Information ERASMUS Incoming


As an incoming ERASMUS student you will find some information about studying at the Department of History / Historisches Seminar in Heidelberg.


For questions, please consult our FAQ below first!



The Erasmus-Team (Teresa Göltl and Lena Springfeld)

--> First contact for all ERASMUS questions!



What is …?

  • KVV: The Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis is the course catalogue for the current term/semester with comments by the lecturers. It is accessible as pdf download and contains all courses, seminars and lectures to be held during the term/semester. It is published in July for the upcoming winter term/semester and in February for the upcoming summer term/semester.
  • Vorlesung (abbreviation VL): lecture, 4 or 2 ETCS (written exam and weekly attendance or weekly attendance only)
  • Proseminar (abbreviation PS): basic seminar, 8 ETCS
  • Übung (abbreviation Ü): exercise, 4 or 2 ETCS (written exam/short essay and weekly attendance or weekly attendance only)
  • Hauptseminar (abbreviation HS): advanced seminar, Bachelor and Master level, 8 or 4 ETCS (essay/paper and weekly attendance or short presentation and weekly attendance)
  • Oberseminar (abbreviation OS): advanced seminar for degree candidates, Master level, 8 or 4 ETCS (essay/paper and weekly attendance or short presentation and weekly attendance)
  • Exkursion (abbreviation EX): field trip (usually in combination with a PS or HS), 1-3 ETCS
  • Schein: certificate issued after successfully passing a course (see also below „What to do with a „Schein“?)


Where can I get my timetable?

All incoming students are asked to choose and mix courses according to their personal preferences and skills. Please consult the "Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (KVV) to choose your courses.

General requirements:

  • Choose the courses according to your level (Bachelor / Master)
  • Please contact the lecturer in advance via e-mail. Contact informations are given in the KVV for each course. There is no online registration!
  • Please consult the description of each course for more informations about special requirements like languages skills, reading advices or other remarks.


How many courses should I attend to?

Please consult your university’s requirements. Usually 30 ETCS in total / term or semester are recommended.


In which language courses are taught?

Usually, all courses are taught in German.

In the KVV you may also find a small number of courses taught in other languages. Please consult the description of each course for more informations.


Can I choose courses at other departments?

Incomings can attend courses at the Centre of Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), mostly taught in English.

It is possible to attend courses at other departments of the Philosophical Faculty at Heidelberg University.


What about my Learning Agreement?

Please contact both – your ERASMUS coordinators at home and the local ERASMUS coordinator ( after you have chosen your courses and before the beginning oft the term/semester. The University of Heidelberg takes part in the Mobility Online Program, which means that Learning Agreements can be signed digitally. Please ask your home University if they are as well part of this program.


I have successfully finished my courses. Where and how to get a certification?

After you have passed a course successfully (fulfilled all requirements of the course), the lecturer will issue a certificate (called „Schein“) where the ECTS are recorded.

Keep all certificates/“Scheine“!


What to do with a „Schein“ and how to get a Transcript of Records?

After having finished your last course, contact the local ERASMUS coordinator and hand in all certificates/“Scheine“. You will receive the offical Transcript of Records to submit at your home university.

Seitenbearbeiter: Leo J. Reitmaier
Letzte Änderung: 29.08.2024
zum Seitenanfang/up