Günther Abel
Department of Philosophy, History of Literature, Science and Technic, TU-Berlin
Mitchel Abolafia
Department of Public Administration & Policy, University of Albany
Christian Abrahamson
Department of Geography, Lund University
Louise Ackers
Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, The Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool
Tracey L. Adams
Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario
Hanne Kirstine Adriansen
Department of Education, Aarhus University
John Agnew
Department of Geography, University of California
Gregor Ahn
Institute of Religious Studies, University of Heidelberg
Patricia Alexander
Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, College of Education, University of Maryland
Herbert Altrichter
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Ash Amin
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
Shaz Ansari
Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Christopher Ansell
Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
Christoph Antweiler
Institute for Orient- and Southeast Asia Studies, University of Bonn

Carl Bagley
School of Education, Durham University
Artur Bajersky
Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University
Reza Banakar
Sociology of Law Department, Lund University
Janet Banfield
Hertford College, University of Oxford
Jay Bargmann
Vinoly Architects (Vice President)
Eileen Barker
London School of Economics
Ranu Basu
Department of Geography, York University
Harald Bathelt
Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
Trevor Barnes
Department of Geography, University of British Columbia
Eberhard Bauer
Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene
Phillipe Baumard
IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille University
Jonathan Beaverstock
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
Ariane Berthoin Antal
Research Unit Cultural Sources of Newness, Social Science Research Center Berlin
Beate Binder
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt University of Berlin
Margaret Boden
Centre for Research in Cognitive Science, Sussex University
Kathrin Böhling
Department of Economics, University of Munich (TU)
Ricarda Bouncken
Department of strategic Management, University of Bayreuth
Ahmed Bounfour
RITM, Paris-Sud University
Michael Braum
Internationale Bauaustellung Heidelberg GmbH (Director), Heidelberg
Michael Bravo
Scott Polar Research Institute, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
Stefano Breschi
Department of Management and Technology, Università Bocconi

Uwe Cantner
Chair of Economics/Microeconomics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Alex Checkovich
Department of History, University of Richmond
Robert Cialdini
Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Science, Arizona State University
Allan Cochrane
Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University, UK
Thomas Coelen
Department of Educational Science, Psychology, University of Siegen
Patrick Cohendet
Department of theoretical and applied Economics (BETA), University Luis Pasteur of Strasbourg
Harry Collins
Cardiff School of Social Science, Cardiff University
Jeremy W. Crampton
Department of Geo Informatics, University of Kentucky
Jennifer L. Croissant
Department of Women’s Studies, University of Arizona

Diana Davis
Department of History, University of California at Davis
Rainer Diaz-Bone
Institute of Sociology, University of Lucerne
Lorne L. Dawson
Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, University of Waterloo
George J. Dei
Department of Sociology and Equity Studies, University of Toronto
Sarah De Leeuw
Northern Medical program, The University of Northern British Columbia
David Demeritt
Department of Geography, King’s College London
Alexandra den Heijer
Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology
Caroline Desbiens
Department of Geography, Laval University
Felix Driver
Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of Lonson

Sally Eden
Department of Geography, Environment and Earth Science, University of Hull
Dale Eickelman
Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College
Heather Elis
Center for British Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin
Dieter Ernst
East-West Center Honolulu
Nancy Ettlinger
Department of Geography, Ohio State University
Henry Etzkowitz
International Triple Helix Institute, Palo Alto, USA
University of London, Birkbeck, UK

Jan Fagerberg
Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo
Adam Fairclough
Research Institute for History, Leiden University
Alexa Färber
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Maryann Feldman
Department of Public Policy, University of North Carolina
Klaus Fiedler
Institute of Psychology, University of Heidelberg
Peter Fischer
Institute of Psychology, University of Regensburg
Benjamin Forest
Department of Geography, McGill University
Jens Förster
Department of Social Science, University of Amsterdam
Tim Freytag
Department of Cultural Geography, University of Freiburg
Victor Friedman
Behavioral Sciences Department, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
Martina Fromhold-Eisebith
Department of Geography, University of Aachen
Alexander Funcke
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program, University of Pennsylvania
Joachim Funke
Department of Psychology, University of Heidelberg
Aileen Fyfe
School of History, University of St Andrews

