Newsletter 2nd quarter 2018

Newsletter IBF University of Heidelberg, 2nd quarter 2018


Dear Users of the IBF,

here are the latest news for the second quarter:


Following seminars are currently planned:

Animal welfare

Documentation: Documentation of experiments using live animals according to §9 Abs. 5 Satz 1 Tierschutzgesetz in conjunction with §29 Tierschutzversuchstierverordnung

The documentation of animal experiments has to be done im compliance to legal requirements and according to specification set by civil offices. To make that more easy, from now on you can find a monitoring protocol on the website of the animal welfare officers that is compliant with the surveilling authorities: Monitoring protocol

Ongoing professional education – Documentation

The proof for the yearly ongoing education according to §3 TierVersV have to be archived by the work groups themselves and must be represented to the authorities upon request. It has been recommended by the authorities to use one folder for all work group members.

Use of Neonates

If neonates are used in an experiment, the number of animals is authorized in the respective projects. As the animals have not been entered in Tierbase yet at this age (they are entered after weaning), latest at the yearly declaration of experimental animals used there are heavy discrepancies between the animals that are declared and the animals in the contingent. In case of using neonates, you have to send the number of neonates used on a regular (monthly) basis to Mrs. Gärtner or Mrs. Pfeffer, so that these animals can be subtracted from the authorized contingent.

Sourcing of animals from external institutions

All animals that are used in experiments, have to be ordered via the IBF. This is also true for animals that are sourced via external cooperations (like DKFZ!). Should that be the case you have to send an e-mail with the respective file note and amount of animals to Mrs. Gärtner or Mrs. Pfeffer, so that these animals can be subtracted from the authorized contingent.

Animal tissues for research purposes

For the import of animal material or tissues for research tissues (not living animals) you need a registration number according to Art. 23 (EG) 1069/2009. This number can be obtained at the civil office Heidelberg, department for veterinary affairs, from Mrs Dr. Hartmann. Obtaining the number is without cost.

PREPARE Guidelines

For quite some time, the ARRIVE guidelines have been around which have to be considered for publication of animal experiments. 2018 the PREPARE guidelines were published which should be considered when planning animal experimental projects. The publication can be found in Laboratory Animals (Lab Animal, 2018, Vol 52(2), 135-141).





Latest Revision: 2018-05-23
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