
Capella Carolina

G. Verdi: Messa da Requiem

  • Saturday, February 15, 2025, New Auditorium of Heidelberg University, Universitätsplatz
  • Sunday, February 16, 2025, 5 p.m., New Auditorium of Heidelberg University


More coming concerts & presales


Capella Carolina

Admission phase for the winter semester has ended. Exceptions can be arranged with the conductor by phone or e-mail. 

Camerata Carolina

Individual auditions by appointment. Registration by telephone or e-mail with the conductor required.


Capella Carolina

Thursdays 8-10 p.m., Large Chemistry Lecture Hall, INF 252 

Camerata Carolina

Tuesdays 8 pm - 10 pm, basement hall of the Max-Weber-Haus, ISZ, Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 17


Start of rehearsals WiSe 2024

Capella: September 12, 2024

Camerata: October 8, 2024

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This is an excerpt of the repertoire our choirs have acquired since 1993:


J. S. Bach

St John Passion
St Matthew Passion
Christmas Oratorio
Mass in b-minor
Vom Reiche Gottes (compiled by Hans Grischkat)

J. Brahms

A German Requiem

G. F. Händel


J. Haydn

The Seasons
The Seven Last Words of Christ
The Creation

F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy


W. A. Mozart

Requiem KV 626 (new version by R. Levin )
Händel's Messias in Mozart's arrangement KV 572

J. Rutter


C. Saint-Saëns

Oratorio de Noël

C. Orff

Carmina Burana


Masses and works with orchestra

J. S. Bach, cantatas:

Nr. 61, „Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland“
Nr. 106 Actus Tragicus
Nr. 140 „Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme“

M. A. Charpentier


A. Dvořák

Stabat Mater

G. F. Händel

Dettinger Tedeum

J. Haydn

Nelson Mass
Stabat Mater

W. A. Mozart

Great Mass c-minor KV 427
Coronation Mass KV 317
Spaur-Messe KV 257
Litaniae de Beata Mariae Virgine KV 109
Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento KV 243
Vesperae solennes de confessore KV 339
Great Mass c-moll KV 427 in the new version by R. Levin

F. Schubert

Mass Nr. 3 B-flat major
Mass Nr. 5 A-flat major

L. Bernstein

Chichester Psalms


A capella works and works with piano or organ acompaniment

J. S. Bach


S. Barber

Agnus Dei

J. Brahms

Fest- und Gedenksprüche
Liebeslieder- und Neue Liebesliederwalzer

A. Dvořák

Mass D-major op. 86

F. Liszt

Missa Choralis

F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Double-choir motets

R. Schumann

Missa sacra c-minor op. 147

S. Rachmaninov

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
All-Night Vigil

Lewandowski, Naumburg, Rose

Synagogal music


Thematic Programs

1+1=1. Motets for double chorus from Schütz to Reger
Mozart and his paragons
Mozart and his contemporarys

Bach und der Krebs im Bache

Music by the Bach family and J. L. Krebs

Sacral music from 5 centuries and 6 countries

Choir music of Leipzig

(Families Bach, Doles, Hauptmann, Krebs, Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Christmas music from England
Spanish and Latin American Christmas music
Christmas songs from around the mediterranean sea

Von Fernen Welten in uns

(Madrigals and songs from the 15th to the 20th century)

Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit

(Madrigals and songs from the 15th to the 20th century)


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Latest Revision: 2021-05-30
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