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Symposia at the Studio of Villa Bosch
Heidelberg University
Department of Geography
Berliner Str. 48
69120 Heidelberg

Klara Jungkunz
Linda Sendlinger
Marius Zipf


Volume 18 is out now!

To read Volume 18 "Profession and Proficiency"  click here Externer Inhalt (Open Access)


Authors Publications

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Ortwin Renn, Sociology, University of Stuttgart (Germany)

Primary fields of study:
Sociology of risks and environment, risk management, risk regulation and risk communication, participation research, technology foresight, public understanding of science.

Selected publications:

  • RENN, O. (2007): Leitbild Nachhaltigkeit: eine normative-funktionale Konzeption und ihre Umsetzung, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
  • RENN, O. (2006): Risk Governance: Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex World, Earthscan, London.
  • RENN, O. (1995): Fairness and Competiveness in Citizen Participation: Evaluating Models for Environmental Discourse, Kluwer, Dordrecht.


Waltraud Ritter (Information Science), The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (Hong Kong)

Primary fields of study:

Knowledge management, communication infrastructure, exchange of knowledge in science and the analysis of knowledge assets.




Graham Rowles (Geronotology), University of Kentucky (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Interest in the humanistic tradition: geography of aging and the aged.  A primary emphasis of this work has been exploration of the changing relationship between elders and their environment.

Selected publications:

  • Rowles, G.D. (2008): Place in occupational science: A life course perspective on the role of environmental context in the quest for meaning. Journal of Occupational Science, 15, 3, 127-135.
  • Rowles, G.D. (2008): The meaning of place. In E.B. Crepeau, E.S. Cohn & B.A.B. Schell (Eds.), Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy  11th Edition (pp.80-89). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Oswald, F. / Rowles, G.D. (2007): Beyond the relocation trauma in old age: New trends in elders’ residential decisions. In H.-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Romer & A. Hoff (Eds.), New Dynamics in Old Age: Individual, Environmental and Societal Perspectives (pp.127-152). Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company.
  • Rowles, G.D. / Watkins, J.F. (2003): History, habit, heart and hearth: On making spaces into places. In K.W. Schaie, H.-W. Wahl, H. Mollenkopf & F. Oswald (Eds.), Aging Independently: Living Arrangements and Mobility (pp.77-96). New York: Springer Publishing Company.


Nicolaas A. Rupke (History of Science), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Bio- and geo-sciences/ late modernity, history of science (Germany, Great Britain), natural sciences and ideology (A. V. Humboldt, C. Darwin).

Selected publications:

  • RUPKE, N. A. (2005a): Alexander von Humboldt: a Metabiography. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • RUPKE, N. A. (2005b): Christianity and the Sciences, 1815-1914. In: GILLEY, S. and STANLEY, B. (Eds.): The Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol. 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 164-180.
  • RUPKE, N. A. (1999). A Geography of Enlightenment: The Critical Reception of Alexander von Humboldt´s Mexico Work. In: LIVINGSTONE, D.N. and WITHERS, C.W.J. (Eds.): Geography and Enlightenment. Chicago, London: Chicago University Press, 319-339.
  • RUPKE, N. A. (1997). Introduction. In: HUMBOLDT, A. v.: Cosmos, Vol 1. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, vii-xxxv.


Dirk Rupnow (History), APART Fellow/Institute for Human Sciences IWM, Vienna (Austria)

Primary fields of study:

Holocaust studies.

Selected publications:

  • RUPNOW, D. (2006): Aporien des Gedenkens. Reflexionen über ‚Holocaust’ und Erinnerung. Freiburg, Berlin. (=Edition Parabasen)
  • RUPNOW, D. (2005): Vernichten und Erinnern. Spuren nationalsozialistischer Gedächtnispolitik. Göttingen.
  • RUPNOW, D. (2004): „Arisierung“ jüdischer Geschichte. Zur nationalsozialistischen ‚Judenforschung’. In: Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur, 2, 349-367.
  • RUPNOW, D. (2002): “Ihr müßt sein, auch wenn ihr nicht mehr seid”. The Jewish Central Museum in Prague and Historical Memory in the Third Reich, In: Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 16(1), 23-53.
  • RUPNOW, D (2000): Täter-Gedächtnis-Opfer. Das „Jüdische Zentralmuseum“ in Prag 1942-1945. Wien.



Kerstin Sailer, Architecture, University College London (UK)

Primary fields of study:

Workplace environments, social and intra-organizational networks.

