With the support of


Schriftzug Sued2


Inés Recio Fernández
Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (IÜD)
Universität Heidelberg
Plöck 57a
D-69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: 0049-(0)6221-547249
Fax: 0049-(0)6221-547561


 Haus Buhl >

Haus Buhl


Plenary lectures: Aula, Alte Universität, Universitätsplatz

Panels and Poster-Session: Haus Buhl, Hauptstraße 232

Symposium office: On Wednesday, 6th May, from 8.30 to 11.00 a.m., the symposium office, where you will be able to register and receive information material, will be located on the ground floor in the Alte Universität building. From then on until the end of the symposium, the symposium office will be located in the entrance area of Haus Buhl.

Das Haus Buhl

Haus BuhlThe Haus Buhl was built in 1722 by Johann Jakob Rischer, original from the Austrian region of Vorarlberg and one out of a dozen of architects from all over Europe that contributed to mark Heidelberg’s baroque appearance during the first half of the 18th century. The construction of the Haus Buhl took place during the first decades after the catastrophic destruction of the city in the so-called War of the Grande Alliance from 1688 to 1697 between the Palatinate and France. The builder-owner of the Haus Buhl was Friedrich Gerhard von Lünenschloß, counsellor of the court judicial committee and a Mathematics professor, who also made a remarkable contribution to reconstructing Heidelberg University.

Elfriede Akaike und Peter-Anselm Riedl, Das Haus Buhl und seine Nebengebäude, in: Die Gebäude der Universität Heidelberg, hg. von Peter Anselm Riedl, Berlin 1985 (Semper Apertus 5), S. 311-322;
Bernd Müller, Architekturführer Heidelberg. Bauten um 1000-2000. Mannheim 1998 (Sonderveröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Heidelberg 10), S. 72.


Carla Meyer, Dipl.-Germ.
(Institut für Fränkisch-Pfälzische Geschichte und Landeskunde der Universität Heidelberg)

Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2015-04-30
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