Curriculum Vitae
Work experience
Recent service to the community and self-administration
* 1972 in Freiburg/Brsg.
Married, 2 children (*2004 and *2009)
Work experience
since 9/2011 Professor of Political Science, University of Heidelberg
2/2011 Offer of a professorship of Political Science (Comparative Politics and Political System of Germany), University of Hanover (declined)
2/2010-8/2010 Parental leave
4/2008-8/2011 Professor of Comparative Public Policy, University of Bamberg
9/2004-6/2005 John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University.
4/2001-3/2008 Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Heidelberg
9/1998-9/2000 Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Center for Social Policy Research, University of Bremen.
9/1998-6/2000 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen.
10/1994-9/1998 Research Assistant at the Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg.
9/1991-8/1992 Gap year to do voluntary work (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) at a nursing home of the German Red Cross in Mainz.
2008 Post-doctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Heidelberg
Subject of the Habilitation Thesis: „Economic Globalization and fiscal policy adjustments in Western Europe“.
Subject of the Habilitation Presentation: „The first German Reform of Federalism and Policy Making: An End of the Reform Gridlock?“
2001 Graduation (PhD), University of Bremen
Subject of the Dissertation: „Economic Policies in the Kohl era. An Analysis of key decisions in the issue areas of Budgetary and Tax Policies, the Labor Market, and Liberalization and Privatization, 1982-1998“.
1998 Magister Artium in Political Science (major), Economics and German Studies (minors), University of Heidelberg
7-8/1996 Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, Colchester/England.
10/1992-7/1998 University Studies of Political Science, Economics and German Studies at the University of Heidelberg
1991 Abitur (general qualification for university entrance)
1978-1991 Attendence of Primary Schools in Dortmund and Mainz and of the Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Mainz.
Recent service to the community and self-administration (selection)
2021-2023: Head of Department, Institute of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg
Since 2017 Dean of Studies (Studiendekan), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Heidelberg University
2016, 2017, 2018 Section Chair, Sections on “Theories of the Policy Process” at the ECPR General Conferences in Prague, Oslo and Hamburg (together with Daniel Nohrstedt, Vilém Novotny, Nikolaos Zahariadis)
2016-2020 Member (and from 1/2017-12/2018 Head) of the Board of Directors of HeiKa (Heidelberg Karlsruhe Research Partnership)
Since 2013 Member (and from 2013-2017 Head) of the Doctoral Board (Promotionsausschuss) of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Heidelberg
Since 4/2012 Liaison professor (Vertrauensdozent) of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
8/2014-11/2016 Member of the Council for Graduate Studies of the University of Heidelberg
10/2009-8/2015 Spokesperson of the Standing Group (Sektion) on Political Economy of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
3/2013-2/2015 Head of Department, Institute of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg
3/2014 Workshop Organizer: Book-Making Workshop “State of the art in Comparative Public Policy” at the University of Heidelberg, funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation (together with Georg Wenzelburger)
3/2013 Workshop Director: Workshop “Decision-Making under Ambiguity and Time Constraints: Assessing the Multiple Streams Framework" at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mainz (together with Friedbert Rüb).
- American Political Science Review
- British Journal of Political Science
- Comparative European Politics
- Comparative Political Studies
- Comparative Politics
- Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
- Contemporary Politics
- Critical Policy Studies
- der moderne staat
- European Journal of Law and Economics
- European Journal of Political Research
- European Policy Analysis
- European Political Science Review
- Forest Policy and Economics
- German Politics
- Global Environmental Change
- International Review of Public Policy
- Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
- Journal of European Public Policy
- Journal of European Social Policy
- Journal of International Relations and Development
- Journal of Politics
- Journal of Public Policy
- Leviathan
- Mobilization
- Party Politics
- Policy and Politics
- Policy and Society
- Policy Sciences
- Policy Studies
- Policy Studies Journal
- Political Studies
- Political Studies Review
- Politics and Governance
- Politics and Policy
- Politische Vierteljahresschrift
- Public Administration
- Public Policy and Administration
- Publius: The Journal of Federalism
- Regulation and Governance
- Review of Policy Research
- Social Policy and Administration
- Social Policy and Society
- Socio Economic Review
- Swiss Political Science Review
- West European Politics
- World Politics
- WSI-Mitteilungen
- Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen
- Zeitschrift für Politikberatung
- Zeitschrift für Sozialreform
- Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft
- Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
- Amsterdam University Press
- Economic and Social Research Council
- Fritz Thyssen Foundation
- German National Academic Foundation
- Dissertation Prize of the German Political Science Association
- German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO)
- Oxford University Press
- Publisher Leske+Budrich
- Routledge
Annual JCPA Best Article Award for 2020 for “Measuring Privatization: Comparing Five Indicators of the Disposition of State-Owned Enterprises in Advanced Democracies”, published in Volume 21:4 of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (together with Keonhi Son).
Marsilius Fellowship (Heidelberg University): “Societal Compliance in Times of Polarization” (April 2020-September 2021).
German Research Foundation (DFG): Grant for the project “The Transformation of Economic Intervention in Advanced Democracies “ (starting in April 2020 for three years, € 307.000).
Best teaching award 2019, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Best teaching award 2018, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Best teaching award 2017, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Best teaching award 2016, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Best teaching award 2014, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Best teaching award 2013, Politial Science Department, Heidelberg University.
Winner of the Prize of the Thyssen-Foundation for Social Science Journal Articles in 2012 for the paper “Parteien und die Generosität der Altersrenten in Zeiten permanenter Austerität“, published in Swiss Political Science Review 18 (2012) (together with Frieder Wolf and Georg Wenzelburger).
Runner-Up; Prize of the Thyssen-Foundation for Social Science Journal Articles in 2007 for the paper “Abschied vom Interventionsstaat? Der Wandel staatlicher Subventionsausgaben in den OECD-Ländern seit 1980“, published in Swiss Political Science Review 13 (2007), S. 203-236 (together with Herbert Obinger).
Innovation Fund Frontier, Heidelberg University: Grant for the project “Political Expectations and Responsibility Attribution” (2013-2015; €30,000)
Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation: Grant for the Book-Making Workshop “State of the Art in Comparative Public Policy“, 6.-8. March 2014 at the University of Heidelberg (€ 7.000).
Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation: Grant for the Conference “The Transformation of Government Intervention“, Annual Conference of the Political Economy Section of the German Political Science Association, 15./16. September 2011 at the University of Bamberg (€ 5.300).
German Research Foundation (DFG): Grant for the project “Fiscal Policy Responses to Economic Globalization. Denmark, Germany, Great Brittan and the Netherlands in Comparison“ (September 2005-March 2009, € 46.000).
German Research Foundation (DFG): Grant for the publication of the dissertation „Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Ära Kohl. Eine Analyse der Schlüsselentscheidungen in den Politikfeldern Finanzen, Arbeit und Entstaatlichung, 1982-1998“.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University for the academic year 2004/5.
Scholarship holder, German National Academic Foundation (February 1993–December 1997).