Selected publications:

  • SAILER, K. / BUDGEN, A. / LONSDALE, N. / PENN, A. (2008): Space matters! How the Physical and Lived World Influence Intra-Organisational Networks, Sunbelt XXVIII International Conference of Social Network Analysis, St. Pete / FL, 22nd-27th January 2008.
  • SAILER, K. / BUDGEN, A. (2007): ‚Creating Office Spaces’, Archplus-Symposium 'Bürolandschaft – eine vergessene Strategie der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte', documenta 12, Kassel, 20th July 2007.
  • SAILER, K. (2007): Movement in Workplace Environments – Configurational or Programmed?, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Istanbul/Turkey, 12th-15th June 2007.
  • SAILER, K. / PENN, A. (2007): The Performance of Space – Exploring Social and Spatial Phenomena of Interaction Patterns in an Organisation, Architecture and Phenomenology Conference in Haifa / Israel, 13th-16th May 2007.


Günther Schlee (Anthropology), Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Identity and difference, Changes of alliances, Kinship and friendship; Germany, Blue Nile Region (Sudan), South Ethiopia, Kenya, Somaliland, Somalia.

Selected Publications:

  • Schlee, G. (2003): Identification in North-East Africa. In: Africa - Thematic Issue, 73 (3). Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Schlee, G. (2006): Wie Feindbilder entstehen: Eine Theorie religiöser und ethnischer Konflikte. Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich.
  • Schlee, G. (2007): Brothers of the Boran once again: On the Fading Popularity of Certain Somali Identities in Northern Kenya. In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, 1: 141-183.
  • Schlee, G. (2008): How Enemies are made: towards a theory of ethnic and religious conflict. Series Integration and Conflict Studies, 1. Berghahn Books, Oxford, New York:
  • Schlee, G. / Turner, B. (eds.) (2008): Vergeltung. Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung der Rechtfertigung und Regulation von Gewalt. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/M.



Wolfgang Schluchter (Sociology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Sociological theory, sociology of religion, comparative analysis of cultures, political sociology.

Selected publications:

  • Schluchter, W. (2009): Die soziologischen Grundbegriffe. Max Webers Grundlegung einer verstehenden Soziologie. In H. Lehmann (Ed.), Die Entzauberung der Welt. Studien zu Themen von Max Weber (pp. 111-136). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
  • Schluchter, W. (2007): Die Grundlegung einer verstehenden Soziologie als Handlungs-, Ordnungs- und Kulturtheorie. In W. Schluchter (Ed.), Grundlegungen der Soziologie, Band 1, 3. Kapitel, Abschnitt B, (pp. 204-272). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
  • Schluchter, W. (Ed.) (2005): Handlung, Ordnung und Kultur. Grundzüge eines weberianischen Forschungsprogramms. In Handlung, Ordnung und Kultur (pp. 7-30). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


Ursula Schneider, International Management, University of Graz (Austria)

Primary fields of study:

Knowledge management / intellectual capital, globalisation, organization of networks, project management.

Selected publications:

  • SCHNEIDER, U. / HIRT, C. (2007): Multikulturelles Management. Oldenbourg, München.
  • SCHNEIDER, U. (2007): Coping with the Concept of Knowledge. In: Management Learning, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore, Vol. 38(5): 613-633.
  • SCHNEIDER, (2007): The Austrian National Knowledge Report. In: Journal of Knowledge Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 11, (5): 129-140.
  • SCHNEIDER, U. (2005): The Other Side of the Distinction: The Management of Ignorance. In: RENZL, B. / MATZLER, K. /HINTERHUBER, H. (eds.) (2005): The Future of Knowledge Management. Palgrave: 99 – 111.
  • SCHNEIDER, U. (2004): (Wie) funktionieren Communities of Practice? In: EPPLER, M. / REINHARDT, R. (eds.) (2004): Wissenskommunikation in Organisationen. Methoden, Instrumente, Theorien, Springer, Berlin et al.: 137 – 156.
  • SCHNEIDER, U. (2000): Work under Construction. Management als Steuerung des Organisatorischen Wissens. In: SCHREYÖGG, G. (edd) (2000): Funktionswandel im Management: Wege jenseits der Ordnung. Betriebswirtschaftliche Schriften, Heft 152, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin: 79 – 110.


Wolfgang Scholl, Psychology, Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Processes of power and social influence, group research, innovation and of information, mobility.