Werner Gamerith
Department of Geography, University of Passau
Peter Gärdenfors
Lund University, Cognitive Science
Kate Geddie
Faculty of Social and Political Science, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Hans Gersbach
Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy, ETH Zürich
Meric S. Gertler
Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
David Giband
Department of Geography, University of Perpignan
Thomas Gieryn
Department of Sociology, Indiana University
Johannes Glückler
Department of Geography, Heidelberg University
John Goddard
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University
Peter Gollwitzer
Social Psychology and Motivation, University of Konstanz
Yadira González de Lara Mingo
Department of Economic Analysis, University of Valencia
William Gould
Professor Emeritus at Department of Geography, University of Liverpool
Gernot Grabher
Urban and Regional Economic Studies, University of Hamburg
Brian Graham
Professor Emeritus at School of Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster
Gwenaëlle Grefe
Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Paris-Sud XII University
Derek Gregory
Department of Geography, University of British Columbia
Stephan Günzel
Department of Media Theory, Technische Kunsthochschule Berlin
Ferenc Gyuris
Eötvös Loránd University

Peter M. Haas
Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sarah Hall
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
Wouter Hanegraaff
Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam
Michael Heffernan
Department of English, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Science, University of Arkansas
Mike Heffernan
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
Ilse Helbrecht
Department of Georgaphy, Humboldt University of Berlin
Ernst Helmstädter
Institute for Work and Technology, Gelsenkirchen
Madeleine Herren-Oesch
Department of History, University of Heidelberg
Ralph Hertwig
Department of Psychology, University of Basel
Andreas Hess
School of Sociology, University College Dublin
Sam Hillyard
Durham University
Sarah Holloway
Department of Geography, Loughborough University
Howard Hotson
Faculty of History, University of Oxford

Oliver Ibert
Department of Geography, University of Berlin (FU)
Scott G. Isaksen
Creativity Research Unit, Creative Problem Solving Group, Inc.; Professor at Norwegian Business School

Holger Jahnke
Department of Geography, University of Flensburg
Robert Jewett
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska; Guest Professor at Department of Theology, University of Heidelberg
Heike Jöns
Department of Geography, University of Loughborough
Brian Josephson
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

James C. Kaufman
Department of Psychology, California State University at San Bernadino
Jane Kenway
Faculty of Education, Monash University
Fabian Kessl
Faculty of Educational Science, University of Duisburg-Essen
Christian Ketels
Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School
Martin Kilduff
Department of Management Science and Innovation, University College London
Martin Kintzinger
History Department, University of Münster
Charles Kirschbaum
Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, Sao Paulo
Rob Kitchin
National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Nina Kivinen
Department of Business Studies, Åbo Akademi University
Hugo Klappenbach
National University of San Luis
Markus Knauff
Department of Psychology, University of Giessen
Jane Knight
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Wolfgang König
Berlin Center for Knowledge Research, Technical University Berlin
Peter Kraftl
Human Geography, University of Birmingham
Caroline Kramer
Department of Human Geography and Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Georg Kreis
Professor Emeritus at Department of History, University of Basel
Hans-Jürgen Krysmanski
Department of Sociology, University of Münster
Silvie Kučerová
Department of Geography, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
Klaus R. Kunzmann
Proessor Emeritus at Institute of Spatial Planning, University of Dortmund
Joachim Kurtz
Department of Sinology, University of Heidelberg
Rune Kvalsund
Educational Science, Volda University College

Emmanuel Lazega
Department of Sociology at Sciences Po, Centre for the Sociology of Organizations, Paris
Bernard Leca
Department of Management, IAE de Lille
Stephen Legg
School of Geography, University of Nottingham
Peng-Fei Li
Department of Urban and Regional Economics, East China Normal University Shanghai
Wolf-Andreas Liebert
Lingustik, Institut für Germanistik, University of Koblenz-Landau
David Livingstone
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s University Belfast
Jaco Lok
Business School, University of New South Wales

Sabine Maasen
Department for Science Studies (Wissenschaftsforschung), University of Basel
Edward Malecki
Department of Geography, University of Ohio
Julian Marewski
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne
Christiane Marxhausen
Pro Lehre, University of Munich (TUM)
Ulf Matthiesen
Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin
Stefan Maul
Institute for Languages and Cultures of the Near East, Assyriology, University of Heidelberg
Peter Meusburger
Department of Geography, Heidelberg University
Ikechi Mgbeoji
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
David Middleton
Department of Structural and Chemical Biology, University of Liverpool
Arthur I Miller
Professor Emeritus at Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University College London
Ramesh C. Mishra
Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University
Jerker Moodysson
Department of Human Geography, Lund University
Hannah Monyer
Department of Clinical Neurobiology, Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg

Marcus Nüsser
South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg

Tuija Oikarinen
School of Business, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Gunnar Olsson
Professor Emeritus at Department of Geography, University of Uppsala

