
GozoDia: Community-Oriented Dialectological Studies on the Speech Dynamics of the Island of Gozo (Malta)


The project GozoDia: Community-Oriented Dialectological Studies on the Speech Dynamics of the Island of Gozo (Malta) is concerned with a dialectological survey of the current speech dynamics of the island of Gozo, Malta. The aim of the project is to conduct further field studies in Gozo and to compile the dialect-specific data in a language atlas. The study of Gozitan dialects will be carried out in the GozoDia project in the context and methodology of Arabic and Semitic dialectology.

Maciej Klimiuk (project leader)

Maria Lipnicka (research assistant, PhD student)


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Semitic Dialectology: Crises and Change, 30.06.-02.07.2021

Arabic Dialectology: Workshop, 12.-13.06.2020 (Canceled due to the Corona Crisis)

Semitic Dialectology: Community, Continuum and Change, 01.–02.07.2019


Field Research

September–October 2020

April–May 2020 (cancelled)

September–October 2019

March 2019


Selected Publications

Werner, Arnold, and Maciej Klimiuk (eds.). 2019. Arabic Dialectology: Methodology and Field Research. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Klimiuk, Maciej. 2019. Questionnaire for Gozo. A Linguistic Atlas. Unpublished linguistic questionnaire. Heidelberg: Department of Semitic Studies, Heidelberg University.

Klimiuk, Maciej, and Maria Lipnicka. 2019. Dialectology in Practice: Notes from Fieldwork in Gozo. In Werner Arnold and Maciej Klimiuk (eds.), Arabic Dialectology: Methodology and Field Research. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 23–32.

Lipnicka, Maria. 2017. Pausalformen in den maltesischen Dialekten der Insel Gozo. Unpublished master’s thesis. Heidelberg: Department of Semitic Studies, Heidelberg University.


Lectures and Conferences

Klimiuk, Maciej, Czy arabista rozumie mówiony maltański? O dialektach Gozo i Malty [Does an Arabist Understand Spoken Maltese? About the Dialects of Gozo and Malta], Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Institute of Oriental Studies, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies (Poland)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Dialektologia języka arabskiego i maltańskiego: Nowe ustalenia na przykładzie badań terenowych na Gozo [Dialectology of Arabic and Maltese: New Findings from the Fieldwork in Gozo], OMIS – Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec, Institute of English, University of Silesia (Poland)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Arabic and Maltese Dialectology: Methods and Tools (19.11.2019); Maltese Dialectology: Linguistic Dynamics of Gozo (20.11.2019), Cagliari University, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici, Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni Culturali (Italy)
Klimiuk, Maciej, and Maria Lipnicka, Gozitan Dialects: Preliminary Research; Fieldwork in Gozo (Malta): Methodology Seminar on Maltese and Gozitan Dialects, University of Malta, Department of Maltese Studies (Malta)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Gozitan Dialects: Opposition of Vowel Length (01.07.2019), Semitic Dialectology: Community, Continuum and Change, Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Semitistik (Germany) Lipnicka, Maria, Prosodic Phonology of Pausal Forms in Gozitan Dialects (01.07.2019), Semitic Dialectology: Community, Continuum and Change, Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Semitistik (Germany)
10 – 13.06.2019
Klimiuk, Maciej, and Maria Lipnicka, Dialectological Methods and Tools: Notes from Fieldwork in Gozo (Malta) (11.06.209), The 13th Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe), Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi (Georgia)
16 – 18.04.2019
Klimiuk, Maciej, Unpublished Bernhard Lewin’s Recordings in the Arabic Dialect of Hama (Syria): Linguistic and Cultural Heritage (17.04.2019), Cultural Heritage: At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences, University of Irbid (Jordan)
04 – 10.04.2019
Klimiuk, Maciej, Wstęp do dialektologii [Introduction to Arabic Dialectology] (04.04.2019); Metodologia i badania terenowe [Methodology and Field Research] (05.04.2019); Arabskie dialekty Syrii [Syrian Arabic Dialects] (05.04.2019); Arabskie dialekty Afryki Północnej? Malta i Gozo [North African Arabic Dialects? Malta and Gozo] (10.04.2019), Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies (Poland)
08 – 09.04.2019
Klimiuk, Maciej, and Maria Lipnicka, Współistnienie i konflikt jako wyznaczniki dynamiki językowej wyspy Gozo, Malta [Coexistence and Conflict as Determinants of the Linguistic Dynamics of Gozo, Malta], V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Orientalistyczna Tradycja i nowoczesność w Azji i Afryce: współistnienie czy konflikt?, Polish Oriental Society (Poland)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Dialekty wyspy Gozo (Malta) – uwagi wstępne z badań terenowych [Dialects of Gozo (Malta)—Preliminary Remarks from Field Research], Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Oriental Committee (Poland)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Warsztat dialektologa języka arabskiego [Arabic Dialectologist’s Workshop]; Sytuacja dialektalna wyspy Gozo (Malta) [Dialectology of Gozo (Malta)], Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Department of Arabic Studies (Poland)
Klimiuk, Maciej, Preliminary Remarks on the Gozitan Dialect of Għarb, Malta (31.05.2017), The 12th Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe), Aix Marseille University (France) Lipnicka, Maria, Pausal Forms in the Dialects of Gozo, Malta (02.06.2017), The 12th Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe), Aix Marseille University (France)
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Latest Revision: 2021-04-15
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