Selected publications

  • SCHOLL, W. (in press):Konflikte und Konflikthandhabung bei Innovationen. In: WITTE, E. / KAHL, C. (Hrsg.), Sozialpsychologie der Kreativität und Innovation. Lengerich: Pabst. SCHOLL, W. (2009, submitted): The socio-emotional basis of human interaction and communi­cation. Paper, Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin.
  • SCHOLL, W./ RIEDEL, E. (2008, submitted): Using high or low power as promotive or restrictive control - differential effects on learning and performance. Paper, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • SCHOLL, W.(2007): Einfluss nehmen und Einsicht gewinnen – gegen die Verführung der Macht. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell 3, 33-40.
  • SCHOLL, W. (2007): Innovationen – Wie Unternehmen neues Wissen produzieren und etablieren. In: HOF, H. / WENGENROTH, U. (Hrsg.),Innovationsforschung – Ansätze, Methoden, Grenzen und Perspektiven, LIT, Münster, 271-300. [Innovations. How enterprises produce new knowledge]
  • SCHOLL, W. (2005): Grundprobleme der Teamarbeit und ihre Bewältigung - Ein Kausalmodell. In: HÖGL, M./ GEMÜNDEN, H.G. (Hrsg.), Management von Teams. Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde, 3. Aufl., Gabler. Wiesbaden, 33-66. [Basic Problems of Team Work and their Solution – A Causal Model]
  • SCHOLL, W. (2004): Innovation und Information. Wie in Unternehmen neues Wissen produziert wird (Unter Mitarbeit von LUTZ HOFFMANN und HANS-CHRISTOF GIERSCHNER), Hogrefe, Göttingen. [Innovation and information. How Enterprises Produce New Knowledge]
  • SCHOLL, W. (1999): Restrictive Control and Information Pathologies in Organizations. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 101-118.
  • SCHOLL,W. (1996): Effective Teamwork - A Theoretical Model and a Test in the Field. In: WITTE, E. & DAVIS, J. (eds.): Understanding Group Behavior (2): Small Group Processes and Interpersonal Relations, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ: 127-146.
  • SCHOLL, W. (1992): The social production of knowledge.In: V. CRANACH, M. / W. DOISE, W. / MUGNY, G. (Eds.), Social representations and the social bases of knowledge (pp. 37-42). Bern: Huber.


Hubert Seiwert (Religious Studies), University of Leipzig (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Religious history of China, theory and methodology of the Religious Sciences, new religious movements, religion and cultural dynamics.

Selected publications:

  • SEIWERT, H. (2005): Kodifizierte Normen, soziale Normen und Praxis am Beispiel des chinesischen Buddhismus. In: SCHALK, P. et al. (Eds.): Im Dickicht der Gebote: Studien zur Dialektik von Norm und Praxis in der Buddhismusgeschichte Asiens. Uppsala, 15-38.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2004): The German Enquete Commission on Sects. Political conflicts and compromises. In: RICHARDSON, J.T. (Ed.): Regulating religion. Case Studies from around the globe. New York, Boston, Dordrecht et al.: Kluwer, 85-101.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2003): Popular Religious Movements and Heterodox Sects in Chinese
    History. Leiden: Brill.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2003): Freedom and Control in the Unified Germany: Governmental Approaches to Alternative Religions Since 1989. In: Sociology of Religion, 64(3), 367-376.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2003): The Charisma of the Prophet and the Birth of Religions. In: FILORAMO, G. (Ed.):Carisma profetico: Fattore di innovatione religiosa. Brescia: Morcelliana, 291-306.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2002): Häresie im neuzeitlichen China. Die Erlösungslehre der
    Drachenblumenschrift (Longhua jing). In: HUTTER, M., KLEIN, W. and VOLLMER, U. (Eds.): Hairesis. Festschrift für Karl Hoheisel zum 65. Geburtstag. Münster: Aschendorff, 341-353.
  • SEIWERT, H. (2002): Is Germany Different? A Comment on Hexham and Poewe’s
    Interpretation of German Anticult Policy. In: Nova Religio, 6, 119-128.



Gunter Senft (Linguistics), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (Netherlands)

Primary fields of study:

Austronesian and Papuan languages, nominal classification, categorization, conceptualization of space, semantics and pragmatics, typology, anthropological linguistics, language/culture/ cognition, endangered languages.

