Master's Program
The Master’s in political science is a four-semester program. Over the course of the program students will take various compulsory elective modules and complete a research internship. The master’s offers graduate students the opportunity to gain first-hand insights into current research and develop their own scientific specializations.
Further information can be found in the tabs below.
Students will deepen their knowledge of political science within the compulsory elective modules. Master’s students can furthermore define their own individual specialty: Of the five modules offered, students are to choose four. The core competencies of the Institute of Political Science in terms of research and teaching are reflected in the first four modules offered. The fifth module “Perspectives and Positions in Political Science” offers insights into current research being carried out by our faculty and international guest lecturers. A portion of this module can be taken twice – that is, with different seminars. Students also have the option to complete some of the modules during a study abroad term (see the overview of the curriculum)
A research seminar followed by a semester-long research internship will expand your theoretical and methodological skills and provides you with an opportunity to get involved in on-going research projects, such as at the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research or within various externally funded projects at the institute. The research internship is accompanied by the general competencies courses (such as scientific writing). See also the list of internship opportunities at the institute.
Students will take an oral exam at the end of the third semester; the fourth semester is to be used to complete the Master’s thesis and to take part in the Master’s colloquium. The Master’s thesis is a scientific final project around 80 to 90 pages in length.

Schematische Darstellung des Studiengangs
Diagram translations
Overview of the Master’s program in political science
Research seminar and internship (12 credit points)
General competencies – scientific research (4 credit points)
Compulsory elective modules (48 credit points)
Coursework in an accompanying/related subject (20 credit points)
Oral examination (4 credit points)
Master’s colloquium (2 credit points)
Master’s thesis (30 credit points)