
Capella Carolina

G. Verdi: Messa da Requiem

  • Saturday, February 15, 2025, New Auditorium of Heidelberg University, Universitätsplatz
  • Sunday, February 16, 2025, 5 p.m., New Auditorium of Heidelberg University


More coming concerts & presales


Capella Carolina

Admission phase for the winter semester has ended. Exceptions can be arranged with the conductor by phone or e-mail. 

Camerata Carolina

Individual auditions by appointment. Registration by telephone or e-mail with the conductor required.


Capella Carolina

Thursdays 8-10 p.m., Large Chemistry Lecture Hall, INF 252 

Camerata Carolina

Tuesdays 8 pm - 10 pm, basement hall of the Max-Weber-Haus, ISZ, Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17


Start of rehearsals WiSe 2024

Capella: September 12, 2024

Camerata: October 8, 2024

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Choirs of the International Study Center


2024 Capella Carolina I Konzert Verdi _din A3 Neu       G. Verdi: Requiem

The Capella Choir, assembling over 150 participants, will perform G. Verdi's Requiem on Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 8 p.m. as well as on Sunday, February 16, at 5 p.m. at Neue Aula, Neue Universität. We will work together with soloists form various concert halls and with the Philharmonie Baden-Baden. As a special highlight, the choir of the Collegium Paedagogicum (Charles Universität, Prague) will be our guest this year.

For further information, click here





2024 12 Camca H-moll-messe Heidelberg2024 12 Camca H-moll-messe WieslochCamerata Carolina semester concert

The Camerata Carolina, together with soloists - including the renowned alto Nils Wanderer - and the Karlsruhe Baroque Orchestra, will perform J. S. Bach's Mass in B minor at the beginning of Advent on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 5 p.m. in St. Peter's Church, Plöck 70. The work is something like the sum of Bach's musical oeuvre and is uniquely haunting and grandiose. On Saturday, November 30 at 7 pm, the Mass in B minor will be performed in the Catholic church of St. Laurentius, Wiesloch.

Further information an the concert and presale can be found here.





2024 Konzertreise Litauen GruppenbildCamerata Carolina on tour!

From September 16 to 23, 2024, the Camerata Carolina will embark on a concert tour to Imperia, Sanremo and Montpellier. The Camerata Carolina has been preparing its program “European Choral Music from 6 Centuries and 7 Countries” since the beginning of the year and is very much looking forward to presenting this program in September.

The Camerata Carolina consists mainly of students and young researchers, for whom the trip represents a financial challenge. We have therefore launched a crowdfunding project through which you can directly support the choir on its journey and promote musical and cultural exchange.




Camerata-2024European choral music from 6 centuries

Europe should be a unity of diversity - musically, it has been for a long time. With its program “European Choral Music from 6 Centuries”, the Camerata Carolina demonstrates this in its concert on Sunday, June 30, 2024 in the Peterskirche Heidelberg.

The works presented range from Gregorian chant to the 21st century. Well-known names - Bach, Bellini, Fauré, Soler, Stanford, Verdi - are represented with impressive compositions, but we have also selected lesser-known gems. The most recent work is Valentin Silvestrov's “Prayer for Ukraine” for twelve-part choir, which he wrote in 2014 to mark the uprising on Maidan Square in Kijiv. We consciously include this brave country in European music. The Camerata intensively cultivates the high art of a cappella singing and is regularly praised by audiences and the press for its transparent and warm choral sound. It will continue its frequent travels this year: it will present this program in Italy (Liguria) and France (Montpellier).




Capella-Puccini-2024Puccini's youthful masterstroke

Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) should actually have taken on a position that his ancestors had held for four generations in succession: that of music director and cathedral conductor in his home town of Lucca. He received a thorough education in church music at the local conservatory, but then turned his attention to opera, which promised great fame in the 19th century and which he enjoyed in abundance. He wrote the great “Messa di Gloria” as his final work at the conservatory, which clearly demonstrated his genius but was soon forgotten behind his operas. With this mass, which already clearly shows the opera composer, a motet in honor of the patron saint of Lucca, San Paolino, was also premiered on June 12, 1880, which only came to light again a quarter of a century ago - a select rarity.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, 8 pm, this fascinating, opulent music can be heard in the Peterskirche in Heidelberg with the Capella Carolina.






2024 01 Plakat Deutsches ReqiuemCapella Carolina presented Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem

On January 28, 2024, 5 pm, Capella Carolina presented Johannes Brahms' "Ein Deutsches Requiem" under the direction of Franz Wassermann in the University Church of St. Peter in Heidelberg. We were accompanied by the Camerata Viva Tübingen orchestra and Friederike Beykirch (soprano) and Markus Lemke (bass-baritone). 

Further information on the concert (in German)










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Our choir is composed of mainly students and is open to all people who are musically inclined and who enjoy singing in an open, international, concentrated yet relaxed atmosphere. As choirs of the "Internationales Studienzentrum" at Heidelberg University, it is very important for us to have international students feel welcome during our choir rehearsals, performances and celebrations. The “Camerata Carolina”, the prize-winning chamber choir of the university, welcomes new members with choir experience and very good vocal and musical qualifications. We also have a small troupe, the GSG9, which performs at private parties, company events and university galas. The music repertoire ranges from contemplative sacred to lively secular.





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