Selected Publications:

  • Senft, G. (ed.) (1997): Referring to Space - Studies in Austronesian and Papuan Languages. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Senft, G. (ed.) (2000): Systems of Nominal Classification. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Senft, G. (2007): Nominal Classsification. In: Geeraerts, D. / Cuyckens, H. (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford University Press, New York: 676-696.
  • Senft, G. (2008): Landscape terms and place names in the Trobriand Islands - the Kaile'una subset. In: Burenhult, N. (ed.): Language and landscape: geographical ontology in cross-linguistic perspective. Language Sciences (special issue), 30, 340-361.
  • Basso, E. / Senft, G. (eds.) (in press): Ritual Communication. Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series. Berg., Oxford.


Paul Sillitoe (Anthropology), Durham University (United Kingdom)

Primary fields of study:

Development and social change, Economic anthropology and tribal socio-political orders, Environmental anthropology and natural resources management, Human ecology and ethnosciences, Indigenous knowledge and participating development, Livelihood and technology, Melanesia and South Asia.

Selected Publications:

  • Sillitoe, P. (1994): The Bogaia of the Muller Ranges, Papua New Guinea: land use, agriculture and society of a vulnerable population. Oceania Publications, Sydney.
  • Sillitoe, P. (2000): Indigenous knowledge development in Bangladesh: Present and future. Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
  • Bicker, A. / Pottier, J. / Sillitoe, P. (2004): Investigating Local Knowledge: New Directions, New Approaches. Ashgate, Aldershot.
  • Barr, J. / Dixon, P. / Sillitoe, P. (2005): Indigenous Knowledge Inquiries: A Methodologies Manual For Development. ITDG Publications, London.
  • Sillitoe, J. / Sillitoe, P. (2009): ‘Grass-Clearing Man’: A Factional Ethnography of Life in the New Guinea Highlands. Waveland Press, Long Grove (Ill.).

Eric Stewart Sheppard (Geography), University of Minnesota (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Trade and uneven geographies of globalization, geography of economic development, the spatial dynamics of capitalism, neoliberalism and its contestations, livelihood struggles in the third world, geographic information, technologies and society, environmental justice in the Twin Cities, urban policy and urban development.

Selected publications:

  • SHEPPARD, E. S. / LEITNER, H. / PECJ, J.(eds.) (2007): Contesting Neoliberalism: Urban Frontiers. Guilford Press, New York.
  • PLUMMER, P. / SHEPPARD, E. S. (2006): Geography Matters: Agency, Structures and Dynamics. In: Journal of Economic Geography 6: 619-37.
  • SHEPPARD, E. S. (2006): Positionality and Globalization in Economic Geography. In: VERTOVA, G. (ed.) (2006): The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization. Routledge, London.
  • SHEPPARD, E. S. (2005): Constructing Free Trade: From Manchester Boosterism to Global Management. In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 30:151-72.
  • SHEPPARD, E. S. (2002): The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and Positionality. In: Economic Geography 78 (3): 307-330.


Wesley Shrum (Sociology), Louisiana State University (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Sociology of science and technology, Sociology of culture, Scientific communication networks, in particular the role of the Internet in Africa and Asian science

Selected publications:

  • SHRUM, W. (2003): Science and Story in Developing Countries: The Emergence of Nongovernmental Organizations in Agricultural Research
    URL: http://worldsci.net/story.pdf
    Published as
  • SHRUM, W. (2002): Reagency of the Internet, or, How I Became a Guest for Science. URL: http://worldsci.net/reagency.pdf
    SHRUM, W. (2000): Science and Story in Development. In: Social Studies of Science, 30(1): 95-124.


Dean Keith Simonton (Psychology), University of California (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Genius, creativity, leadership, talent, and aesthetics; relation between age and achievement; personality traits and societal context behind presidential leadership; developmental and career factors underlying scientific creativity; content analytical attributes of masterworks in music and literature: the determinants of military genius; factors responsible for multiple discoveries and inventions; effects of role models and mentors on personal development.

