ Isis 96 (2005): 455-456.
  • CHECKOVICH, A.: Aerial Photography and the Transformation of American Geographical Knowledge," Technology and Culture, under review.
  • CHECKOVICH, A., Primary author, with CARLSON, W. / RUSSEL, E. / BROWN, J.: Who's Got the Power: How New Ideas from Environmental History and the History of Technology Can Empower Us All, Technology and Culture, under review.
  • CHECKOVICH, A.: The History of Cartography, Vol. 7: Cartography in the Twentieth Century, contributing articles on "Forestry and Cartography," "Land Use Map," and "Professional Societies -- Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing," under contract, forthcoming.


Robert B. Cialdini (Psychology), Arizona State University (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Persuasion and compliance, altruism, and the tactics of favourable self-presentation.

Selected publications:

  • CIALDINI, R.B., MANER, J. et al. (2005): Persuasion and Health: Creating Positive Behaviour Change. In: KERR, J., WEITKUNAT, R. and MORETTI, M. (Eds.): The ABC of Behaviour Change. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science, 247-258.
  • CIALDINI, R.B. and GOLDSTEIN, N.J. (2004): Social Influence: Compliance and
    Conformity. FISKE, S.T., SCHACTER, D.L. and ZAHN-WAXLER, C. (Eds.): Annual Review of Psychology. Annual Reviews, Inc. 55, 591-621.
  • CIALDINI, R.B. (2003): Crafting Normative Messages to Protect the Environment. In: Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12, 105-109.
  • CIALDINI, R. B., KENRICK, D.T. et al. (2002): Social Psychology: Unraveling the Mystery. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • CIALDINI, R. B. (2001a): Influence: Science and Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • CIALDINI, R. B. (2001b): The Science of Persuasion. In: Scientific American, 284, 76-81.
  • CIALDINI, R. B. and M. R. TROST (1998): Social Influence: Social Norms, Conformity, and Compliance. In: GILBERT, S., FISKE, S.T. and LINDZEY, G. (Eds.): The Handbook of Social Psychology, Vol. 2. New York: McGraw - Hill, 151-192.


Patrick Cohendet (Economics), HEC Montréal (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

The economics and management of innovation, economics of knowledge, knowledge management and theory of organizations.

Selected publications:

  • COHENDET, P. / SIMON, L. (2008): Knowledge Intensive Firms, Communities and Creative Cities. In: AMIN, A. / ROBERTS, J. (eds.) (forthcoming 2008): Communities of Practices. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK.
  • COHENDET, P. / PAWLAK É. (forthcoming 2008): Diversity of Entrepreneurs and Diversity of Clusters in Nanotechnologies. Special Issue on "Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters in the Global Knowledge Economy and Society" of International Journal of Technology Management.
  • COHENDET, P. / SIMON, L. (2007): Playing Across the Playground: Paradoxes of Knowledge Creation in the Video-Game Firm. In: Journal of Organizational Behaviour: 587-605.
  • ASH A. / COHENDET, P. (2005): Geographies of Knowledge Formation in Firms. In: Industry and Innovation 12 (4): 465 – 486.
  • ASH A. / COHENDET, P. (2004): Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities and Communities. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK.


Harry M. Collins (Sociology), Cardiff University (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Scientific knowledge, public understanding of science, skill and expertise, science, education.

Selected publications:

  • COLLINS, H. (2001): Tacit Knowledge, Trust and the Q of Sapphire. In: Social Studies of Science, 31(1), 71-85.
  • COLLINS, H. and LABINGER, J. (Eds.) (2001): The One Culture? A Conversation about Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • COLLINS, H. (2003): Lead into Gold: The Science of Finding Nothing. In: Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 34(4), 661-691.
  • COLLINS, H. (2004): Gravity's Shadow: The Search for Gravitational Waves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • COLLINS, H. (2004): Interactional Expertise as a Third Kind of Knowledge. In: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 3, 125-143.


Jeremy W. Crampton (Geography), Georgia State University (USA)

Primary fields of study:

The politics of space and spatial identity, history of cartography, critical approaches to GIS and cartography, biopolitics and race, geosurveillance.

Selected Publications:

  • CRAMPTON, J.W. (2010): Mapping: A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Oxford & New York.
  • CRAMPTON, J.W. / ELDEN, S. (2007) (Eds.): Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography. Ashgate, Aldershot, UK.
  • CRAMPTON, J.W. (2007): The Biopolitical Justification for Geosurveillance. In: Geographical Review, 97(3), 389-403.





Diana K. Davis (Geography), University of California (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Environmental History, Colonialism, Political Ecology, Pastoral Societies and Arid Lands, Middle East and North Africa, Environmental Change and Public Health, Ethnoveterinary Medicine.

