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Chinese Research Institute modelled after IWR

Press Release No. 150/2010
7 July 2010
Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing supports new institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR) of Heidelberg University is serving as the inspiration for a new Chinese research institute for scientific computing. The Institute of Natural Sciences at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University is being modelled after the Heidelberg centre, which is lending both structural and conceptual support. The academic exchange has been formalised in a memorandum of understanding signed by both Heidelberg University and Jiao Tong University.

“Within the framework of the cooperation, we are organising a summer school as well as planning joint research programmes”, reports Prof. Dr. Dieter W. Heermann, an IWR researcher in theoretical physics and advocate of the cooperation with Jiao Tong University since its inception in 2009. “We are looking forward to hosting our Chinese colleagues for one or two months here in Heidelberg as well as to our own opportunity to work at one of the best universities in China. Young researchers also stand to benefit from the close cooperation. An active exchange of graduands and doctoral candidates is planned that will allow them to explore new research paradigms.

The scientific work of the IWR is based on cross-disciplinary cooperation, especially in the field of modelling and simulation. Academics from the fields of mathematics, information science, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and even cultural studies and the humanities collaborate closely in this context. In addition, the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp), supported by the Excellence Initiative, makes its home at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing at Heidelberg University.

Prof. Dr. Dieter W. Heermann
Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR)
phone +49 6221 54-9431,

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