Telephone Numbers
Other NIC phone numbers:
Room U04 (Huygens room: image analysis computers, access to the servers running the Huygens deconvolution program)
phone (06221) 54‑51434
Room U05 (office of Ulrike Engel)
phone (06221) 54‑5652
Room U13 (SMZ25 zoom microscope)
phone (06221) 54‑51392
Room U14 (LaVision Biotech TriM Scope multi photon microscope)
phone (06221) 54‑51393
Room U15 (VoX-Ti spinning disk confocal, Nikon TIRF microscope, Ni-E upright widefield microscope and InVi SPIM)
phone (06221) 54‑51394
Room U29 (Ti-Crest X-Light V3 spinning disk, Nikon N-SIM, Nikon Ti-HCS)
phone (06221) 54‑51421
Room U30 (LaVision Biotech UltraMicroscope II light sheet microscope, office of Nicolas Dross)
phone (06221) 54‑51390
Room U35 (office of Christian Ackermann)
phone (06221) 54‑51443
Room U36 (A1r confocal and AX confocal)
phone (06221) 54‑51425