Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani




Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science, 
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Voßstr. 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

     Room: 3, 1st floor
     Tel.: +49 6221 5415292
     Email: zarhani@uni-heidelberg.de
     Office Hours:

Tuesday 2 pm to 3.30 pm or upon arrangement

Please send an email beforehand for an appointment


Short Bio-data

Seyed Hossein Zarhani is a research fellow and lecturer at the Political Science Department of the South Asia Institute at Heidelberg University. He is currently pursuing his habilitation with a comparative research project on the political economy of India.

He has defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Political Science (IPW), Heidelberg University. His doctoral research on "Dynamics of Governance and Development in India: a Comparative Study on Andhra Pradesh and Bihar after 1990" was supervised by Professor Subrata K. Mitra and Professor Dietmar Rothermund.

He is a member of the editorial staff at the 'Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics' (HPSACP). He also has several work experiences at different research institutes in Iran.

He studied Political Science at Tehran University (Iran) and Osmania University, Hyderabad (India). He won the Gold medal in the National Olympiad of Persian literature in 1999.


Research Interests


     Politics in India

     Political Economy: Development and Democracy in South Asia

     Islam in South Asia

     Islamic Political Thought

     Iranian Politics and History


Cv 1

Publications And Research 1

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Letzte Änderung: 02.11.2023
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