Selected publications:

  • SIMONTON, D.K. (in press): Creativity: Specialized Expertise or General Cognitive Processes? In: ROBERTS, M.J. (Ed.), Integrating the Mind. Hove, UK.
  • SIMONTON, D.K. (in press): Creative Genius, Knowledge, and Reason: The Lives and Works of Eminent Creators. In: KAUFMAN, J.C. / BAER, J. (Eds.): Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development. Cambridge, pp. 43-59.
  • SIMONTON, D.K. (in press): Scientific Status of Disciplines, Individuals, and Ideas: Empirical Analyses of the Potential Impact of Theory. In: Review of General Psychology.
  • SIMONTON, D.K. (2006). Creativity Around the World in 80 Ways ... but with One Destination. In: KAUFMAN, J.C. / STERNBERG, R.J. (Eds.): International Handbook of Creativity Research. New York, pp. 490-496.
  • SIMONTON, D.K. (2005): Creativity in Psychology: On Becoming and Being a Great Psychologist. In: KAUFMAN, J.C. / BAER, J. (Eds.): Faces of the Muse: How People Think, Work and Act Creatively in Diverse Domains. Mahwah, NJ, pp. 139-151.


Gregory Smith (Education), Lewis & Clark College, Portland (USA)

Primary fields of study:

The practice of place-based education: using local knowledge, phenomena, and experience as the foundation for teaching and learning.

Selected Publications:

  • Smith, G. (1991): Education and the Environment: Learning to Live with Limits. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY.
  • Smith, G. (ed.) (1993): Public Schools That Work: Creating Community. Routledge,
  • New York.
  • Smith, G. / Williams, D. (eds.) (1999): Education in Action: On Weaving Education, Culture, and the Environment. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY.
  • Smith, G. (2002): Place-based Education: Learning to Be Where We Are. In: Kappan, 83, 584-594.
  • Gruenewald, D. / Smith, G. (eds.) (2008): Place-based Education in the Global Age: Local Diversity. Erlbaum, New York.
  • Smith, G. / Sobel, D. (forthcoming): Place- and Community-based Education in Schools. Routledge, New York.



Manfred Spitzer (Psychology), Universitätsklinikum Ulm (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Cognitive neuroscience and psychiatry

Selected publications:

  • Spitzer, M. (in press): Medizin für die Bildung. Spektrum Verlag.
  • Spitzer, M. (2009): Aufklärung 2.0. Gehirnforschung als Selbsterkenntnis. Stuttgart: Schattauer (Reihe: Wissen & Leben).
  • Abler, B. / Herrnberger, B. / Grön, G. / Spitzer, M. (2009): From uncertainty to reward: BOLD characteristics differentiate signaling pathways. BMC Neuroscience, 10, 154.
  • Spitzer, M. / Fischbacher, U. / Herrnberger, B. / Grön, G. / Fehr, E. (2007): The Neural Signature of Social Norm Compliance. Neuron, 56, 185–196.


Nico Stehr (Sociology), Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

The Knowledge Society, The Modern Economy, Knowledge as Medium of Exchange, Globalization, Cultural Studies.

Selected publications:

  • STEHR, N. (2008): Knowledge and Democracy. New Brunswick, USA: Transaction Publishers.
  • STEHR, N. / GRUNDMANN, R. (2009): Society (Critical Concepts in Sociology). London: Routledge.
  • STEHR, N. (2008): Moral Markets: How Knowledge and Affluence Change Consumers and Producers. Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishers.
  • STEHR, N. / HENNING, C. / WEILER, B. (2008): Who owns Knowledge: Knowledge and the Law. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Transaction Publishers.
  • STEHR, N. / GRUNDMANN, R. (2005): Knowledge. London: Routledge.
  • STEHR, N. (2004): Biotechnology: Between Commerce and Civil Society. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Transaction Publisher.
  •  STEHR, N./ GRUNDMANN, R.: Sozialwissenschaft ohne Natur? In: MAURER, M./ HÖLL, O. (eds): Natur als Politikum, RLI-Verlag, Wien, (forthcoming).
  • STEHR, N.: Wissenspolitik oder die gesellschaftliche Disziplinierung neuer Erkenntnisse. In: KUBINCEK, H./ KLUMPP, D./ ROßNAGEL, A. (eds): Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft, (forthcoming).
  • STEHR, N. (2003): Expertise in Knowledge Societies. In: BECHMANN, G./ HRONSKY, I, (eds.): Expertise and Its Interfaces. Berin, Sigma, 35-44.
  • STEHR, N. ( 2003): Wissenspolitik. Die Überwachung des Wissens. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M.
  • STEHR, N. (2001): Moderne Wissensgesellschaften. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 36 (31. August): 7-14.
  • STEHR, N. (2000): Die Kultur der Wissensgesellschaften. In: Forum TTN (3): 3-14.
  • STEHR, N. (2000): Warum es SO schwierig ist interdisziplinär zu sein: Von der Zukunft der Wissenschaftskulturen und den Bedingungen der Transdisziplinarität in den Wissenschaften. In: Forum Forschung, 2000, 100-102.


