
Camerata Carolina

J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor

  • Saturday, November 30, 7 p.m., Kath. Stadtkirche Wiesloch
  • Sunday, December 01, 2024, 5 pm, University Church of St. Peter, Heidelberg

Capella Carolina

G. Verdi: Messa da Requiem

  • Saturday, February 15, 2025, New Auditorium of Heidelberg University, Universitätsplatz
  • Sunday, February 16, 2025, 5 p.m., New Auditorium of Heidelberg University


More coming concerts & presales


Capella Carolina

Joint auditions for new members from 12/09/2024 to 25/10/2024, Thursdays, 7:15 pm to 8 pm, INF 252, Large Auditorium. Exceptions can be arranged with the conductor by phone or e-mail. 

Camerata Carolina

Individual auditions by appointment. Registration by telephone or e-mail with the conductor required.


Capella Carolina

Thursdays 8-10 p.m., Large Chemistry Lecture Hall, INF 252 

Camerata Carolina

Tuesdays 8 pm - 10 pm, basement hall of the Max-Weber-Haus, ISZ, Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17


Start of rehearsals WiSe 2024

Capella: September 12, 2024

Camerata: October 8, 2024

Social Media

Visit us on facebook!
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And on instagram & youtube!

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For questions and further information... well as ticket orders for concerts (please state number and desired category!), the following people are glad to help:

Conductor Prof. Franz Wassermann
phone: +49 171 5419336 
E-mail:  f.wassermann[at] or wassermann[at]

Coordinator: Felix Schweizer


Ticket orders: 

Capella Carolina: Adrian Durner

E-Mail: capella-vvk[at]

Camerata Carolina: Hendrik Lönngren

E-Mail: cameratacarolina[at]


President: Caroline Renninger

E-mail: caroline.renninger[at]


Vice-president: Monika Gradl

E-mail: monigradl[at]


Treasurer: Christian Grünanger


Public Relations: Clara Beckett


Digital Communication: Antonia Tietzel


Assessor (Capella Carolina): Fynn Betge

E-mail: fynn.betge[at]


Assessor, Internal Communication and Coordination (Camerata Carolina): Hendrik Lönngren

E-mail: cameratacarolina[at]


Assessor for the selection ensemble: Madeline Remse


The best way to reach us is via e-mail, as we might not always be available by phone. You can however leave a message, we will be happy to call you back.


Bank Details:

Capella Carolina e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 9039090
BLZ: 672 500 20
Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE14 6725 0020 0009 0390 90

Capella Carolina e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 120 187 201
BLZ: 672 900 00
Heidelberger Volksbank eG Heidelberg
IBAN: DE90 6729 0000 0120 1872 01
Webmaster: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-09-01
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