How to apply

 Information day about political science at the University of Heidelberg

All degree programs at the Institute of Political Science have admission requirements.

You can find more information about the respective application procedures and requirements below.



Political science as a major can be combined with minor degree programs with a relative weight of 75% or 50%. The minor comprises 25% of the entire Bachelor’s degree program. Both the major and the minor can be combined with any other subject.

The Bachelor of Arts in Political Science begins each year in the winter semester. Prospective students can apply online through Heidelberg University.

Aktuelle Informationen zur Online-Bewerbung und Immatrikulation

(Current information about the online application process and enrollment – German only)

Bewerbungsfristen für Bewerbungen bei der Universität Heidelberg
(Application deadlines)

Überblicksseite Politische Wissenschaft
(More information about political science)

Sie können auch mit der Fachschaft Politik Kontakt aufnehmen
(Get in contact with the student council) 


The legal basis for admissions decisions is the admissions statute. This document contains department-specific procedures and criteria for admissions. The procedure is based on a point system. For this reason, it is not possible to derive the grade point average needed for admission, as many aspects factor into the admissions process. The number of points required for admission further depends on the quality and quantity of applications.

Satzung der Universität Heidelberg für das hochschuleigene Auswahlverfahren in dem Studiengang Politische Wissenschaft mit Abschlussprüfung Bachelor vom 21. Mai 2007

(Admissions statement (German) – Heidelberg University – Bachelor’s Program in Political Science – 21 May 2007)



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