Mikael Stenmark, Philosophy of Religion, Teologiska Institutionen, University of Uppsala, Uppsala (Sweden)

Primary fields of study:

Place of ideology of science; neuroscientific explanations of religious experience; Christian-Muslim relations.

Selected publications:

  • STENMARK, M. (1997): What is scientism? In: Religious Studies, 33(1), 15-32.
  • STENMARK, M. (2001): Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • STENMARK, M. (2004): Contemporary Darwinism and Religion. In: LUSTIG, A., RICHARDS, R. and RUSE, M. (Eds.): Darwinian Heresies: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 173-191.
  • STENMARK, M. (2004): How to relate science and religion: A multidimensional model. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
  • STENMARK, M. (2005): Models of Science and Religion: Is there any Alternative to Ian Barbour´s Typology? In: MEISINGER, H. et al. (Eds.): Studies in Science and Theology, Vol. 10. Lund.
  • STENMARK, M. (2005): A Religiously Partisan Science? Islamic and Christian Perspectives. In: Theology and Science, 3, 23-28.
  • STENMARK, M. (2005): Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology: Darwinism and Religion. In: JONES, L. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 12. New York:
    Thomson/ Gale.


Rudolf Stichweh (Sociology), University of Luzern (Switzerland)

Primary fields of study:

Sociological theory, Sociology of science and of the universities, Socio-cultural evolution, Sociology of economics, Historical macro-sociology.

Selected publications:

  • STICHWEH, R. (2003): Genese des globalen Wissenschaftssystems, Soziale Systeme, (9): 3-26.
  • STICHWEH, R. (2001): Scientific Disciplines, History of Pp. 13727-1373. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 20. Oxford: Elsevier 2001 (revised version: „Differentiation of Scientific Disciplines. Causes and Consequences“. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Unesco 2003).
  • STICHWEH, R. (1994): Wissenschaft, Universität, Professionen. Soziologische Analysen. Suhrkamp: Frankfurt a.M. (esp. Ch. 1, 2, 5, 9, 10).
  • STICHWEH, R. (1992): The Sociology of Scientific Disciplines: On the Genesis and Stability of the Disciplinary Structure of Modern Science. In: Science in Context (5): 3-16.
  • STICHWEH, R. (1984): Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen: Physik in Deutschland 1740 – 1890, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M.



Fritz Strack (Psychology), University of Würzburg (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Social cognition, emotion, behaviour.

Selected publications:

  • Deutsch, R. / Strack, F. (2010): Building blocks of social behavior: Reflective and impulsive processes. In B. Gawronski & B. K. Payne (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Social Cognition.
  • Strack, F. / Deutsch, R. / Krieglmeyer, R. (2009). The two horses of behavior. In E. Morsella, J. A. Bargh, & P. M. Gollwitzer (Eds.), The Psychology of Action, Volume 2. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hofmann, W. / Friese, M. / Strack, F. (2009): Impulse and self-control from a dual-systems perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 162-176.
  • Strack, F. / Deutsch, R. (2007): The role of impulse in social behavior. In E.T. Higgins & A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles (pp. 408-431). Guilford: NewYork.
  • Strack, F. / Deutsch, R. (2004): Reflective and impulsive determinants of social behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 220-247.

Roger W. Stump, Geography and Religious Studies, University of Albany, Albany, NY (USA)

Primary fields of study:

Cultural geography, contextuality and spatiality of religions, comparative analysis of religious fundamentalism.

Selected publications:

  • STUMP, R.W. (2004): Fundamentalism, democracy, and the contesting of meaning. In: Democracy and Religion. London: Kent State University Press, 185-201.
  • STUMP, R.W. (2000). Boundaries of Faith - Geographical Perspectives on Religious Fundamentalism. Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, Md.
  • STUMP, R.W. (1998a): Place and innovation in popular music. In: Journal of Cultural Geography, 18, 11-34.
  • STUMP, R.W. (1998b): The Effects of Geographical Variability on Protestant Church Membership, 1980-1990. In: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 37, 636- 651.
  • STUMP, R.W. (1987): Regional variations in denominational switching among white
    Protestants. In: Professional Geographer, 39, 438-449.
  • STUMP, R.W. (1985): Toward a Geography of American Civil Religion. In: Journal of Cultural Geography, 5, 87-95.




