Do you want to know more?
Ulrike Gärtner
54-8270 / 54-8265

Rita Pfeffer
54-8270 / 54-8265

Here you can find the access request form.

Access authorization

To gain access privileges to the non-public areas of the IBF, users have to meet the following prerequisites:

  1. The users has to be registered in a valid animal research project.
  2. You need an access card (magnetic card).
  3. The form access request has to be filled out (can be found on the forms page) and has to be presented to the responsible staff members (Ulrike Gärtner and Rita Pfeffer) together with a picture. There's no need for a biometric picture.

If you don't hav a free access card at your institute, you can acquire one at the  central management of the Neuenheimer Feld by providing a security deposit. Respsonsible is Ms. Seslikaya:

Seslikaya, Sevim
INF 346, room 110
Tel. 54 16863


Latest Revision: 2023-03-16
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