
Prof. Berg's office hours

During the lecture-free period, office hours take place by appointment.

In the 2024 summer term, office hours take place on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 pm.

Students are invited to direct questions to Professor Berg via email (


New Publications by and on Prof. Dr. Berg

  • "Die USA sind ein gespaltenes Haus" - Historiker Manfred Berg im Blauen Salon. Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Look
  • "Historiker Manfred Berg: Biden muss physische Stärke zeigen", in: SWR2 Tagesgespräch, 07.03.2024, Listen To.
  • "Weist der Blick nach USA in die Zukunft Europas? Stehen die USA vor einem neuen Bürgerkrieg? Das Szenario, das sich für die US-Wahlen abzeichnet, lässt Schlimmes befürchten." Mannheimer Morgen, 28.02.2024, S. 4. Read
  • "Amerika den Amerikanern!", in: Die ZEIT  52, 7.12.2023. Read
  • "Trump kann wieder gewinnen", in: RNZ, 03.08.2023. Read
  • "Interview mit Manfred Berg über den abgewendeten Zahlungsausfall in den USA", in: SWR2 Journal am Morgen, 03.06.2023. Listen To
  • "Trump bekommt die Aufmerksamkeit, die er braucht", in: RNZ, 01.04.2023. Read
  • "Panzer und Trucks für Stalin." Waffen- und Rohstofflieferungen der USA tragen entscheidend dazu bei, dass die Sowjetunion den Zweiten Weltkrieg gewinnen kann. ZEITGeschichte Stalingrad. Mythos und Wirklichkeit einer Schlacht - und die bis heute umkämpfte Erinnerung (1/2023), S. 7073.

For older announcements see our archive.


Schurman Library


Jacob Gould Schurman (1854-1942), professor in philosophy, was president of Cornell University for 28 years before he was appointed as U.S. ambassador to China in 1920. Five years later he took the vacant position of U.S. ambassador to Germany in Berlin. Schurman, due to his studies in Heidelberg, Göttingen and Berlin in the late 1870s, spoke German fluently. As ambassador, Schurman emphasized improvement and consolidation of German-American relations. It was because of these efforts that he became close friends with German Foreign Secretary Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929).





Schurman was appointed honorary citizen of Heidelberg as well as honorary doctor of the University of Heidelberg. In 1927, he initiated a collection of donations in America, which contributed significantly to the building of new lecture halls and seminar rooms in the heart of the Old Town, today known as Neue Universität.

The Schurman Library for American History is located in the University of Heidelberg’s Department of History. Currently (Jan 2019) it has a total stock of 10,239 books. All books can be found via the online cataloge of the University Library.

Die Amerikaner und der Bau der Neuen Universität [The Americans and the Construction of the Neue Universität], presented by Professor Berg (in German):



Important Information (April 4, 2022): The Schurman Library is open to the public during the opening hours of the History Department Library. The current terms of use can be found here (in German). For further information, please visit the homepage of the History Department.

Editor: Weimann
Latest Revision: 2022-04-13
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