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Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger Awards for Young Scientists at the University of Heidelberg

As long as the foundation is financial able, three Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger awards will be bestowed annually upon young scientists and researchers of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. The awards are intended to enable the awardees organize a scientific symposium “The Ruperto Carola Symposium at the IWH: A Sponsorship Award for Young Scientists.” A sum of 12.500 Euros is awarded to each of the three selected projects.

The award is aimed at scientists, researchers or scholars working in any academic discipline, be it natural sciences and medicine or humanities and social sciences. The award ceremony for the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger Award takes place during the anniversary celebrations ('Jahresfeier’) of the Ruprecht-Karls University.


Applicants should be in possession of an excellent doctoral degree, be usually not older than 37 years of age, and have an outstanding academic record. Applicants should be working at the Heidelberg University, however, we also accept applications of teams of which at least one member is working at the Heidelberg University. We also accept applications from graduates who have submitted their doctoral thesis already.


Click here to view the charter. (available only in German)

Application documents:

The application is a two-stage procedure.

The following documents are to be submitted within the application form during the first stage:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of doctoral degree
  • List of five most relevant publications
  • Short description of the project (max. 3500 characters)

For the second stage we require:

If you do not receive confirmation of your application  by April 10th, please contact us by email or telephone. You will be informed if you have reached the second stage by beginning of June. The final decision is then made by end of July.

Deadline for applications:

Applications may be submitted (preferably by E-Mail) to the address below. The deadline for submission is April 1st

Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH)
Hauptstraße 242
69117 Heidelberg

Address for queries:

Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH)
Dr Ellen Peerenboom
Hauptstraße 242
D-69117 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 (0)6221/54 36 91
Fax: +49 (0)6221/54 161 3691

webmaster: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-12-16
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