Prof. Dr. Johannes Eurich

Professor for Practical Theology/Study of Christian Social Services
Director of the Institute for the Study of Christian Social Services (DWI), Heidelberg University
Prof. Eurich worked for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Bochum before he became head of the Institute for the Study of Christian Social Services (DWI) in 2009. In his research he is in cooperation withuniversities in Europe and South Africa. He has been Chairman of the Board of Academic Advisors of the Institute for Social Sciences of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) since 2008, being member of the executive committee of the Institute as well. In 2009 he joined the Chamber for Social Order of the EKD. In 2011 he was appointed as guest professor for practical theology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
His publications include: „Diakonie in der Sozialökonomie. Studien zu Folgen der neuen Wohlfahrtspolitik" (VDWI 47). Leipzig 2013 (with Wolfgang Maaser); "Inklusive Kirche" (Behinderung - Theologie - Kirche. Band 1). Stuttgart 2011 (co-edited with Andreas Lob-Hüdepohl); "Kirchen aktiv gegen Armut und Ausgrenzung. Theologische Grundlagen und praktische Ansätze für Diakonie und Gemeinde" Stuttgart 2011 (co-edited with F. Barth, K. Baumann und G. Wegner). Prof. Eurich is Co-Editor of the international journal „Diaconia: Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice“ and the publication series „Veröffentlichungen des Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts", "Theologische Anstöße“ und „Behinderung – Theologie – Kirche“.
Department in FIIT
XIII. Theological Diaconical Studies and Sociological Research
Projects in the Framework of FIIT
- Potentials of Young and Old Age. An Interdisciplinary Research Project on the Social Possibilities of different Age Groups.
- Technological Compatibility of Networks in Ambulant Care of Patients who suffer Dementia
- Religion and Civil Societies
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69117 |
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