Anssi Paasi
Department of Geography, University of Oulu
Bronwyn Parry
Department of Geography, Queen Mary University of London
Merle M Patchett
School of Geographical Science, University of Bristol
Sabina Pauen
Department of Psychology, University of Heidelberg
Richard Peet
Graduate School of Geography, Clark University
Tamson Pietsch
Department of Politics and History, Brunel University
Detlef Pollack
Department of Sociology, University of Münster
Laura Prota
Department of Economics and Statistical Science, University of Salerno
Francois-Regis Puyou
Audencia Nantes Ecole de Management

Andrea Raggl
University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg
Ortwin Renn
Department of Social Science, University of Stuttgart
Christian Reutlinger
FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Sciences
Waltraut Ritter
Knowledge Enterprises
Tiina Ritvala
Department of Management Studies, Aalto University
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics
Graham Rowles
Graduate Center for Gerontology, University of Kentucky
Nicolaas Rupke
Johnson Professor of History, Washington and Lee University
Dirk Rupnow
Department of History, University of Innsbruck

Kerstin Sailer
The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London
Charles Savage
Knowledge Era Enterprises
Maria Savona
Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Laura Schaefli
Department of Geography and Planning, Queen's University
Daniel Schiller
Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research (NIW), Germany
Günther Schlee
Department I - Integration and Conflict, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Honorary Professor for Social Anthropology at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Honorarprofessor für Ethnologie an der Universität Leipzig
Wolfgang Schluchter
Department of Sociology, University of Heidelberg
Ursula Schneider
Department of International Management, University of Graz
Wolfgang Scholl
Professor Emeritus at Institute for Psychology, Humboldt University of Berlin (HU)
Rainer C. Schwinges
Department of History and Archaeology, University of Bern
Hubert Seiwert
Institute of Religious Studies, University of Leipzig
Rakefet Sela-Sheffy
Unit of Culture Research, Tel Aviv University
Gunter Senft
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen
Eric Stewart Sheppard
Department of Geography, Environment and Society
Wesley Shrum
Department of Sociology, Luisiana State University
Paul Sillitoe
Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Dean Keith Simonton
Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis
Anne Sliwka
Institute of Educational Science, Heidelberg University
Darren Smith
Department of Geography, Loughborough University
Gregory Smith
Graduate School of Education and Counseling, Lewis & Clark College
Manfred Spitzer
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III, Medical Faculty, University of Ulm
Erika Spieß
Department of Economic and Organizational Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Ralf Stegmaier
Institute for economic Psychology, HS Osnabrück
Nico Stehr
Institute of Communication and Cultural Management, Department of Cultural Studies, University Friedrichshafen
Mikael Stenmark
Faculty of Theology, University of Uppsala
Rudolf Stichweh
Forums für Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn
Michael Storper
Luskin School of Public Affairs, University of California
Fritz Strack
Department of Psychology II, University of Würzburg
Roger W. Stump
Professor Emeritus at Department of Geography & Planning, University at Albany
Roy Suddaby
Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria
Jörg Sydow
Department of Management, Freie Universität Berlin

Klaus Tanner
Department of Scientific Theology, University of Heidelberg
Peter Taylor
Department of Geography and Environment, Northumbria University; Emeritus Professor at Department of Geography, Loughborough University
Pamela Tolbert
School of Industrial Relations and Social Sciences, Cornell University
Robert Tonkinson
Department of Anthropology & Sociology, University of Western Australia
Stefan Troebst
GMZO (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas), University of Leipzig

Brian Uzzi
Management and Organizations Department, Kellogg School of Management

Frans van Waarden
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University
Russ Vince
School of Management, University of Bath
Alexander Vasudevan
Faculty of Social Science, University of Nottingham

Barney Warf
Department of Geography, University of Kansas
Ingo Warnke
Department of Linguistics, University of Bremen
Jürg Wassmann
Professor Emeritus at Department of Ethnology, University of Heidelberg
Johanna Waters
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Science, University of Birmingham
Peter Weichhart
Professor Emeritus at Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, University of Vienna
Anthony R. Welch
Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney
Michael Welker
Faculty of Theology, University of Heidelberg
Harald Welzer
Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut), Essen
Benno Werlen
Department of Geography, University of Heidleberg
Sarah Whatmore
Department of Geography, University of Oxford
Thomas Widlock
Department of Anthropology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Urs Wiesmann
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Jürgen Wilke
Department of Communications, University of Mainz
Christopher Winch
Department of Education and Professional Studies, King's College London
Paul Windrum
Nottingham University Business School
Franz M. Wuketits
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Edgar Wunder
Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg
Graeme Wynn
Department of Geography, University of British Columbia

Tammer B. Zilber
School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Carl Zillich
Internationale Bauaustellung Heidelberg GmbH (Curatorial Director), Heidelberg