Selected Publications:

  • Davis, D. K. (1996): Gender, Indigenous Knowledge and Pastoral Resource Use in Morocco. In: The Geographical Review, 86 (2), 284-288.
  • Davis, D. K. (2005): A Space of Her Own: Women, Work and Desire in an Afghan Nomad Community. In: Nagel, C. / Falah, G.W. (eds.): Geographies of Muslim Women: Gender, Religion, and Space. New York: Guilford, 68-90.
  • Davis, D. K. (2005): Potential Forests: Degradation Narratives, Science and Environmental Policy in Protectorate Morocco, 1912-1956. In: Environmental History, 10 (2), 211-238.
  • Davis, D. K. (2005):  Indigenous Knowledge and the Desertification Debate: Problematising Expert Knowledge in North Africa. In: Geoforum, 36 (4), 509-524.
  • Davis, D. K. (2006): Rangeland Production in Afghanistan. In: Sécheresse, 17 (1-2), 200-202.


Lorne L. Dawson (Sociology and Religious Studies) University of Waterloo (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

New religious movements, theory and methods in the study of religion, religion and the Internet.

Selected publications:

  • DAWSON, L. L. (2006): Comprehending Cults: The Sociology of New Religious Movements. Toronto, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • DAWSON, L. L. (2005): The Role of Prophecy in the Success and Failure of New
    Religious Movements: The Case of the Church Universal and Triumphant, paper
    presented to the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Rochester, N.Y.,
    Nov. 4th, 2005; under review for publication.
  • DAWSON, L. L. (2004): The Socio-Cultural Significance of Modern New Religious Movements. In: LEWIS, J.R. (Ed.): Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 68-99.
  • DAWSON, L. L. and COWAN, D.E. (Eds.) (2004): Religion Online. New York: Routledge.
  • DAWSON, L. L. (Ed.) (2003): Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader. Oxford, Boston: Blackwell.
  • DAWSON, L. L. (1999): When Prophecy Fails and Faith Persists: A Theoretical Overview. In: Nova Religio, 3(1), 60-82.


George J. Sefa Dei (Sociology and Equity Studies), University of Toronto (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

The areas of Anti-Racism, Minority Schooling, International Development and Anti-Colonial Thought.

Selected Publications:

  • Dei, G. (2004): Schooling and Education in Africa: The Case of Ghana. A World Press, Trenton, New Jersey.
  • Dei, G. / Singh Johal, G. (eds.) (2005): Critical Issues in Anti-Racist Research Methodologies. Peter Lang, New York.
  • Dei, G. / Abdi, A. / Puplampu, K. (eds.) (2006): African Education and Globalization: Critical Perspectives. Lexington Books, Lanham, M.D.
  • Dei, G. / Kempf, A. (eds.) (2006): Anti-Colonialism and Education: The Politics of Resistance. Sense Publishers, Netherlands.
  • Dei, G. (2008): Racists Beware: Uncovering Racial Politics in Contemporary Society. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


David Demeritt (Geography), King’s College London (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Social theory and the environment.

Selected publications:

  • DEMERITT, D. (2005): Hybrid Geographies, Relational Ontologies, and Situated Knowledges. In: Antipode, 37(4): 818-23.
  • DEMERITT, D. (2002): What Is the “Social Construction of Nature”? A Typology and Sympathetic Critique. In: Progress in Human Geography 26(6): 766-89.
  • DEMERITT, D. / DYER, S. (2002): Dialogue, Metaphors of Dialogue, and Understandings of Geography. In: Area 34(3): 229-41.
  • DEMERITT, D. (1996): Social Theory and the Reconstruction of Science and Geography. In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 21(3): 484-503.
  • DEMERITT, D. (1994): Ecology, Objectivity, and Critique in Writings on Nature and Human Societies. In: Journal of Historical Geography 20(1): 22-37, reprinted in BARNES, T./ GREGORY, D. (eds.)(1997): Reading Human Geography: The Poetics and Politics of Inquiry, Edward Arnold, London, 211-29.


Caroline Desbiens (Geography), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)

Primary fields of study:

Historical geography of the North, cultural geography, and geography of the women.

Selected Publications:

  • Desbiens, C. (2004): Producing North and South: a political geography of hydro development in Québec. In: The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 48 (2), 101-118.
  • Desbiens, C. (2004): Nation-to-Nation: defining new structures of development in Northern Québec. In: Economic Geography, 80 (4), 351-366.
  • Desbiens, C. (2006): Du Nord au Sud: géographie autochtone et humanisation du territoire québécois. In: Les Cahiers de Géographie du Québec, 50 (141), 393-401.
  • Desbiens, C. (2006): Un nouveau chemin vers les rapides: Chisasibi/La Grande comme axe de relations Nord-Sud au Québec. In: Globe: Revue internationale d’études québécoises, 9 (1), 177-210.
  • Desbiens, C. (2007): Water all around you cannot even drink: the scaling of water in James Bay / Eeyou Istchee. In: Area, 39 (3), 259-267.


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Latest Revision: 2018-06-26