
Prof. Jörg Oechssler, Ph.D.

Prof. Jörg Oechssler, Ph.D.Me1 Small
Wirtschaftstheorie II
Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg

office: 01.005

fon: +49 6221 54-3548
fax: +49 6221 54-2997


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Selected publications:


"The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The general caseJournal of Economic Theory, 2022 (with Andreas Reischmann and Andis Sofianos).


"Copy Trading", Management Science Volume 66 (12), December 2020, Pages 5485-6064 (with Jose Apesteguia and Simon Weidenholzer). 


"Hedging, Ambiguity, and the Reversal of Order Axiom", Games and Economic Behavior  Volume 117, September 2019, Pages 380-387 (with Hannes Rau and Alex Roomets).


"Managerial bonuses and subordinate mistreatment",  European Economic Review  Volume 119, October 2019, Pages 509-525 (with Nikos Nikiforakis and Anwar Shah).


"The Binary Conditional Contribution Mechanism for Public Good Provision in Dynamic Settings - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Public Economics, 159 (2018), 104-115 (with Andreas Reischmann).


"Unbeatable Imitation", Games and Economic Behavior 76 (2012), 88-96 (with Peter Duersch and Burkhard Schipper).

"Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but Behaviorally Robust", Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 1603-1617 (lead article), (with Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck, and Simon Weidenholzer).

"Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence", Journal of Economic Theory 136 (2007), 217-235  (with Jose Apesteguia and Steffen Huck).

Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment“, American Economic Review 95(5) December (2005) (with Mathias Drehmann and Andreas Roider).

Learning to Like What You Have - Explaining the Endowment Effect”, Economic Journal, 115 (2005), 689-702 (with Steffen Huck and Georg Kirchsteiger). See how the press reports on this (Times, SZ, RNZ)

Through Trial & Error to Collusion, International Economic Review  45 (2004) 205-224 (with Steffen Huck and Hans Theo Neumann).

On the Dynamic Foundation of Evolutionary Stability in Continuous Models”, Journal of Economic Theory, 107 (2002), 223-252 (with Frank Riedel).

The Indirect Evolutionary Approach to Explaining Fair Allocations”, Games and Economic Behavior 28 (1999), 13-24 (with Steffen Huck). 

Learning in Cournot Oligopoly - An Experiment”, Economic Journal, 109 (1999) C80-C95 (with Steffen Huck and Hans-Theo Norman).

An Evolutionary Interpretation of Mixed Strategy Equilibria”, Games and Economic Behavior, 21 (1997), 203-237.


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