Dunya Wasella




Student Assistant
Department of Political Science, 
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Voßstr. 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

     Room: 24, 1st floor
     Tel.: +49 6221 5415293
     Email: waselladunya@gmail.com
     Office Hours:
Monday:          9 am - 1 pm
Wednesday:    9 am - 1 pm
Thursday:        9 am - 1 pm

Short Bio-data

Dunya Wasella is currently enrolled in two bachelor's degrees: one in Modern South Asian languages (BA South Asian Studies) and one in Political Science (BA). She is a recipient of the Villigst scholarship. Ms. Wasella is interested in comparative politics, political theory, modern religions as well as Hindi and Urdu literature.

In the past, she has done an exchange school year in India, where she studied at Oakridge International School, Vizag. After finishing her Abitur at the LGH Schwäbisch Gmünd, she moved back to India to teach in a rural school in the small town of Hunsur. Additionally, she pursued a three-months hospitation in Islamabad at the HSF Pakistan. Between February and April 2023, Ms. Wasella is going to do an internship at the German Consulate in Mumbai.

Cv 1

Publications And Research 1

Seitenbearbeiter: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 14.06.2023
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