Klaus Tanner (Systematical Theology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Primary Fields of Research:

Protestantism and political culture in the 19th and 20th century, the history of ethics, basic questions of ethics and medical and bioethics

Selected Publications:

  • TANNER, K. (2002): Theologie im Kontext der Kulturwissenschaften. In: Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift, 19, 83 - 98.
  • TANNER, K. (2004): Ist Theologie solides Wissen? Bemerkungen zur Aufgabe von Theologie auf der Basis von Kant, Habermas und Cassirer. In: TANNER, K. (Hg.) (2004): Religion und symbolische Kommunikation. Leipzig: 15-37.
  • TANNER, K. (2005): Bekenntnis zum Grundgesetz? Vom indirekten Gottesbezug der Verfassung. In: BRÄCKLEIN, S. (Hg.) (2005): Politisches Denken ist ... Festschrift für Margot von Renesse. Frankfurt a. M.: 97-106.
  • TANNER, K. (2005): Die unsichtbare Dimension der Macht. Ekklesiologie als Exemplum der Analyse des Institutionellen. In: MELVILLE, G. (Hg.) (2005): Das Sichtbare und das Unsichtbare der Macht. Institutionelle Prozesse in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Köln, Weimar, Bonn: 3-17.
  • TANNER, K. (2006): Bemerkungen zur Arbeit am Thema „Religion - Politik – Gewalt“ am Ende des Kongresses. In: SCHWEITZER, F. (Hg.) (2006): Religion, Politik und Gewalt. Die Beiträge des XII. Europäischen Kongresses für Theologie. Gütersloh: 234-244.


Robert Tonkinson (Anthropology), University of Western Australia (Australia)

Primary Fields of Research:

Aboriginal Australia, identity, Melanesia, politics of tradition, religion, social change

Selected publications:

  • TONKINSON; R./ Howard, M. (Eds.)(1990): Going it Alone? Canberra.
  • TONKINSON, R. (1993): The Mardu Aborigines: Living the Dream in Australia's Desert, Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology. Orlando.
  • TONKINSON, R./ Berndt, R. (1988): Social Anthropology and Australian Aboriginal Studies: A Contemporary Overview. Canberra
  • TONKINSON, R. (1974): The Jigalong Mob: Aboriginal Victors of the Desert Crusade. San Francisco.


Stefan Troebst (History, Slavic Studies), Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrums Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO) and University of Leipzig (Germany)

Primary fields of study:

Collective identities in Eastern Europe, international organizations and ethno-political conflicts on present-day Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe in international relations of the interwar period, nationalism and historiography in the Balkans.

Selected publications:

  • TROEBST, S.: Regional turn? Geschichtsregionale Konzeptionen in den Kulturwissenschaften. In: Historische Zeitschrift (forthcoming 2008).
  • TROEBST, S. (2007): Vom spatial turn zum regional turn? Geschichtsregionale Konzeptionen in den Kulturwissenschaften. In: MIDDELL, M. (Ed.): Dimensionen der Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Festschrift für Hannes Siegrist zum 60. Geburtstag. Leipzig, 143-159.
  • TROEBST, S. (2007): Le Monde méditerranéen - Südosteuropa - Black Sea World. Geschichtsregionen im Süden Europas. In: SCHENK, F./ WINKLER, M. (Eds.): Der Süden. Neue Perspektiven auf eine europäische Geschichtsregion. Frankfurt a.M./ New York, 49-72.
  • TROEBST, S. (2007): Ostmitteleuropa - Region und Epoche. In: SAMERSKI, S. (Ed.): Die Renaissance der Nationalpatrone. Erinnerungskulturen in Ostmitteleuropa im 20./ 21. Jahrhundert. Köln, Weimar, Wien, 10-26.
  • TROEBST, S (2006): Schwarzmeerwelt. Eine geschichtsregionale Konzeption. In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen, 46 (5-6), 92-102.
  • TROEBST, S. (2003): ”Intermarium” and ”Wedding to the Sea”: Politics of History and Mental Mapping in East Central Europe. In: European Review of History/Revue européenne d’histoire, 10(2), 293-321.
  • TROEBST, S. (2003): What's in a Historical Region? A Teutonic Perspective. In: TROEBST, S. (ed.): Geschichtsregionen: Concept and Critique. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 173-188.


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Latest Revision: 2018-06-26