Faces of Ruperto Carola
“We, all of us, are the university”

“Old and young, Germans and foreigners, women and men, academics, students and alumni, technicians, administrative staff, honorary senators, honorary doctors and members of the university – we, all of us, are the university.”
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel, Rector of Heidelberg University, anniversary speech on 23 October 2010.
You, too, are Heidelberg University!
For the 625th anniversary of Heidelberg University, members of Ruperto Carola declare their personal connection to their alma mater.
The 2011 Anniversary Year – featuring you!
Show that Ruperto Carola is part of your life, too. Give the university a face! Mail your photo displaying a handwritten sign with the text “Ich bin Uni Heidelberg. Seit …” and the following information to the Web office of the Communications and Marketing Department, kum@uni-heidelberg.de:
- Name, maiden name if applicable
- Age (optional)
- Current job/occupation
- Activity at or for Heidelberg University and/or
- Fields and dates of study at Ruperto Carola
Make sure your picture is at least 710 x 475 pixels (portrait or landscape format).
Submissions will be used only with regard to the project "Ich bin Uni Heidelberg. Seit... ". By sending in your submission you agree to have your photograph and name appear on the University Heidelberg web site, Flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/photos/uniheidelberg/) and in other university publications.