Förderkreis FIIT Heidelberg e.V.

The association "Friends of FIIT"  aims at supporting the vision and work of the FIIT by means of fundraising. Please feel free to contact the Association "Friends of FIIT" ("Förderkreis FIIT Heidelberg e.V.," a registered/membership corporation) by directing your enquiry to a board member:
First Chairman: Prof. Dr. Dr. dres. h.c. Michael Welker
Second Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Lampe
Treasurer: Dennis Dietz (contact for donation receipt)
Secretary: Philip Geck
Bank details:
Account 387 024 75
Bank code 670 505 05
Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord
Int. Bank Account Number:
DE67 6705 0505 0038 7024 75



Letzte Änderung: 2016-06-02
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