Lecture by Prof. Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay

We cordially invite to the lecture by Prof. Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay (Associate Professor, Economics & Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi Centre)) entitled

"Local Funds and Political Competition: Evidence from the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India"


Date: 27th October 2014

Venue: Room 509, South Asia Institute, INF 330 , 69120 Heidelberg

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.




The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in India is one of the largest public employment programs in the developing world. It was introduced by the central government led by Indian Na tional Congress (INC). While it s implementation is, in principle, based on demand for work from househol ds, we investigate how political competition affects intra district allocation of funds under the scheme. Using longitudinal data on funds allocated to blocks and elections held at the block level and addressing the issue of endogeneity by focusing on a su bsample of blocks which had close elections, we find that the funds allocated were 22 percent higher in blocks where the INC seat share was less than 39 percent in the previous elec tion. We provide a mechanism for the effect by showing that the results are only true when the MP of the district, a member of the body that approves the block fund allocation, is from INC.


About Prof. Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay​​

Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay's primary specialization is in micro-cconometric methods applied to topics in development economics. He has worked on issues related to health, education and labour in developing countries (especially India). Recent topics of research include economic effects of HIV-AIDS and Cancer, the impact of the distribution of human capital on growth,  the impact of better school infrastructure on rural schooling attendance, the politics of public policy and effects of public employment programs. He has published in journals like the Journal of Development Economics and Journal of Economic Inequality. He also contributes frequently to the Economic and Political Weekly which is a popular outlet for India-centric work. 


  • Abhiroop got his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University and is currently an associate professor at the Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi).
  • He is a recepient of the Ratan Tata Senior fellowship at the Institute of Economic Growth and a CNRS fellowship for post doctoral research at GREQAM.
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