"Greifbares Glück" - Evaluation of the use of tovertables
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. phil. Eric Schmitt, Dr. phil Sebastian Ritzi
Projektkoordination: Anna Kiefer
Gefördert durch: Dietmar-Hopp-Stiftung
Project Description:
Due to demographic change, people in Germany are getting older and older, which is also associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. There are currently around 1.8 million people living with dementia in Germany, and projections indicate that there will be 139 million people with dementia worldwide by 2050.
Society is not only faced with the challenge of counteracting the care crisis and ensuring needs-based care for people with dementia, but also of sustainably improving and activating their quality of life and well-being.
The use of a Tovertafel (magic table) is intended to make people with dementia more active, to stimulate their cognitive abilities and to promote social interaction with each other. In doing so, the instrument represents an innovative and digital activation option for people with dementia.
The Dietmar Hopp Foundation has therefore gifted 100 care facilities in the region with a Tovertafel between 2021 and 2022.
In cooperation with the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, the Institute of Gerontology is now evaluating the use of the Tovertafel in the donated facilities. The aim is to investigate how the Tovertables are used in the facilities, what effects they have on the players and carers and to what extent the use of the Tovertables results in opportunities and challenges for the facility.